
the game of death

Goddess Galatea struggling with love stories and facing many obstacles for her to be with the one she loves. Between Elijah, the human who risked anything to be ith her, and Rick her first real love who is also her cousin and childhood best friend which one willshe choose?

Rafca_Raad · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Memory loss

We complain a lot about our lives and the way they turn out to be

We always want more, or different. We want another life, want to be like the others

It's in our nature to be jealous and selfish

We do not understand how much our lives are perfect until we see everything changing

We suddenly change our minds and want to go back to our old lifestyle

I was a free bird, queen of the world learning, laughing, and growing

Look at me now, broken, in tears and lost in my thoughts

My whole life turned out to be a lie

A hundred thousand questions were going through my head

Since my encounter with the witches and after they told me the truth and disappeared, I didn't take any step

I could not get any further and the more time passed the more I felt lost

I started forgetting why I was here and what I needed to do

Every day I looked up in the mirror and ask the same questions:

" Who am I, and why I am here?"

But I never got answered

Elijah's POV:

Meanwhile in Limphea, Nephustus and Alfea who was worried sick about their daughter, were looking for her every day and night without getting tired

Alfea's tears did not stop, and Nephustus was so worried that could not control his anger issues anymore

It's been ten days now, since Galatea left the castle

That day Nephustus thought that she was with me and ordered the royal guards to pick me up

Once in Limphea, in front of Nephustus and Alfea, I asked where is Galatea

They looked at each other and Alfea started crying and ran toward Galatea's bedroom

I immediately felt that there was something going on

I got worried about Galatea, and asked her father:

" Where is she? It's been so long that I haven't seen her or heard about her! Is she alright?"

He was so confused that he didn't answer me

I forgot that I was standing in front of a divinity and yelled at him angrily:

" Why aren't you answering? I asked if she was alright!"

He stood up to face me and when I thought that he will punish me for yelling at him, he approached me, put his hand on my shoulder and said:

" We don't know where is she and if she is alright, she left ten days ago without telling a thing and no one ever saw her since then"

I couldn't believe my ears, I couldn't help but think where she could be and if she was fine. Is she eating? Sleeping well?

I looked him in the eyes but didn't say a word

I was blaming him for her escape

He continued:" I thought that maybe she was with you, that why I brought you here. Listen we need to find her, I am very worried. Since she left I didn't stop the searches but no one found her"

Tears filled my eyes, I couldn't control it anymore

Yes I was a strong man, and in our society men don't cry, but I couldn't take it anymore

Galatea was my first true love, she was my happiness my best friend and my sunshine

She made my days with her positivity and lit up my darkest nights with her beautiful smile

Always telling me that everything I do should be done with love

She was my strength so how could I be strong without her

Suddenly I heard Alfea coming back in rush with a book in her hands

Nephustus explained to me about that door and the games behind it

He also told me about the nymph Daphnia

We were now sure that Galatea decided to cross the door and play the game of death...

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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