
The Game of the Worlds

A young man was living with his parents at the edge of a forest. Their life was quiet and peaceful. But one day, catastrophe struck them. A vessel of unknown origins descended on the small family. What happened next, no one knew. The boy awoke in a mysterious land, with high tech and mystical stuff all around him. He was no longer on earth. However, he is accompanied by a strange new system that makes him stronger, and some ghost or something that can change shape. He is the only one who can see this being at first. Now he has to embark on a journey to find his parents, and to figure out the limit of this new system. Join Lance on his journey through the stars. Help him find his parents and get back home. He's gonna need all the help he can get.

Renegade_Gamer · Games
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128 Chs

15. My Luck Is The Worse.

"We're running out of options quickly Lance. You need to choose, flee or fight." Vixen was glaring at the old wolf. She would prefer if Lance fled, but she doubts he will.

"I know already." 'Rush!' He made his choice, he wants to see if he can beat this beast. He charges under the beast, slicing its belly as he jumps by its throat, and cuts it deeply. "Sigh, This guy is tough." A stream of 2's appeared when Lance cut through its belly, and a 25 popped up at its throat. "But he's beatable."

Lance stopped for a little too long, and the wolf didn't waste its chance. It swiped at Lance with its big claw, hitting him hard and sending him into a tree.

*Boom. Crack.*

"Oof, Ouch!" Lance hit the ground pretty hard. The tree he flew into was falling from the impact. He started rubbing his a*s as he looked at his health to see how much damage he took. "10?!" His eyes grew wide, then he started to smile, "We can do this Vix!"

"I don't know Lance! Are you sure?"

"Positive!" He hopped to his feet and gripped the hilt tighter. "My first boss, and he's all mine too!" He was singularly focused on his opponent. He will beat it at all costs. He has a bunch of healing potions, and he had knowledge on his side.


The old wolf was making its way to Lance to strike him down again. But before he had a chance, the little human appeared beneath it. Lance cut the back of the wolf's front legs, making it fall to the ground, and without missing a beat, Lance started attacking the poor old wolf repeatedly.


The familiar sound of the system chimed.


New Skill Unlock:

Flurry (1/5)

Attack a single target consecutively to acquire a new skill.

Progress: 11/100

Skill Description: Hit your opponent 5 to 6 times consecutively doing 70% damage on each strike.


New Objective!

Defeat the Alpha Male Saber Wolf!


Experience: 1000

UAC: 600

+1 Potential point

1 Alpha Wolf Hide (Uncommon)

2-6 Alpha Wolf Fangs (Uncommon)


"A new skill and a new quest at the same time!" Lance almost lost focus, but he quickly regained himself and kept on attacking.

The Alpha wolf got back on its feet and leaped back. "Hooowwl" all of a sudden the wolf charged at Lance and started repeatedly clawing at him. Lance was able to deflect the first couple, but he wasn't quick enough to avoid the damage completely. 'Rush!' Just as the last hit was heading for him, Lance quickly got out of the way and behind the big beast. Slicing up its hind legs and continuing his flurry of attacks.

The wolf's back fell and was completely open to Lance's attack. "HOOWL" The Alpha's howl reverberated inside the forest, as well as causing extreme pain to Lance's ears. Its fur started to glow and harden. It got back on its feet and swiftly turned around and slammed its big paw against Lance, sending him flying into a tree again.

"F*ck!" The tree broke upon impact and fell. Lance was dazed by the sheer force of the blow. It took him down another 30 HP this time. Quickly, Lance takes a few potions and refills his HP. "Vix, we almost got this b*stard. You still got my back?"

"Of course. But we don't have much time left, The suns have almost set, and it'll be late by the time we get back. So please, hurry!" Vix was anxious, but seeing the remaining health of the beast, she knew Lance could win this fight.

"Right, We got this!" He wasn't gonna give up now. 'Rush!' In a flash, Lance covered the distance and returned to his flurry of attacks.

The Alpha wolf wasn't going to give up so easily. It would Claw at Lance and even try to bite him from time to time. But Lance was too fast. With his near-perfect timing of Rush, he was able to dodge most of its attacks with relative ease. But even Rush couldn't save him every time.

"Huff huff huff. That hardening ability is troublesome." Lance was quickly running low on Stamina. His continued use of Rush and the long battle was starting to take their toll.

*Trling Trling*


New Skill Acquired!

Unlocked Flurry (1/5) Skill!

Flurry (1/5) Cost: 15 Stamina

- Hit your opponent 5 to 6 times consecutively doing 70% damage on each strike.


"YES! Just in time too" Lance quickly used all his Potential points to max the skill out. He then scanned the Alpha Wolf to see how much Health it had left.



Creature: Alpha Male Saber Wolf

Level: 6

Health Points: 95

Energy Points: 0

Stamina Points: 1

Armour Rating: 40

Attack Damage: 35-47


- Dreaded Bite

- Tear the flesh from your prey with a sharp Bite. +65% to Attack

- Quick Claws

- Rip your prey to shreds with your claws. Does 6 to 8 attacks at 85% attack.

- Thick Fur

- Turn your fur into tough leather-type fur. Adds 40 Armor Rating for 35 Stamina/second

- Fast Regeneration

- Expend all energy to recover Stamina. Ratio 1:1.

Description: This wolf has lived a long time. Its pack is loyal and will carry out any order. He is also the boss of the Wolf Den.


"I can take it out in one attack, as long as I get the most possible attacks." Lance held the hilt tightly, focusing everything he had. Flurry will be his hail mary. 23 Stamina remaining. If he is one attack short, he could be done for. But he has always been an 'all or nothing' type of guy in his video games.

The old Alpha is weakened. It had cuts all over its humongous body, blood just pouring out. But it wasn't gonna give up. "Hoowl" It let out its battle cry as it charged at Lance.

"It's time!" With the determination of a god, he focused everything on this final attack. 'Rush!' He dashed just under the poor beast, stopping behind its front legs and slashing them open once again. A tried and true method to slow the beast. 'Flurry!' Before the beast could even hit the ground, Lance unleashed his new skill, whittling away its remaining HP.

1 hit!

2 hits!

3 hits!

4 hits!

5 hits!

6 hits!

7 hits! The lowest possible hits.

8 hits! The beast's HP is almost empty now.

9 hits! The beast let out little whimpers as Lance closed in.

10 hits! Lance sliced right through its neck as blood poured out. The old Alpha's body lay limp on the ground after that final attack. "Yes. I did it!" Lance was panting, with only 4 Stamina left, he couldn't continue the fight any longer.

*Trling Trling*


You Have Defeated The Boss!

Gained 1500 Experience!

Defeated a monster of a higher level, Bonus Experience rewarded.

Bonus Experience: 350


Objective Complete!

Alpha Male Saber Wolf Defeated!


Experience: 1000

UAC: 600

+1 Potential point

+1 Alpha Wolf Hide (Uncommon)

+5 Alpha Wolf Fangs (Uncommon)


"Holy Sh*t, That's a lot of experience!" With the battle over, the pair could finally relax. But now, they had to collect their spoils. Before that though, it was time for Lance to rest. He fell to the ground beside the Alpha and leaned against it, catching his breath. "Hahaha! That was tough!" Covered in blood, he took a well-deserved break.