

Zara is an army soldier. During the world war 3, all the soldier turned into cyborg. Zara is finding a way to turn into human again but he detects something suspicious. Now the journey begin for Zara and his Rebel group.

smit2411 · Sci-fi
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3 Chs


नैनं छिन्दन्ति शस्त्राणि नैनं दहति पावक: |

न चैनं क्लेदयन्त्यापो न शोषयति मारुत: 

Weapons cannot shred the soul, nor can fire burn it. Water cannot wet it, nor can the wind dry it.

This is not the first time the world has seen such a scene. This is just the beginning of World War 3.

Whenever there has been war, the balance has been shaken. So many innocent people, animals, and birds are killed. So many people's homes are destroyed.

Russia had set foot on American soil.

In the early hours of a bitter morning, the world woke to the unthinkable—Russia had declared war on America. The announcement echoed through the halls of power in Washington, D.C., setting off a chain reaction of frantic preparations and grim resolve.


President Jonathan Hayes stood before the nation, his voice steady despite the gravity of his words. "Fellow Americans, we find ourselves in the midst of a conflict forced upon us. We will defend our homeland with every ounce of strength and courage we possess."


Across the country, military bases buzzed with activity. Soldiers scrambled to their posts, jets roared into the sky, and ships set sail from ports along the East and West Coasts. Among them was Captain Murphy Walker, a seasoned fighter pilot, ready to lead his squadron into battle.


As Murphy climbed into his cockpit, he exchanged a nod with his wingman, Lieutenant Zara

Davidson. "Here we go, Davidson," he said over the radio. "Let's show them what we're made of."


The mission was clear: intercept and neutralize incoming Russian bombers before they could reach strategic targets. Over the frigid waters of the North Atlantic, Murphy's squadron engaged the enemy in a deadly dance of aerial combat. Bullets streaked through the sky, missiles launched and exploded, and the roar of engines filled the air.


"Bandit at 3 o'clock!" Zara shouted, banking sharply to evade incoming fire. Murphy spotted the enemy aircraft closing in fast. With nerves of steel, he lined up his shot and squeezed the trigger. The Russian bomber erupted in flames, spiraling down into the icy ocean below.


But the battle was far from over. Back on American soil, ground forces clashed with Russian troops in fierce skirmishes across the Alaskan wilderness and the forests of the Pacific Northwest. In the heart of New York City, urban warfare erupted as Russian special forces attempted to infiltrate and sabotage vital infrastructure.


General Robert Jackson, commander of U.S. forces on the West Coast, surveyed the battlefield from his command center. "Hold the line, men!" he barked into his radio. "We will not yield an inch to these aggressors!"


Amidst the chaos, diplomatic efforts continued, albeit strained and tense. Allies rallied to America's side, offering support and solidarity in the face of a global conflict that threatened to engulf the world. The United Nations convened emergency sessions, calling for an immediate ceasefire and peaceful resolution.


But for now, the fate of nations hung in the balance, decided by the courage and sacrifice of those on the front lines. As the sun set on another day of battle, Murphy and his squadron returned to base, weary but determined.


"We held them off today," Zara said, clapping Murphy on the shoulder. "And we'll do it again tomorrow."


Zara nodded, a grim smile crossing his face. "We've got a long road ahead, but America will prevail. Count on it."


And so, under the shadow of war, a nation united in defiance, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. For in the crucible of conflict, heroes are forged, and the spirit of freedom burns bright.


The battle for America had only just begun.


Days turned into weeks as the war between Russia and America raged on. The initial shock of Russia's declaration had given way to a hardened determination among American forces. Every corner of the country became a battleground, from the sprawling cities to the rugged mountains and desolate plains.


In the frozen expanse of Alaska, Colonel Jameson led a daring counteroffensive against Russian troops attempting to seize key military installations. His unit, battered but unbroken, fought tooth and nail in the unforgiving terrain.


"Steady, men! Hold your positions!" Linda's voice crackled over the radio as gunfire echoed through the snow-covered valley. Bullets whizzed by, kicking up snow and ice. The Russians, emboldened by early gains, pressed their attack with relentless fervor.


But the Americans were prepared. Artillery thundered in the distance, sending plumes of snow into the air as shells found their mark. In the midst of the chaos, Kommy spotted movement to their flank.


"Incoming, Captain! They're trying to flank us!" Kommy shouted, his breath visible in the cold air. Jameson cursed under his breath, quickly assessing the situation. With swift precision, he ordered half his forces to hold the line while the rest maneuvered to counter the flanking maneuver.


"Fire at will!" Murphy commanded, his voice carrying over the din of battle. The Americans unleashed a barrage of gunfire, forcing the Russians into a desperate retreat. With each step, they regained ground lost in the initial onslaught.


Meanwhile, on the East Coast, Admiral Col. Simmons commanded a naval task force tasked with securing vital shipping lanes and defending coastal cities from naval incursions. Her flagship, the USS Freedom, cut through the waves like a knife, escorting convoys of supply ships and engaging Russian warships attempting to blockade ports.


"Prepare to engage enemy vessels," Zara ordered, his voice calm and authoritative. The crew responded with practiced efficiency, loading missiles and readying cannons. Across the horizon, the Russian fleet loomed ominously, their intentions clear.


"Fire at designated targets," Zara ordered. The USS Freedom unleashed a salvo of missiles, streaking across the sky towards their targets with deadly accuracy. Explosions erupted as Russian ships were hit, listing and sinking beneath the waves.


But the Russians were determined adversaries, launching their own counterattacks with ferocity. Torpedoes streaked towards the USS Freedom, forcing evasive maneuvers as sailors scrambled to maintain control.


"We're hit, but holding steady," Zara reported, his eyes fixed on the tactical display. The battle raged on, a deadly ballet of steel and fire, each side vying for control of the seas.


Back in Washington, D.C., President Hayes addressed the nation once more, his voice resolute. "We will not falter in the face of aggression," he declared, his words echoing across the country. "America will prevail, no matter the cost."


The tide of battle began to turn in America's favor. Strategic victories on land, sea, and air bolstered morale and dealt significant blows to Russian forces. Allies continued to provide crucial support, bolstering American defenses and providing intelligence that turned the tide of key engagements.


But amidst the victories, the toll of war was felt deeply. Cities lay in ruins, families displaced, and the scars of conflict etched into the landscape. Yet through it all, the spirit of resilience burned brightly in the hearts of every American.


Suddenly a missile comes, tearing through the clouds. Zara sees the missile shining in the sky.


"A missile is coming this way, Captain."


Zara is unable to think anything, but her body reacts.

Do something, Zara; otherwise, all your comrades will die. Me, the captain, the Rebel group, the American army—everyone will die; everything will be finished.


Zara quickly goes to a tall building. He aims at the missile with the Pulsar gun. And fires the gun. There is a big explosion. Everyone is watching this. It seemed as if America was winning this war.


The missile looked like Yamraj coming from hell. When a man confronts death, time stands still and the essence of life becomes painfully clear. In that fleeting moment, fear and clarity collide, revealing the fragile beauty of existence.


Zara is taking her last breaths.


After 3 Hours


Something very bright is seen in the sky. The American Air Force tries to locate it.


'This is a very big missile, Colonel' Linda panics and says over the radio.


'A…Mi…Missile?' Murphy asks.


Just then the missile explodes in the air and there is smoke everywhere. This smoke slowly comes into contact with the American soldiers. Some soldiers turn into horrible zombies because of this smoke.


Will Russia's secret weapon be the end of America?