
The Gamer (SI)

Damien is a young and intelligent guy who gets the Gamer System. I honestly don't know where I'm going with it. I may make him go to a few worlds I'm vaguely familiar with, adapt to that power system, and maybe touch on what it means to be a gamer. Are you a slave to the system? Or is it your power? Who knows?

subarashi · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

The Fight

Current stats:

[Name: Damien Thanatos Borson

Job: The Gamer

Level: LV 6

Title: Young Genius

HP: 200/200

MP: 150/150

STR: 15 (Muscle Strength)

VIT: 20 (HP, HP Regen, and Resistance) (+5)

DEX: 25 (Increases Reaction time and the ability to make Precise Movements) (+5)

INT: 10 (Processing Power and MP)

WIS: 12 (Problem Solving and MP Regen)[AN: Fixed it ;)]

LUK: 10 (Greater Probability of encountering Lucky Events, either good or bad)

Elemental Affinities:


Points: 0

Money: $69.69]


A long screech was produced from a large metal door. Emerging from the door, Damien looked around with curious eyes. Most would show some signs of fear or nervousness, but he clearly had no such weaknesses. He explored the wide, open cave filled with different kinds of debris and a few scattered skeletons.

Frowning, Damien realized that there was no stash to take from before a boss battle as goes the cliché. No new weapons to help him. Sighing, he began approaching a giant stone alter. There were cracks running throughout, and some places had caved in, letting nature retake the man-made construction.

The only thing adorning the the slab of stone was a ridiculously tall thrown in the middle, towering over him. it seemed to be carved from a pre-existing stone pillar.

Sitting on the tall thrown was the familiar sight, a draugr. However, this one was very clearly different from the rest. Atop his head and surrounding his gray, cracked face was a decaying metal helmet with ram-like horns decorating its sides.

As Damien approached, the draugr's empty eye sockets roused to life with a sharp blue glow, its eyes not betraying its intent to be rid of the intruder.

Straightening its back, head glued to the backrest of its grand thrown, it slowly utter 3 words.


A blue wave of energy lit up the dark cavern, bringing with it an unstoppable force. Damien, not expecting such a turn of events in a mere tutorial, readied himself as it was too late to dodge.


He was sent into a series of backward summersaults until he hit the hard rock of the cavern walls.

"Shit..." Damien swore.

Pov: Damien

"Shit..." This sucks.

[Bonus Mission: Failed!]

I can't believe I made such a rookie mistake. I didn't think they it would have the ability to shout. Well, it doesn't matter for now, I have a fight to win.

The draugr grinned at him cockily with the few teeth it had.

"You little bastard..."

Now then, what to do? It has long range abilities that I don't yet have to, I'll have to get in close somehow.

Not wasting time, I sprinted towards it, I only have a 30 second window at most before it can shout again.

Seeing me running towards it, it stood up and grabbed its old and decaying great sword in a reverse grip, dragging the blade on the ground behind it. Arrogance was palpable in its body language.

I sprinted towards the arrogant undead with a calm heart, Gamer's Mind doing its work to calm my anger. Pixel like particles began swirling around my right hand, putting itself together like an elaborate puzzle in the form of a dilapidated sword. Holding it at the ready, I run up the stairs, and prepare myself for a swing. Before I could attack, however, the bastard swung his sword in an almost lazy manner, making me have to tilt my head backwards. His sword cutting off a some of my hair. 

I end up losing balance due to the sudden bout and somehow duck under its second, more devastating swing. The hairs on the back of my neck rise along with my climbing levels of adrenaline. This is getting dangerous, but I can't let him hit me with another shout. 

Regaining my balance, I swing my sword at him at full force! 


3rd POV

Blocked! The fight goes back and forth from this point. Dodge, block, parry, block. 


Damien gets punched in the face and sent rolling across the stone floor. Nose bleeding and bruises visible on his arms. 

"This isn't working..." he mutters to himself, looking around the room since the undead sees fit to give his opponent all the time in the world. 

Scanning the environment, his eyes stop at a certain point. He smiles and grins towards his opponent with new found fervor. 

"Come at me bitch!" he yells while wiping the blood trailing down his face. 

At the sudden challenge, the draugr grins right back, and rights its Great sword in a proper stance. Charging full speed ahead!

Damien, taken aback by its speed, quickly readies himself, angling his back toward the stone carved throne. 


The sword wiped past him as he desperately dodged, waiting for the right moment. Bout after bout, swing after swing, Damien is barely holding out. Then, he hears the word he was waiting for...

"Fus...!" the draugr started. 

At that moment, Damien swung his sword at its vulnerable legs, lodging it between its quad and kneecap. 

"Ro DAH!" it finished just as he rolled out of the way. 

The blue pulse of pure force assailed the stone pillar above the throne. 


The pillar begins to crack, spiderwebs of cracks, spread all the way to the cave ceiling. The undead, seeing this, attempts to move, but to no avail. It looks down at its unfeeling leg and grins. It knows what's to come. 


Boulders begin to fall bit by bit until until the pillar begins its inevitable decent. Instead of panicking or trying to move, it simply looks toward the young man he had his final bout with and gives him a soft smile.

"Valhalla awaits..."


It crushes him.

POV Damien

"Hah...Hah...Hah...damn that was intense. Shit! I need to get out of here!" he says as a giant rock almost assails him. 

He looks around, trying to find a closer exit than the way he came, as it was too far. However, he then sees a chest behind the crumbled throne. 

"LOOOOOOT!" I run towards it and opens the ornate chest. 

All that was inside was a potato sack and...a cheese wheel? What the hell!

*Bang!* another boulder falls. 

"No time to complain! Gotta go!" I yell as I store the two objects in my inventory. They pixilate and disappear. 

I see another cave entrance on the opposite side of the cavern from the entrance. I book it as fast as I can before I get crushed. I keep running and running, even as I exit the boss chamber. Rays of sunlight can finally be seen at the end of the tunnel, I quicken my pace. 

At the very end, I get tripped up by a loose stone and fall on my face, making the waning nose bleed show its ugly head again as it drips on the wood floor of my...room? When did I get back here?

Looking around, I'm now back in my dorm, as if everything was an illusion. 







AN: Hello, I'm back now, I'll try to get more chapters out soon. Thank you for reading btw, good to know there's people out there that can enjoy these dumpster fire stories as much as I do. 

Another Note: I didn't feel like editing since I'm starting on the next chapter sooooo...you get the idea. ;)