
To kill or not to kill

As Fabian looked at the interface, he quickly picked up the concept of the system. However, before he could get details on anything he didn't understand. He heard seizuring again and knew he had to act fast, and hence he applied 3 ability points to strength and 2 in stamina before dismissing the interface.

However as he left the interface, he felt sharp pains all throughout his body, as if his body was being stabbed with needles. However, he didn't have time to think because as soon as he regained his sight, he noticed that a zombie was lunging towards him. He swiftly sidestepped and kicked its legs causing it to lose balance, then quickly observed the situation. He noticed that in the half a minute he was interacting with system interface several zombies had awoken and had already began attacking the unconscious people near. Fabian quickly analysed the best option for survival and decided that by going behind the serving counter his chances of survival were the highest. Fabian quickly ran across the room and attracted several zombies in his direction, however before the first zombie could barely move, he had already slid across the counter.

After he slid over the counter he began searching for a knife in the kitchen behind the counter, and quickly found a knife rack. However just as he had picked up a knife, the first zombie bumped into the counter and began to slowly crawl over the counter towards Fabian. But before the first zombie could barely get anywhere Fabian slammed the knife into its skull causing a sickening crunch. And as the second zombie was nearing the counter, Fabian realised the knife was stuck and planted his foot on the counter and forced out the knife from the dead zombie's skull chipping the knife in the process. He gritted his teeth as the second zombie began fumbling over the counter, and raised his knife over his head swung the knife down impaling the zombie's skull but again the knife got stuck. This time though he somewhat expected this to happen. And instead of pulling out the knife opted to save time by grabbing another knife from the knife rack. However, by the time he finally collected another knife there were three zombies at the counter and were already beginning to crawl over the counter, he knew that the longer he fought the larger the chances that any newly awakened zombies would be attracted, and quickly realised that he was caught in a difficult situation as he was quickly running out of knives. seeing as every time he killed a zombie his knives were getting caught Fabian decided to take a risk.

And so, when the nearest zombie had almost finished crawling over the counter and its head was sufficiently close to Fabian, he thrusted his knife upwards and under the chin of the zombie.

However as soon as he pulled out the knife, he realised he had not stuck the zombie's brain, and while he tried to move away the zombie still managed to grab his wrist and went to bite. But before it could take a taste, he knee the zombie causing the zombie to lose its grip momentarily, and in the instant the zombie was stunned, he once again, this time with more vigour, thrust the knife into its chin this time successfully striking the correct angle to hit the brain. And as soon as the knife was out the zombie fell motionless onto the counter, and this time he knew for sure he had succeeded and with this had more confidence in dealing with the zombies converging on him. In total the number of zombies that attacked him was 7 and he had almost been bit twice when he narrowly missed the brain. However despite the near miss he was still confident he could survive.

There were 3 zombies remaining in the corner of the restaurant attacking their respective victims and an unknown number of potential zombies that could awaken at any time, as well as at least 12 people who had been bitten and it could be presumed that they would be infected but even if they weren't, he still wouldn't take the chance. And decided before anything he should remove them first.

He quietly crawled over the zombie corpses on the counter before crouching down and quietly sneaking towards the first bite victim. It was the woman who had been bitten on the neck, however he remained unperturbed as he quietly and efficiently stabbed the underside of her chin ensuring her death. Before silently moving on and dispatching the other nearby bite victims as he moved slowly towards the zombies. Once he had dispatched all bite victims outside of the zombie's vicinity, he threw a glass from the nearby table across the room creating a loud noise as it smashed against the wall. He then watched the zombie's reactions, and as he predicted they were easily drawn away by the sound of the glass breaking.

After they moved away Fabian again began dispatching any nearby bitten victims easily. Leaving only the three zombies and any un-turned zombies remaining, so he was completely focused in quickly finishing the current zombies or else he may find himself trapped by a newly turned zombie. Fabian slowly sneaked up to the nearest zombie while it was feeding on another victim and viciously swung his knife down straight through the zombies head and as soon as he stabbed he let go of the knife and gently placed the zombie as it on the floor as it died, in order to prevent the other zombies from being attracted. After he put the zombie down, he pulled out another knife he had taken from the knife rack and hid behind a table. He then proceeded to grab a chopstick and snapped it creating a slight noise however it was still enough to attract the nearest zombie, causing it to begin stumbling towards the noise. The zombie stumbled closer and closer to Fabian and just as it was a few steps away from Fabian he pushed with his legs and thrust the knife through its chin instantly killing it before it even noticed him. And before the body fell, he again caught the corpse and again caught the body and gently placed it down. avoiding detection from the final zombie.

Now that he was finally down to the final zombie he quietly walked towards to the open space near the entrance and threw the broken chopstick at the zombie, which raised its blood covered face and at stared at Fabian. And began stumbling in his direction and was almost like a run however as soon as it was about to grab him, Fabian sidestepped before kicking the zombie causing it to lose balance before finally plunging the knife into its skull. He had finally killed all the awakened zombies and so he relaxed slightly however he was still cautious, as he knew the unconscious people may turn at any second. And so, he couldn't afford to waste time as one mistake could mean his death. He considered saving people however he didn't know which people could be saved. All he had now were guesses and he didn't want to risk his life for these guesses. Because after-all he didn't even know these people he was just thinking of the bigger picture and thought that perhaps some manpower might be useful in the long run. And so, he thought about saving some people for a brief second until he noticed another zombie turn and acted decisively while the zombie had just awoken, dispatching the zombie quickly. However, after killing it, he finally decided. Decided, to kill them all.