
The Game of the Worlds

A young man was living with his parents at the edge of a forest. Their life was quiet and peaceful. But one day, catastrophe struck them. A vessel of unknown origins descended on the small family. What happened next, no one knew. The boy awoke in a mysterious land, with high tech and mystical stuff all around him. He was no longer on earth. However, he is accompanied by a strange new system that makes him stronger, and some ghost or something that can change shape. He is the only one who can see this being at first. Now he has to embark on a journey to find his parents, and to figure out the limit of this new system. Join Lance on his journey through the stars. Help him find his parents and get back home. He's gonna need all the help he can get.

Renegade_Gamer · Games
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128 Chs

10. Combat Training: Take Two.

The next day, Lance woke up just before the suns rose. His second day starts in a little over an hour, he was eager to finish the next quest and earn the experience. Lance stretched and yawned as he sat up in bed. He watched as Vixen floated just out of reach "Morning, Vix."

Vixen is floating in the center of his vision, laying down like she's been asleep. Slowly she sits up and stretches, yawning to mimic Lance. In a very tired voice, she exclaims "Morning, Rene". The pair fell asleep in their bathrobes. While not overly revealing for Vixen to wear, It was falling off her shoulders. Showing off more cleavage than she should, Lance had to recollect his thoughts before getting up.

"New day, a new adventure. What do you say, Vix, shall we get the day started?" Lance was overly excited, and definitely a morning person.

After last night, he felt more powerful. His body may not have shown it outwardly, but he could tell his strength improved a fair bit. Plus, with his new skills, he felt a little more at ease.

Vixen yawns again and wipes the sleep away from her eyes, "Can you not be so loud in the morning. Let me go back to sleep?" in an almost begging tone, Vixen tried to curl up and go back to sleep.

"Awwww, poor girl, still tired after such a long night?" Lance began teasing her, he even reaches out instinctively to mess her hair up. To his surprise though, he wasn't able to feel her tiny head, but he succeeded in messing with her hair. "Whoa!"

She smacks his hand away and starts fixing her hair. "Ahhhhhh, don't do that!"

"I didn't know I could mess with your hair!" Lance was stunned by that, but knowing he could somewhat interact with her made him think of ideas to mess with her more.

"Of course, you can, you dummy, though it's more simulated than anything." Vixen fixed her hair while still sitting down. She let out a sigh when she finished. "Fine, now I'm awake, Meany head!"

Lance started to laugh as he watched her pouting. "This is gonna be far more interesting than I originally imagined."


Lance made it to the Barracks thirty minutes early. He started scanning through all the equipment on the shelves. He picked out his uniform and got dressed, then started looking at the different weapons. Windows opened as he looked at each weapon.


Short Sword (Guard Issued)

14-17 Damage

Description: Short Sword made of Iron. Light and easy to handle.


Spear (Guard Issued)

17- 18 Damage

Description: Long Spear Issued by the Galorian Guards. Good for medium range.


Long Sword (Military Issued)

21-23 Damage

Description: A long Sword made for military use. Made of Iron. Well balanced.

Required level 5 to equip


"Well, that kinda sucks. I really like the long sword." Lance started to pout before picking up two short swords. He played with them in his hands for a little bit, twirling them around and slicing through the air, before sheathing them along his waist. "Better than nothing I guess".

Vixen was watching, she seemed interested that he chose two instead of one. Giving up Defence for Offense. 'If we finish the Squire questline in its entirety, you should be close to maxing it, unless you divide the Experience between your main level as well. So don't lose hope just yet.'

'And this is why I have you on my side!' Lance exclaimed as he smiled at Vixen.

"The hell you smiling at newbie?" From the doorway, Elandra stood looking at Lance smiling for no reason. "Think you have what it takes to use two swords?" She stood looking at the young boy before her, she had an odd feeling about this recruit. "Good, I like recruits with some balls, but today isn't gonna be a cakewalk like yesterday. Newbie!" Elandra turned and walked out before Lance could say anything.

'Okay, she is a scary person. I don't blame you for yesterday'. Vixen remarked on the scene that played out. Vixen got to see how strong Elandra is by scanning her stats, a skill she feels she has to let Lance know about soon.

'Gee, so now you believe me! where was this yesterday when you were laughing your arse off at me?' Lance was a little upset, but he walked out of the barracks not giving it a second thought. But he was anxious about what was to come.


The recruits were all busy doing their morning drills. Slashing and slicing through the air, Letting out battle cries after each strike. Elandra was walking between the rows of people, watching the forms of everyone. With a wooden dowel, she'd smack the ones where their forms weren't perfect. Lance had more than a few marks from Elandra's teaching method.

Elandra made her way to the front of the group, glancing at all the recruits. She watches everyone for a minute then raises her hand. At that moment, everyone stopped and looked at her, standing at attention. "Good job, a lot of you are improving. But learning form, and using it in practice, are two different things. I'm gonna break you off into groups of two, and we will start sparring today."

Elandra walks through the rows, touching the recruit's shoulders, and sending them off in pairs. After she makes her way around the group and sends everyone off, only Lance is left. He swallows dryly as Elandra walks over and stands in front of him for a minute. She says nothing and begins to walk away. Lance lets out a sigh of relief as he watches her back move further away. "What are you waiting for newbie, follow me!" Elandra stopped and looked back and was glaring at Lance for not following.

'Crap, this ain't good'. Lance was shaking as he began following closely behind.

'Be careful. She's strong, I scanned her earlier, you won't last 10 seconds against her.' Vixen was worried. Fighting a strong opponent so early in their new life. Not good!

'Wait, scan her? Can I do that too?'

'Yes, look at her and just think of evaluating her. The scan function should be automatic'. Vixen felt it was best that he learned quickly how to use this, it will come in handy.

'Okay, let's try this'. Lance looked at Elandra's back and tried to scan her. Only thinking about trying to see what her stats were. And just like that, the sound of the system chimed in.



Character: Guard Captain Elandra

Level: 22

Rank: E

Race: Galorian

Class: Knight (3/20), Squire (20/20)

Sub-Class: N/A

Sex: Female


- Long Sword (21-23 atk)

- Long Sword (21-23 atk)

- Leather Gauntlets (8 AR)

- Leather Chest Plate (16 AR)

- Leather Pants (10AR)

- Leather Boots (8AR)

HP: 412

Energy: 255

Stamina: 241

Strength: 42

Dexterity: 23

Intelligence: 7

Charisma: 3

Mystic: 7

Luck: 1

Armor Rating: 46

Attack Damage: 14 - 17


- Rush (5/5)

- Rushes towards the target dealing 80% melee damage instantly. True damage skill.

- Battle Maniac (5/5)

- When health falls below 60%, increase stats by 20%, and damage by 5 points till health goes over 60%.

-Flurry (5/5)

- Hit your opponent 7 to 10 times consecutively doing 75% damage each strike.

- Hard Hit (5/5)

- Hit your opponent for 145% damage.

- Rejuvenate (5/5)

- Expend 50 energy to recover 30 HP and 20 STM per use.

- Quick Recovery (5/5)

- When Stamina falls below 15%, can expend all remaining energy to recover to full stamina.


'OH MY GOD! I am so dead!' Lance has lost all hope to even last 1 second against her.