
The Garett sisters

We are not bounty hunters we are bounty of justice, we teach law, and train law

Rashidacarter230 · LGBT+
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273 Chs

chapter xviii

dinner time

" did you say cherry swirl cake? That it you are carrying my my little brother? Said. West " sister West she having a gal , you both have daughters and daughters-in-laws that can take over so you can get off your feet, said. Cora," cute where was that when we were trying to teach you all how to be in the kitchen, how come you know what I having before I do,said. Jessie, " wasn't interested in being in the kitchen mother, didn't you and Aunt Jordan said when it's a boy there pain and when it's no pain it's a gal? Asked. Chessie, " wait so you said I gave you pains?" It's okay son mommy knew once there was pain she was having pernicious baby boys, who the great loves in my life? Asked. Jessie, " me and my bothers, said. Weston," and who is the queens in my life? She asked Cora, " me and my sisters, answered. Cora, Thomas and Hank walked in they walked in the kitchen after cleaning up Kendell and Rayne, "we ready for our food mommy, said, Thomas. " we are ready for mothers milk and our food, said. Hank, they put some into baby bowls and mesh and mix it together, " enjoy my daughter when you down I'll give you milk bottle of mother's milk, said. Jessie, " ea up, guys stop playing in the water, " did she just say that to us, said. Clayton, they sat down at the table and getting to feed them, " come in eat, you all acting like when you were four and five and didn't want what we fix, said. Jessie, they walked into the kitchen and sat down at the tables, " did I hear cherry swirl cake, oh Daen you are in a treat, said, Jayden, " you about to eat good and western cooking, mom and Aunt Jessie are the best cooks, they help everyone plates, " we had to learn on our own how to become mothers how to cook, this guy we be cutting back on, we got plenty of leftover in the freezer to be eating, said. Jordan, " how to sew your clothes make your toys how to tend a farm and animals, we called us mother wolves to protect you and our home, say grace before you eat Warren and Warner, they look at them, they all blessed the food and start to eat, the spring Badgers is out eating and drinking, going out the snake barrels sniff the air for prey, are the spring Messasaugas, Tom, Lee, and Duke stop eating," eat your dinner boys, said. Rico," grandma? they called her, "yes, Tom, Lee, and Duke, answered. Jessie, Jessie, know why they called her," boys you are safe, the animal cows, pigs, ducks and hens, and horses are safe, like us all things have a right to eat, said. Jessie, " mm, Mrs. Garrett you know how to when a man's heart, could you give me another helping? asked, Hank. he wipe Kendell's mouth, " what you say kiddos about mommy and Aunt Jordan's food? asked, Hank, she help his plate again, Kendell looked full and pleased, " baby you stuff? Hank rubs her tummy and she burped, they laughed, " sis that says it all, oh mommy that was good, said, Jessup. " son you haven't called me that and ages, I glade you enjoy, said, Jessie, " can I have another to Mrs.Garrett man you already won my heart, what you say, kids, said. Thomas, Thomas, wipes her mouth too, she yawned out, " sis that say mom knows how to fill a tummy, said. Asher, after they finished eating and cleaning the house, they locket the outside door and walked into the sitting room to relax before dessert, Thomas and Hank set a fire in the fireplace, Jordan and Jessie closed the door and sat down, and the grandkids pass out on the floor, their kids are resting, " that was treating mom, said. Hank, " thank you, now gals we off our feet resting, said, Jessie. Jessie closed her eyes for a few minutes, " you worry over us too much, ain't it the parent's job to worry our their kids, not the other way around? asked, Jordan, " we have the coolest grandmothers, said. Sally, "Yep can I ask you something Grandma Henry, Jessie opened her eyes and looked at, " course Henry, she told him, " that day you was heated where you okay? asked. Henry, " she kicked her own father in his middle and Aunt Jordan hit him, said. Warren, " Warren how many times do they have to tell you that he deserves it, and he is not their father? asked. Tammy, "I ask you a question Warren? asked, Jessie. " we not play twenty questions I didn't ask a personal, he protested, "son I not going to ask a personal question it's all of you, we been dying to ask no offense, Hank, said, Jessie. " from the start when you all meet your fathers from the first what was going through your mind? asked, Jordan. " you all can answer, or whoever we just curious. said, Jessie, "When Mom met Dad mixed feelings aroused in me, I just wanted to know why they picked to do what they wanted and not us, but I saw how he loves you and begged to take you to take him back, I there was a glimpse of hope that we have a mother and father, you and Aunt Jordan was awesome, said. Teeno, "When you told us you were in Salt City decreed them we were happy, but they weren't, I have never seen anyone beg you to come back to them, and it hit home you and dad belong together, don't get it wrong we still the only man in your lives mom and Aunt Jessie said. Frankie, they answered for their brothers and sisters, after letting the food settle down in their stomachs, Jessie and Jordan walked into the kitchen, " watched you, little sisters, Thomas and Hank asked them, they walked into the kitchen, " Mrs. Garrett the mother four sons and daughters go rest, please we bring the cake and milk in, said. Hank, "You have been on your feet too much, size you are about due to having our sons, they kissed their husbands, " maybe tonight, said. Jessie, " now you making me nervous, he told her, " how we don't control when our children decide to be born, said. Jordan, "Still nervous, Mrs. Garrett, you both telling your husbands tonight you be ready to deliver, said. Thomas, they walked into the room handed out cake and mother milk, and rea to everyone, " Yes, or it could be tomorrow morning who knows when they are coming, said, Jordan. after they finished eating their desserts and drinking they took the saucers and cups washed and put them on the towel to dry, they put out the fireplace and went to bed, it stopped raining but everything is halfway under water, as the skies clear for the night,

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