

Discouraged because the game had not ended the way he wanted it to, Matt started walking to Gank Lee and Kate; however, he was stopped by two people on the way.

"Matt, will you come with us, please?" Jean Gray asked politely.

The young man looked at Anna beside him and spoke with a cheeky smile, "If she asks, I will."

Anna looked to her left and right, then said, "Matt, can you come with us?" She asked as she looked into the eyes of Matt, who couldn't help but want to look away to the sky.

Everyone in the class started walking back into the school, and the trio went to a far corner. Gank Lee noticed this and thought, 'How easy it is to be handsome... The guy arrived today, did well in dodgeball and is already going to get two hot girls.

Kate just looked suspiciously at the unlikely trio yet kept to her own path, as she was taught.

Jean, Anna, and Matt walked to the track team's obstacle course warehouse, and there, before he could say anything, the boy felt his feet detach from the ground, at the same time as he felt something holding him in the air.

Even pressed against the concrete wall, the Xandarian remained serious and said nothing. Jean Gray was looking at him angrily and was holding his palm open as if pushing him.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Anna shouted angrily.

"He knows about me, if he tells anyone, I'll be dead or worse, I'll become a H.A.M.M.E.R. lab rat."

"And what are you going to do? Kill him?"

Jean looked over her shoulder at her friend and spoke wistfully, "No, of course not. I would never do that, you know."

"Then why are you pressing a civilian in the air against the wall?"

At this moment, the red-haired girl frowned and, after a few moments, lowered her hand. Buft! Matt landed on the ground.

The beautiful Anna went over to him and, leaning on his neck, asked, "Are you okay?"

"Y-yes, I am... Thanks for asking."

However, the arching of the two's eyebrows at that moment told Matt that something must have happened.

Anna Marie, also known as Rogue, has a nickname that defines her powers well. She has the ability to steal the energy of anyone she touches, incorporating the person's memories, skills and powers.

'Why doesn't it work on him?" Jean and Rogue thought.

"Was something supposed to happen?" Matt asked. He felt a tingling in his fingertips, and that was all.

Bringing his hand to his mouth, Jean Gray asked in a muffled voice, "What are you?"

The Xandarian thought about telling, but he couldn't be reckless like he was before because he didn't want to put M.J, Miles Morales and Peter Parker at risk.

"I can't tell."

Rogue didn't hold back in happiness and suddenly held Matt's hands, "You're just like us, aren't you?" She had a cheerful smile on her face that Jean had never seen before. The girl's eyes were shining in excitement.

Matt blushed a little and, looking sideways, said: "I don't know...what are you guys?"

Jean Gray pulled Rogue back with telekinesis and said, "If you are willing to find out, come with us after school. We'll show you."

Had Matt known what the redhead had in mind, he would never have nodded at that moment.

After that, class time ran faster and faster. In math class, Matt gave a calculus lesson to his own teacher, who at one point challenged him to complete one of the Yang-Mills Equations, which Matt managed with ease.

Not content with a calculation with no ways of refutation, the teacher proposed another equation and then another. In the end, Matt got bored with the whole thing and went to his chair.

At lunchtime, Scott Summers seemed fine again and was sitting at a table with Jean, Anna, Kitty and Kurt.

Matt whispered what had happened to Miles because he didn't know it was a secret. After that, the boy went nuts and even called the Xandarian over for a more detached conversation.

"How did you know?"

"The red-haired girl always frowned when the ball made a turn, it wasn't hard to tell, and her heart was also speeding up quite a bit. She's not the first telepath I've met."

"But that alone doesn't confirm anything."

"And being levitated fifty centimeters off the ground, does it confirm it?"

Miles just stared dumbfounded for a few seconds. "What are you going to do now? Do they know you're special too?"

"They asked what I am. But even I don't know what I am exactly, only the Guardians know, all I know is that I was born on Xandar."

"They'll never believe it." Miles said while laughing with his friend.

- At the same time at one of the tables in the cafeteria. -

"Apparently he's from Xandar." Jean Gray said to everyone while focusing on Miles' mind.

"Where is that? Africa?"

"No, it must be somewhere in South America."

"People, please. I'm trying to concentrate." Jean Gray asked, but Miles and Matt had already moved out of their reach, which was reduced by the number of people in the cafeteria. "Ah, damn... They've gone near the field."

"So, I'll continue with my bet on Africa. The guy did well in his calculations, maybe he's from Wakanda?" Kurt was theorizing with Kitty.

"Wakanda? Really? The guy is a blue-eyed white guy, and you say he comes from Wakanda?" Kitty said stressfully.

"Anyway! Kurt, you will have to let Logan know that we are bringing a guest."

"He'll never want to push a kid."

Scott fiddled with the frame of his glasses and spoke carefully in his words, "He was able to resist Jean and Rogue's powers. If he is a Mutant, The Professor needs to get to him first."

"Cerebro hasn't detected him. What if he isn't?"

"Then we'll have to check which side he'll be on in the war that's about to explode."

"What about Miles Morales? Matt's already told him, and the kid seems to know other things too."

"Bring him along too. If Logan doesn't scare Matt, he sure will scare Miles, because he doesn't seem to be very brave."


Do I like how I write? Consider reading my novel, because it will motivate me to keep writing ^^


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