
The Gamer (SI)

Damien is a young and intelligent guy who gets the Gamer System. I honestly don't know where I'm going with it. I may make him go to a few worlds I'm vaguely familiar with, adapt to that power system, and maybe touch on what it means to be a gamer. Are you a slave to the system? Or is it your power? Who knows?

subarashi · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Readjusting and Plans for the Future

"oof..." I plop down in bed. 

That was rough, incredibly rough. I mean, I don't know what I expected. I have no prior training, not even one of those parking lot karate classes (I've taken a karate class in a church parking lot before, weird experience).

I want to sleep immediately, but I should check my stats first...

[Name: Damien Thanatos Borson

Job: The Gamer

Level: LV 9 (+3)

Title: Young Genius

HP: 200/200

MP: 150/150


STR: 15 (Muscle Strength)

VIT: 20 (HP, HP Regen, and Resistance) 

DEX: 25 (Increases Reaction time and the ability to make Precise Movements) 

INT: 10 (Processing Power and MP)

WIS: 12 (Problem Solving and MP Regen)

LUK: 10 (Greater Probability of encountering Lucky Events, either good or bad)


Elemental Affinities:



Points: 30

Money: $169.69]

Sweet, three level ups. I really don't know what to do with these points at the moment...well, I know what I have to do...I just don't know if I have the strength to do it! 

Luck, that sweet little stat tucked away in the bottom of my status page, calls to me. From its description, I know its probably a bad idea, but at the same time, it could mean everything. In the end, its a gamble. Its the only stat that I truly can't predict what it will do. I mean, will I get into a plane crash then find The One Piece afterwards, or will I just end up stranded on point nemo? 

It seems to work differently in reality than it said in the wiki, where increasing your luck meant you got well, lucky. Now it seems to be one big gamble. Dammit! Its so tempting!

My right hand reaches to allocate the points but my left intervenes, holding it back. 

"NO! Don't give in to the dark side! I don't care if they have cookies!" I yell at no one. 


[Quest: Complete The Tutorial Dungeon



-Kill all of the Draugr(Non-lore accurate) within  (Complete)

-Loot all of the chests (Complete)

-Kill the Weakened Draugr Deathlord(Non-lore accurate) (Complete)

-Bonus: Complete the dungeon without taking damage from enemies (Failed)

Reward: The skills ID Create and ID Escape


Bonus Reward: Randomly Generated Skill Book]

"Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie!" I mutter like a gremlin. 

[ID Create LV 1

Description: Gives the Gamer the ability to create Instant Dungeons. A separate, mirrored, reality of our own that can be manipulated at different magnitudes according to skill level.

Current Dungeons Available:

- Blank Dungeon(Recommended LV: 1)

- Draugr Dungeon(Recommended LV: 5)

MP Cost: Varies]

[ID Escape LV 1

Description: Gives the Gamer the ability to escape Instant Dungeons. 

MP Cost: NONE]

"Mmmm, you love to see it."

Just as I was about to try my new abilities, the sweet embrace of sleep encompasses my heavy head. Pulling me into a dreamless slumber.

(A skipped class and a night later)

[All mental and physical ailments cured]

[Notice: You are almost dehydrated, please drink water soon.]

The system notifications barley register in my drowsy state. My lips are stuck together from how dry they are, and one of my pant legs is rolled up to my knee. 

"Gad-damn, I haven't slept that good in a minute..." I eek out through an ongoing yawn. 

Walking over to my mini-fridge, making sure to dodge the small puddle of dried blood from my fall. I lick my sand-paper like lips to wet them only to find the taste of Iron in my mouth. 

"...I need a shower..." 

[Daily water intake: 3 of 6 bottles]

[Daily Macronutrients: Carbs: 25g, Fats: 3g, Proteins: 10g, Other: 2g](Estimates)

After stuffing my face with the most delicious sandwich I've ever eaten and using the system to intake a few water bottles, I jump in the shower. 

After getting dressed in some comfy knee length gym shorts, a solid evergreen color shirt, and throwing on my shoes, I check the time on my phone. Its barley 7AM...

Now what? My first class isn't until 9:30, so I have a little time to kill. 

[Notice: New Daily quest available!]

[One-Punch Man Challenge!

- 0/100 push-ups

- 0/100 squats

- 0/100 sit-ups

- 0km/10km run

Reward: +1 Stat Point

Failure: Stay weak scrub] 

(AN: Its a Gamer Fic Classic)(AN: Also, I have more novels that I've started that have 7k and 13k words respectively, let me know if you want me to post them.)

"Humph, trying to taunt me I see...Well it worked! Who's weak huh?!" 

Immediately, I plop to the ground and start doing push-ups. It was pretty easy for the first 50 or so, most likely due to the extra 5 points in strength. After 60, I started to feel the burn, after 80...I was barely getting off the ground.

By 90, my arms were already dead and my reps no longer counted towards the push-up count, so I started on sit-ups so I could lay down. I finished the sit-ups with much less effort, still hurts, but I could do it. 

After the squats, I basically fell back into push-up position. The last five push-ups felt like an eternity to my dead arms. 

[Str +1]

"Hah...hah...Why...hah...am I...so out of shape!" 

[Daily water intake: 6 of 6 bottles]

Hmm, so it takes about 30 min for my body to completely recover from a workout. Though, I have a feeling that will change as I raise my Vitality. 

There still plenty of time left before class, so lets finish that run. I'm so on point and productive today. Usually I would be knee deep in a newly discovered hobby or getting lost in a Y**Tube rabbit hole. Did The system cure my ADHD? I'm getting off track. Its time to run. 

Its pretty normal to run around this time in the morning. I see plenty of other early morning runners while circling the semi-large campus. Well, not that it needs to be large anyway considering this university only accepts 100 applicants per semester. 

[Notice: Daily quest complete, +1 stat point]

"Hoo, time to get ready for class. Physics is my 9:30 today I think?"

After a quick cold shower to get the sweat off, I put on jeans and a Spy x Family shirt starring Yor in her Thorn Princess outfit. 

Leaving my dorm, I begin my commute to class as per usual. Gaining the system really hasn't affected my day to day very much, but that's to be expected. It's not like I instantly gained any otherworldly or god-like abilities (although I now have the potential to do so). 

I see something in the corner of my eye that pulls me out of my thoughts. Doing a double take, I look again just to make sure I'm seeing what I think I'm seeing. 

Its a girl, pretty average looking by all accounts. She's a wheel chair which isn't alarming in any sense, its what she's holding. A black leather leash leading to the boy pushing her wheel chair that's connected to a spiked collar. He also happened to be wearing pink and white cat ears. (AN: IRL story btw)

Well, I didn't know that my brain would be assaulted like this today but here we are.

Wishing I could wash my eyes with bleach, I continue to class. 

(A few hours later) 

Class was pretty uneventful other than the professor calling me out for missing class these last few days. Sarcastically saying, "I guess the 'Young Genius' himself doesn't need to come to class eh?" Annoying, but nothing out of the ordinary considering I'm a few years younger than everyone else in the class.

Plopping back down on my bed, my thoughts wander yet again. 

My plans for the future have changed dramatically since yesterday. Well, I say "plans," it was more like an asperation really. I wanted to go into particle physics research, specifically, experimenting with anti-matter as a possible new energy source. 

I still plan on doing just that, but now there's an extra layer added called The Gamer. Really, it just turned my long term goals into more short term ones.

For one, the Gamer's learning capabilities are completely broken. I can learn everything there is to know about my field of study in a matter of weeks, much less years.

I've still yet to test the limits of the system, but if I can harness even a fraction of the system's power, I could be standing at the top of the world by next week. I'm exaggerating, but its scary to even think that its plausible. 

I guess my next course of action will be to raise my "trainable" stats as much as possible. Priority number two will be heading to the library and find as many skill books as possible. More specifically, memorization skills and physical skills found in the Kinesiology section. 

I probably won't be touching the draugr dungeon for next week or two, or until I'm confident in running away if anything goes wrong. I'm not sure if there's a respawn mechanic in the Gamer system, but I don't want to test it either. 

Lastly, again, why was I given the system? I need to find this out so I can plan accordingly. I can't prepare for every scenario known to man, I'm not Batman.

But I can employ the tactics of a certain Cautious Hero. 

For now, I will focus on my short term goals and gain a bit of ground to walk on. 

[You have Obtained the skill: Planning]

[Planning LV 1

Description: The ability to plan your future moves around possible future scenarios. Higher levels lead to greater foresight.]

"Now then, lets get to work." 




(AN: Hi there, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Let me know if there's anything that you want explained in more in-depth. )