
The Garett sisters

We are not bounty hunters we are bounty of justice, we teach law, and train law

Rashidacarter230 · LGBT+
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273 Chs

chapter xix

Time to train

Marco and Josie in Freedom town to see how the people are doing when the mayor is in a shambles because two cowboys are drunk and fighting over a saloon gal, and while they doing that. They are meeting Thomas and Hank's parents, meanwhile back at the homestead, after giving birth to their sons Joseph and Randolph. Their sons and daughters are fast asleep in their bassinets, Jordan and Jessie are up in the kitchen cleaning when Tiffany and Tonia walked into the room . " mom you and Aunt Jessie just had a baby, do think that you both need to rest? Asked, Tonia. " you have daughters and daughter-in-law that can help out again, don't make me call dad, said. Tiffany, " gals your mothers have been doing this since when you were born, said. Jessie, " stop your worrying before you get grey hair. Said, Jordan. Back in freedom town, after they talked with them, they walked into the telegram office to send a message to the homestead. " do you have any pictures of them, why did they send us a telegram saying they are getting married? Asked. Mrs. Garrett, " that you have to ask them, they just got back together a few months, and all four are doing good, he pull out his 10pocket watch, Tammy walked into the kitchen with a telegram, " mom and aunt Jordan telegram from uncle Marco or grandpa. They look at her and said. Both, Jessie reads the telegram: dear my queens, we are in Freedom town see how the people are doing....stop.....

The mayor needs you to break up a bar fight he said he was willing to pay $600..... Plus we just met with Thomas and Hank's parents, tell your husbands to come to meet with their parents... Stop... They didn't even know they got married to you, see you soon love dad and mom. " Hank looks like we don't have a chance to have lunch with our beloved parents, said. Thomas, " we hold off with them meeting our families. Said, Hank. They got on their horses and carriage and left, heading east to Freedom, Kendell and Rayne woke up crying. They are hungry, " I know the feeling, said. Warren, " we get breakfast in town, so who wants to do the bar fight? Jordan and Jessie pull out their milk bottles and hand them to Thomas and Hank, they begin to feed them. As they made their way through the soaking wet grass and sand lands, Francesca and Savannah volunteer to do it, meanwhile in the town. " they are gorgeous I bet their parents had a hard time keeping the boy's way. Said? Mr. Garrett, "I never had any boy troubles, their mother died when they were very young, and their Father abandoned them before Sue die she knew that he wasn't going to stay and take care of the gals, I told her I take them in and raised them as my own. Said, Marco, they ride into town, and the marshal walked out of the law office, " new marshal time to teach him the voice of reason boys, said. Jessie, they ride over to the office, as they ride up to them, they got off their horses, and Jordan and Jessie take both bassinets from them. As they got out of the carriage, " okay my little judges go with mommy, daddy will see you soon, kids see you later, Mrs. Garrett, my wonderful wife of Twenty-three years, I love you thank you for taking me back, said. Hank, " you are most welcome mr. Garrett, I love you too, remember there is no third chance. They kissed each other," believe us we are all about the family, and we have no idea of messing up or letting you go again Mrs. Garrett, my little ones see you at the inn go with mommy, said. Thomas, " we know you about the family, said. Jordan, all four kissed each and they walked into the saloon, Marco and Josie went with them basically to see the new little ones, "Mother and father have you had breakfast yet? Asked. Thomas, "You got beautiful wives, sons, no we glade you came, said. Their mother, "Thank you, they are the queens of our hearts, please. Said, Hank. They walked into the diners, and two cowboys were heavily fighting each other . " gals you up. Said, Jordan. Francesca walked up to one of the cowboys, " put the chair down and try to talk it out, Francesca said with the voice of reason, he put the chair down and sat down, Marco and Josie walked inside the saloon, " give us those bassinets, said, Marco. Marco took the bassinets from them and picked up the babies, "Have a seat and work out your difference as a grow-up. said. Savannah, he sat down and they began to talk, they clapped, "Well done gals, and remember with the right words used in a sentence can be successful you can talk with them continuously, said. Jordan, "What are my new grand boy's names, and how many does this make? asked, Marco. " their names are Joseph and Randolph, answered. Jordan and Jessie, "Hi Joseph and Randolph, said. Josie, Joseph, and Randolph, smiled and giggled, " number twenty-four, answer Jordan and Jessie, they walked out of the saloon, walked into the diner, and saloon at the tables, and order food, " we not will them because they beautiful mom, we with them because they complete us, said, Thomas, " no thank you, dad, don't get married or have a family climb, we miss out on our oldest kids, said. Hank, " I just want you to go farther like supreme, " yeah being supreme you are not allowed to have a family, no wife or kids, there are surfaces that have to be made, a middle-aged man happy married with twenty-four kids I am madly in love with my wife, be supreme can make me this happy, now is not the good time to me our families, excuse me I am going to have breakfast with my wife and kids, said. Thomas, " same here when we are ready we send you a telegram, said. Hank, they got up and went to join their families,

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