
The Fourth Number

In a world where humans are kept in captivity for unknown reasons, we follow the story of 004, a golden-eyed boy who has just awoken in this bizarre place. Tormented by a strange voice in his head and an unrelenting desire for answers, 004 searches for any information he can find about his captors and their plans for him. As he delves deeper into the twisted secrets of his captors, 004 discovers that he is not alone in this strange, cold world. He encounters a mysterious girl with black hair and unremarkable eyes who claims to have no memory of her past. Together, they navigate the treacherous landscape of their captivity and try to piece together the truth about their captors and their own existence.

Edictus · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

The Golden Boy

Blood rolled down the metallic walls, staining the fitted lights with streaks of glory as the red-blood heaved, her white cloak stained with vivid red patches.

The boy stared, his eyes widened as the lights continued to flicker, distant screams and explosions echoing in the distance.

"Aren't you tired of these walls?" The red-blood suddenly spoke, her voice low as a whisper.

She cradled the severed head of a rogue as she bent down, her red eyes glowing slightly, "These plain metal walls, no color, no sunlight."

"Doesn't it annoy you? To be caged like an animal?" She muttered, turning her body towards Four, his gaze trained on her white cloak.

Eliare's ruby eyes wandered his torn-up hospital dress, his bronze skin peeking through the holes as Two stood silently beside him, the vents above them humming quietly.

"I won't ask why you killed her, don't worry. I wouldn't expect a dotara to know better."

Four said nothing, his eyes blank as he continued to examine her cloak.

Eliare shook her head, the soft glow of her ruby eyes complimenting the drops of blood that graced her soft features with an eerie elegance.

"Nothing? Nothing? Huh?" She questioned, her stance relaxing as she walked towards the highborn, her light steps filling the hallway with grace as her cloak fluttered in the air.

Four suddenly looked up, his head straight and his hand outstretched, pointing towards the cloak with disgust painted on his face.

"You wear this cloak and dare to question me? You are a servant, and you dare to talk about freedom?" His eyes glowed brighter, the candor in his voice increasing as the walls continued to dance to the sounds of battle.

Eliare's eyes narrowed, her stance changing as her voice rang out with her lips raised in derision, "Then tell me, what does this 'free man' before me have to say?"

"What do you want, red-blood?" Four snapped, his hand lowered as Two stood beside him, her languid gaze darting about the hall.

Eliare didn't respond for a moment, her hand rubbing the stray drops of blood on her face as she winced, her hand shaking slightly as she shook the bits of flesh off them.

"You know, the blue-blood you compelled had a companion." Eliare paused, her eyes leaving his grime-covered face, and landing on Two's dull eyes, Eliare's eyes glowing a bit brighter as she took a step back, her foot pushing a severed leg backward.

"One of the Unflawed. She is, for the lack of a better word, fierce."

"What are you trying to tell me, red-blood? You think I will not win against one of your 'experiments'?" Four laughed, his soft voice filling the surrounding hallways as his bright golden eyes crinkled, Two's gaze fixed on his laughing face.

"Tell me, red-blood. Do you bleed?" Four's smile widened, his arms spreading wide, his light chuckle filled with mockery.

"Who are you? You are not Four." Two suddenly spoke, her crisp voice resounding with her brown eyes fixed on Four's glowing globes of amber as the lights continued to flicker.

Four's head turned slowly, the soft golden glow filling the hallway's bland walls with color.

"I am who I am. Do not question me." 'Four' said slowly, his eyes blank as he stared at Two, his black hair dancing about his face.

"Dotara, maybe we can come to an agreement. Let me help you escape." Eliare said, her eyes fixed on the taciturn woman, a little smile gracing her beautiful features.

"In exchange for what?" 'Four' chuckled, running his finger running his thick black hair as the floor continued to shake intermittently.

"Your blood." Eliare said, her eyes twinkling as she grinned, her sharp teeth clear despite the flickering lights.

"That is a shame, truly. But I cannot give what I do not own." He smiled, confusion painting itself on Eliare's face while Two's eyes shone with understanding.

"You do not wish to leave this prison? This sorry excuse for a research facility?" Eliare said, her face contorting unnaturally as she questioned him, Two's head turning towards Four as she widened her eyes slightly, something flashing through her brown eyes.

"That is none of your concern. And besides, a child of Tarien asking for a Trevisi's blood…Blasphemy in all its forms." Four laughed, anger starting to make its way into Eliare's face as she grunted.

"How did you…know?"

"How not? Those blindingly bright eyes, those sharp teeth, and your skin…The question of your heritage is unfounded."

"You would be better off asking some other gold-blood, Tarien." He continued, the smile draining from his face as he stared at her, a sneer forming on his face.

"Unreasonable. All of you. Always going on about with your 'pride.'"

"Do you know what it means to be a gold-blood? Unrelenting, Unfettered. I am pride." He said calmly, his face devoid of expression as he continued, "And you still ask for my blood."

"Foolish." Four muttered, before he shot forward, his hand outstretched, the wind whistling as he jumped, aiming for her neck.

Eliare's eyes widened, bending her knees as her cloak rustled, her hand shining with a red radiance, pushing herself forward as she speared him to the ground.

Two suddenly vanished, the air gaining temperature as Four's back hit the ground, a groan escaping his lips, as Eliare pinned him down, raising a hand surrounded by floating tendrils of energy, her eyes as red as blood as she shot her hand down, her teeth grinding.

Four shuffled, turning on his side as he freed his left hand from her grip, head-butting her as a yelp came from her, her energy-clad hand slicing into the metal floor like it was made of butter.

Regaining his footing, Four quickly rose, turned on his heel, and delivered a powerful kick to Eliare's head, sending her body crashing into the wall with a resounding thud.

Eliare shook her head, a sly grin forming on her face. She tore a piece of her shawl with her glowing hands, tossing it aside, her eyes glimmering with what looked like glee.

"Not bad."

He sneered then rushed towards her, his hand outstretched again with his bare feet slapping against the metal floors. She parried his blow, her face blank while her right hand shot outwards as her boots reached out to his feet, her stomps leaving dents on the floor.

"You fight like you are one of us." She laughed, her blows striking true to their target as her swings became faster with Four dodging her fists, weaving through the hallway as the air crackled with their clashes.

Eliare's hue-covered hand burnt off chunks of his skin, leaving patches of his skin black and charred as his eyes glowed intensely, his golden glare seeming to pierce into Eliare's face.

Their feet squeaked on the floor as they danced in a flurry of kicks and swings, moving their glistening bodies to the sound of the shaking walls. They moved swiftly, their movements agile and inhuman as they dodged and punched at impossible angles.

Eliare started to breathe loudly, an euphoric smile spreading on her face. Four's face crunched up in disgust as he suddenly sidestepped, pulling her arm towards his face as he swung his right hand towards her face, slapping her as she was sent flying towards the end of the hallway with a sickening crunch.
