
the game of death

Goddess Galatea struggling with love stories and facing many obstacles for her to be with the one she loves. Between Elijah, the human who risked anything to be ith her, and Rick her first real love who is also her cousin and childhood best friend which one willshe choose?

Rafca_Raad · Fantasy
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22 Chs


When we stand I front of our mirrors we question ourselves about a lot of things

All our insecurities come out in a fraction of seconds and we no longer know the right from the wrong.

I was trapped in a huge room full of mirrors, the room was dark and cold

I could feel many presences around me but did see any of them

The more I advanced, the more the mirrors distort my reflection

Suddenly I heard voices coming from far away

Curious, I walked towards the source of the voice

There was a door barely opened in front of me

I took a look inside and saw them, the three impartial witches. I've heard a lot about them and their bad actions but never met them in person

I heard them talking about me, saying that I won't be able to escape this place and soon I will forget all about me and my family

I didn't know what I was doing but I found myself standing in front of them and yelling about my power and determination

I am Galatea the freaking goddess and no one was allowed to doubt my capacities

They started laughing, that laugh that sends shivers down your spine and said:

" You were lied to your whole life little Galatea, you are not a goddess and never was!"

I was shocked, I couldn't even reply to them, I wanted to but I just wasn't able to talk as I was frozen

" Your real name is Aurora and you were adopted by Nephustus and Alfea because Nephustus killed your father and...."

Before she could finish her sentence I yelled " Stoooop" as I covered my ears not wanting to listen to her

I ran as fast as I could out of this room and lyed on the floor crying

I know I should not trust her but deep down, there was something telling me that she was not lying

I don't know why, but I wanted her to tell me the rest of the story, even if they were evils but I needed to know the whole story just to be sure

I stood up, dried my tears and returned back to them

" Tell me the rest of the story, if you're lying I will destroy you. All of you!" I said angrily

" Nephustus killed your father because he stood against him and challenged him, he wasn't aware that you mother was pregnant and he killed him with cold blood! When you mother knew about the death of her husband she took a decision that once she give birth she will suicide herself and so she did. She called the goddess Alfea and told her that her and her husband was responsible of this disaster and that they must suffer the consequences and killed herself" replied one of the witches

As I heard this I couldn't help but cry, I was lost between believing what she said or not.

" What about my real parents? What was their names? What did they do?"

"Your father was named John, he was a philosophy teacher, everyone in earth talked about his intelligence and wisdom. He had a lot of confidence and that what brought him to face Nephustus. As for your mother whose name was Angela, she was a literature teacher and she met your father at the school where they worked together. They was madly in love with each other and couldn't live one without the other. That why Angela's suicidal was directly after your father's death."

I asked her one more question about how Alfea and Nephustus adopted me and why was I dotted with power like other gods

She said:

" After what Angela told, Alfea felt guilty and so Nephustus. They decided together to adopt you and they gift you power so you could not feel the difference between other gods and goddesses and you. They never wanted you to know the truth about you real identity so you won't blame them."

In that moment I was able to control myself I started shouting and fighting the witches while yelling :" You are lying I won't believe you"

One of them told me:

" You can do whatever you want but didn't you question yourself about your attraction to the humans and their lives? Deep down you know that we told you the truth but you are not accepting it!"

They disappeared, and left me alone with my distracted thoughts

I was lost in my mind, couldn't think clearly and I forgot what I was here for...

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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