
The fruit that changed everything

James is an ordinary kid in an ordinary village. But all of that changes when he is seven. James has never known that his dad was a pirate. And by the marine law. 'If a man is found on a pirate vessel not shackled by the wrists or ankles he shall be found guilty as a pirate.' James has no idea but he's a pirate and he's about to find that out.

ThunderBolt · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

He's only a child

"WAIT!" Someone yells before a huge man lands on the ship before me.

"MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" Someone yells.

"NO! He's only a child. He doesn't deserve death. He's probably an orphan just looking for a place to stay." He turns around and says. "Isn't that right? You're just looking for a place to stay?"

I nod my head lightly. He walks over to the lever and pulls it causing the ramp to lower.

"Across the street to the left is a restaurant." He says pulling out a leather pouch of his pocket. "Get whatever this can buy you." He says after pulling out and giving me a small wad of money.

I look at the money before shaking and head and holding my hand back so he'll grab his money.

"No, use it to get food." He says pushing the money back to me. "GO!" He yells before pushing me off the ramp.

"HEY STOP HIM!" I hear, I turn around and start running before hearing a gunshot and a scream.

'Just keep running." I think to myself turning the corner.

JERRY'S BAKERY! I see a sign on a building.

'Is this the place?' I think before pushing the door open and getting assaulted with sweet smells of bread, meat, and the sweet smell of fresh fruit. I reel back surprised at the mixture of strong but pleasing smells.

"Good afternoon young man." A man in a suit and a nice pair of glasses says. "Are your parents here with you or are you alone today?" He asks.

"Uh it's just me." I say still perplexed by the artwork on the windows and the clothes people here are wearing. I look down at my tattered jeans and dirty shirt.

"Follow me please." He says before turning with a folder looking thing. "Right here sir." He says pulling out a chair from a small table with a white cloth, lit candles, and silver silverware.

I stand there gawking at the table.

"Sir if you don't mind sitting." The man says.

"Oh right sorry." I say before sitting down. The man hands me the folder before walking off. I open it and see meat, fruit, salads, and hundreds of other food items as well as drinks.

'Holy crap there's so much food.' I think the man comes back with a pad of paper.

"Are you ready to order sir?" He asks smiling.

"Uh I don't know." I say before holding up the wad the man gave me. The suit guy's eyes open wide and he gasps a little before putting the smile on again. "I'll have whatever this will get me I guess." I say

"C-c-can I ask where you got so much money?" He asks.

"Parents gave it to me before they left." I say

"Left where?"

"They said for work. Can I get my food now?"

"Oh right, this sum of money can get you a fine drink and some chicken." The man says.

"I'll have that i guess." I say handing him a couple bills. "I'm not stupid." I say before looking at the menu. "A fine drink 1,000 berry. And an herb crusted chicken 24,500 berry." In total 25,500 berry plus tip which I'm lowering from 1,000 to 500 for your crappy attempt to steal me of my money."

I smile handing him exactly 24,500 berry. His face went from shocked to angry to embarrassed in a matter of seconds.

"C-coming right up sir." He says before grabbing my menu and turning around. I laugh a little and sit there waiting for my food.

"Your drink sir." Someone unfamiliar says. I look and see another man in the same suit but this time the person doesn't have glasses.

"Oh thank you." I say as he sets it down at my table.

"Your food will be out in a minute." He says before walking away. I sit there and look around a little bit. 'Why are people staring?' I think to myself before looking at their clothes. Everyone is wearing nice clothes like suits and dresses but I'm wearing tattered jeans, a dirty shirt, and I smell horrible.

"Your food sir." The man says again before laying down a plate with a metal cover. "You're going to love this." He says before grabbing the handle on the lid. He cracks it open and a small puff of steam comes out of the crack in the lid. He smiles before pulling the lid up and a glowing plate is flashed open and steam comes pouring out.

"The face is always the same." He says laughing. "Mind if I sit?" He asks.

"No you can sit wherever you want." I say as I stare at my food.

"Jamison." The man says holding out his hand.

"I'm James." I say grabbing his hand and shaking it.

"I saw what happened on the roof of the building." Jamison says looking at me. "Where are your parents really."

"My dad's dead and so is my mom. My uncle took care of me and he was a pirate so I was in a lot of fights. There was one battle though between my uncle and the marines and a big black ship came and started killing everyone in sight. He said it was Vex or something like that-"

"Y-y-y-y-you survived a Vex attack." Jamison asks with pure fear. I nod as I put a big hunk of chicken in my mouth and start chewing. "So where's your uncle now?" I hold up a finger as I finish my bite and take a drink. My eyes go wide as my mouth is assaulted with an amazing fruity flavor.

"He went back to fight Vex and he's gonna come back I know he is."