
A Dark Night

Within the confines of a Grand Castle, a King looked upon a group of knights, the most formidable knights in the small village of his.

His tired eyes that reflected a deep inner turmoil scanned the prodigious throne room with a focused intensity, causing them pressure a weak-willed person would have trouble enduring.

"Get me my son" his voice almost pleading, with a small tinge of authority "get me my son before midnight, before those Vile beasts can appear" his voice carried through the room.

A tense silence followed, the knights looking at each other with a look of silent understanding, the situation wasn't looking good, Leon estimated that there was around an hour before those creatures emerged.

He looked to his right, his right-hand man, Ray looking back at him, dark ginger hair with a leaf coming from the middle, indicating his race as a Ginger, Rays partly yellow eyes scanned the others, turning back to Leon with a solemn look.

Leon noticing his look, turned to the others, all with a similar look. Sarah, a new knight, slightly smaller than the others with armour just as new, "can we even find him? The Forest is huge and filled with unknown dangers, what if he's encountered a boar? The kid can't even harm a fly" before she started to have a full-on panic attack, Leon put his hand on her shoulder "we'll find him, take a breath, compose yourself" he reassured her, turning to the others "We will find him, is that understood" seeing them nod, each determined to find the lost prince, he nodded in satisfaction.

Turning his head to his best friend sitting on his throne, he gave him one last reassuring nod, vowing to himself to find and discipline this reckless prince that caused this whole predicament, as he led the knights out of the lush green throne room, Ray beside him.


 A boy lay on a rough grassy field of the clearing in the forest. Eyes red from the Breakdown he had just experienced.

An unknown amount of time had passed since then, he moved a bit, indicating he was about to wake up.

Grumbling a bit, he got up from the floor, looking around, the forest seemed to darken, the sky which had once been clear was now blinded by fog, dark and mysterious. Lovely. The Boy thought, as an eerie feeling starting to manifest in his heart.

Along with that feeling, came with a sudden gust of wind, along with a loud thunk coming from behind him. Looking back, he found a small spike, black in colour.

His eyes widened, as he took two steps back, fear gripping his heart as he tried to grasp what was happening.

A low growl came from behind him as a presence made itself known to him, turning around, He saw a wolf-like beast around the same size as a dog was eyeing him, seemingly enjoying this. Protruding spikes came from its back, along with slimy black ooze.

With a low gasp, the boy took a few steps back, tripping over himself in the process, his legs seemingly paralyzed. He looked onward to the wolf/scorpion hybrid as it let out a shrilling cackle.

The boy didn't have time to react as the creature pounced on him, its claws digging into his shoulders. The pain snapped him out of his state of fear. Allowing him to gather himself as he tried to push the creature off him, not that it did anything.

The creature bared its fangs, ready to bite, in a moment of desperation, the boy grabbed the nearest thing he could, and without thinking jammed it in the mouth of the creature.

A branch, managed to get jammed deep enough in the creature that it let go of the boy, stumbling back and choking on the branch, the boy taking leverage of the moment, kicked the knee of the creature with all his strength, making it fall to the floor.

Using that, the boy crawled back, trying to gain distance from the raging predator.

The predator however had other thoughts as it sprinted back, branch still lodged in its throat, this time aiming to kill, as the boy tried to run, the creature slashed its claws down, slashing down on his arm. The boy fell on his side, on the grass floor lay an arm, his arm, which was weird cos he felt it right there, touching his left arm, he felt a viscous liquid but not his arm. 

Time seemed to crawl to a stop as a wave of light-headedness hit the boy, turning to look at his left arm, all he saw was a stump where his arm was located, his whole forearm gone. gnashing his teeth in both shock and terror, he let out a feral Shout as one last act of defiance, he dashed towards the creature, the last shred of reason leaving his eyes as both adrenalin and a mountain of emotions overwhelmed him.

The creature, seeing this, couldn't supress its delight in seeing its prey in such a state, as it positioned itself to remove the branch that was jammed in its throat. Before it could however, the boy was already within reach, with a feral roar, he let out a series of attacks that seemed to do nothing but tickle the beast.

Grabbing the branch, the boy proceeded to go ham on it, punching, twisting and pushing it to get at least any damage in. 

This resulted in the creature to bleed from its mouth, with anger building in its eyes, the creature slashed at the boys legs, knowing full well that it had underestimated the damage a small onion child could do.

A shocking pain enveloped the Child, as he fell of balance, making him almost lose consciousness as his feet were sent flying. 

As the boy lay there, missing an arm, and both legs, his consciousness leaving him little by little, he heard a distant shout from the distance "Prince!".

meanwhile within the depths of his mind, another voice had appeared

[Candidate has reached minimum requirements]

[host has been chosen]
