

The sound of a deafening alarm clock rings in my ear. I quickly open my eyes, and reach out to my right slamming my hand onto my alarm clock to stop it. 

It looks like when I lay down, I fell asleep, I quickly got up off my bed, and looked at the alarm clock, I have two hours before school starts, I yawn and walk towards my bathroom, I slide open the curtain next to my shower and quickly turn the knob as hot water starts spewing out, 


I need to get ready for school today. I plan on actually entering my class today to see what this exam is about, but during school, we only get one class that lasts eight hours, but the class changes after each semester.

I hope the class exam isn't a fighting one, My ability isn't suited for combat, I can only make people forget me, How is that going to help me to battle someone who can control the elements or something like that? 


I quickly enter the shower as hot water hits my shoulders while steam covers my vision. 

During my time living on the streets, I was forced to develop a fighting style. I truly can only fight up close but if someone can gain distance away from me, and use their ability I lose. 

But this is the ability that God has given me and I need to use it to the fullest. I guess I can be a good bank robber in the future, I think to myself while grinning. 


After twenty minutes I exit the shower and grab a white towel on the kitchen sink, I wrap it around my body and walk out of my bathroom, I walk to a brown drawer next to my bed and grab clothes out of it, 

I put on baggy gray sweatpants before I reach down and grab a white t-shirt. I'm about to slide the shirt on when a ringing sound enters my ears. I quickly jerk my head towards the sound. 

Why is someone using my doorbell so early in the morning? The sun isn't even out. I put on the shirt and walk towards the door. I look through a peephole in the door. 


But there is nothing there. I twist the doorknob and pull open the door before I step outside and look around. Only the cover of darkness enters my vision. I can't make out anyone near me.

I smack my lips annoyed. There's probably a group of kids playing ding dong ditch. I turn around and look back inside but instantly the hair on the back of my neck stands up causing me to spin around raising my right hand to my chin. 


A silhouette of a woman appears in my vision, as something shiny is approaching my neck. I stare at the shiny object until my right hand flickers as I reach out and grab the woman's wrist. 


That shiny object is a knife, I take a deep breath and shuffle my feet throwing a kick toward the woman, my kick slams into her sending her flying off the staircase, I watch as she lands on her feet coming to a sliding stop, 

She blocked that kick using her right knee. That's all only someone with combat experience would do. I slowly walk down the staircase staring at the silhouette until a feminine voice speaks out. 


" I didn't expect you to react that fast. I thought I could kill you with that sneak attack, "


So she is trying to kill me. I don't know her motive but that doesn't matter. The only thing I have to worry about now is surviving. 


I start hopping on the balls of my feet as I take deep breaths, I watch as the woman's body flickers as the sound of footsteps enters my ears, She is walking around me trying to figure out where my guard is the weakest, 

I'm using a boxing stance, meaning directly behind me will have the most openings, but attacking from behind is the most common sneak attack and she knows that. She will guess I will throw a punch behind me when I hear footsteps getting too close. 

I can use that to my advantage. I hear a single footstep right behind me, and I quickly twist my body toward the step, before I suddenly shift my weight back forward and throw a punch.


My punch sails through the air as the silhouette of the woman appears directly in front of my punch. I watch as her eyes widen before my punch slams into her face rocking her head back. She stumbles back raising her hands, 

This is my chance. Her ability must make her blend in the dark. I can't let her get away from my grasp or this fight will get worse quickly.


I storm forward throwing an overhand, The woman raises her head and stares at the incoming punch before she closes her hands together trying to block the punch, I feint the punch and lunge for her legs, 

I stare at her legs as my arms inch closer and closer until suddenly I feel something push off my shoulder as the woman leaps up into the air. My body goes flying forward as I slam into the concrete sidewalk. 


I roll back up on my feet and look up into the sky before a sharp pain engulfs the right side of my face. My head is rocked back as my body goes sliding across the sidewalk.


I come to a sliding stop as the skin on my elbows is burnt off from grinding on the sidewalk, I reach toward my face and feel a massive gash right under my right eye, she must have kicked me when I looked up into the sky,

I gingerly stood back up before a voice spoke out to me from the darkness of night. 


" I'll admit you're pretty good at fighting. That little trick you pulled earlier really caught me off guard. So is that the reason you're not showing up to school because you're a criminal?" 


Why is she talking about me not showing up to school? Unless she planned on killing me in the classroom, that shouldn't matter. 


"You're one to talk about being a criminal. You're trying to kill me right now, " 


I say to her, She grows quiet before I start hearing chuckling, I start to look around confused until the sound of rushing footsteps appears behind me, I spin around and watch as a shiny knife is swung towards me, I lean my body right as the knife grazes across my shirt, I throw a check right hook but she blocks the punch with her arm, 

She pivots away from me and starts to talk to me while spinning her knife using her fingers. 


" The whole reason I'm trying to kill you is that you're not showing up to school. It's my job to take out useless students such as yourself. " 


It's her job? The only people who would care if I showed up to school or not is the government, which does make sense, the government is corrupt enough to kill a useless student such as myself. 


" I guess the government thinks I'm just wasting resources, am I right? "


" Precisely, I don't know why you're so lazy. In our short battle, I can tell you would have been a skilled fighter but you're just so forgettable. There's barely any paperwork about you as well. " 


I just grinned at her comment. As I watched her body flicker, I felt the wind hit the side of my face before a punch slammed into my jaw. I stumbled back staring at the woman's dark silhouette before she spun throwing a roundhouse kick towards my head.

I reach out my hand and catch the kick by grabbing the woman's ankle. I hold the woman's right leg up in the air and start walking forward as the woman hops back using her left leg. 


I twist my body's weight and yank the woman's leg to the left, Her foot slides across the sidewalk before I extend my foot out and trip her down to the ground, She lets out a grunt of pain as the back of her head slams into concrete, 

Wasting no time, I lunge forward throwing a punch, My punch slams into her face, and my body lands on top of hers, I push off her stomach before I sit on her legs, 


She raises her arms above her face, as I throw a barrage of punches toward her nose, My fist repeatedly slams into her arms, before one of my punches slips through her guard and slams into her nose, I watch as her guard gets looser, as more of my punches slip through the guard, 


I watch as her body becomes more and more limp until suddenly she pushes me off the ground using her right hand and right leg flipping me onto my back. I try to stand back up before I feel something wrap around my right arm. 

I glance to my right and see the woman's legs wrapped around my arm, She's trying to snap my arm, I push off the ground using my left hand getting onto my knees, I try to stand up until a sharp pain engulfs my left side, 


I look down to my side and see the hilt of a knife sticking out of my side. When did she stab me? Now that I think about it, the knife she uses suddenly vanishes and reappears out of her hands, but her ability has to be blending into the dark. 

I stare at the hilt before my focus is returned to my arm as a loud pop echoes out. I stare at my arm before I grab onto the back of my right forearm and slowly start standing up carrying the woman up with me. 


I start looking around before I notice a pile of boxes stacked on top of each other, I start to rush towards the boxes as the woman's grip on my arms gets tighter and tighter, I take a final step before I forcefully yank the woman's body in front of mine and slam her through the pile of boxes,


Both of our bodies go through the pile of boxes, I feel the woman's grip around my arm get looser before she lets go of it and slams into a nearby wall, my body slams back first onto the ground before a large wooden crate slams into my chest making me cough up blood.


Damn it, that box landed right on the hilt, I slowly push the box off of me, I slowly stand up before I lean on the box in front of me, If her ability isn't blending in the dark then what can it be, I'm running out of time, 


Blood is pouring out of my mouth, at this right I'll die of blood loss before she lands a killing blow, I need something that changes this battle's outcome, I start looking around trying to find something, 


But I can't find anything, I smack my lips as I push off the top of the box, stumbling back, The sound of footsteps appears on my right, I glance over and see the woman holding a bloody knife, 

I look back down, and the knife embedded in my side disappears. I look back up at her, and watch as her body comes charging toward me. 


So her ability is making that knife appear and disappear, a pretty simple ability but her removing that knife from my side is troubling, which means I'm going to bleed out far faster. I lean to my right and slip a punch before throwing a cross but she dodges the punch, and slashes her knife towards my neck.


I dash back as the knife narrowly misses my jugular, I start hopping on the balls of my feet again breathing heavily, I watch as the knife in her hand disappears, and we stare at each other until I see something lying on the floor next to her feet.

I quickly charge toward her throwing a wild punch. She dodges the punch and throws a punch that slams into my jaw sending me slamming into the ground. 


My body slides on the ground before I reach out and grab onto a rusty metal pipe that was on the floor. I roll back up on my feet with a grin on my face. 


" That's why you threw that wild attack. You wanted to get a weapon, so can you use your ability if you have a weapon? " 


She says to me as she dashes back gaining more distance away from me, "She must be worried about my ability. I start spinning the pipe in my hand before I take a single powerful step forward.

Before she waves her hand in the air, a bloody knife appears in her hand. Before we both lunge toward each other, I grip the pipe with both hands and swing it.


I watch as the pipe sails over her head as she ducks under the pipe, I slam my right foot on the ground stopping my momentum, I raise the pipe up covering my neck, blocking her knife slash,


I stare at her before throwing a barrage of attacks at her, but she repeatedly dashes back keeping right out of the range of my weapon, It looks like she plans on tiring me out, I throw one more attack until suddenly sparks fly out, as two metals clash,


I glance at the pipe and see a knife embedded in the side piercing through the pipe. What? How did she manage? Before I could react she spun slamming the heel of her foot onto the knife's hilt and splitting the pipe in two. 

The broken piece of the pipe fell down rattling on the ground. 


" There it is!

Screams out the woman, she dashes forward extending her hand to her side as the knife reappears in her grasp, she comes to a sliding stop and swings the knife, I try to dash back but I'm too late and the knife pierces into my left shoulder, I grit my teeth in pain before thrusting the broken piece of pipe,

The piece of pipe slams through the woman's neck, blood starts leaking down her body, as she starts shaking repeatedly before she collapses onto the sidewalk dead, I stumble back breathing heavily, 


Why did she get so desperate? She basically won the battle if she kept her cool. I look down at her body before suddenly I see that she is wearing a fully black body suit with a ski mask.


I reach down and pull off the mask, and...