
The Fourth Number

In a world where humans are kept in captivity for unknown reasons, we follow the story of 004, a golden-eyed boy who has just awoken in this bizarre place. Tormented by a strange voice in his head and an unrelenting desire for answers, 004 searches for any information he can find about his captors and their plans for him. As he delves deeper into the twisted secrets of his captors, 004 discovers that he is not alone in this strange, cold world. He encounters a mysterious girl with black hair and unremarkable eyes who claims to have no memory of her past. Together, they navigate the treacherous landscape of their captivity and try to piece together the truth about their captors and their own existence.

Edictus · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 18: An Alter’s Mistake

Eliare grunted, cracks resounding through the hallways as her bones snapped back into their places. She moaned, a bloody smile painting itself across her face as 'Four' stared at her from across the hall.

Her back dented the sturdy wall, her chest rising while she heaved, her coughs low and pain-filled.

Four's face was impassive, his eyes bright as he walked towards her slowly. His wounds had stopped bleeding, the trail of golden laced blood droplets fading as he took each step.

Eliare laughed, her eyes filled with excitement as her voice reached a crescendo, "Have I crossed the line, dotara?! How will the great Trevisi punish me for my sins?!"

Four remained silent, his steps true as he continued to walk towards her, his face contorting in pain as he spoke under his breath, "Not now. Not yet." 

"Huh?! Nothing?! Have my desires angered you?!" She continued, her laughter gaining volume as her eyes crinkled, a blinding red light shining from beneath.

"BE QUIET!" He shouted as he ran towards her, Eliare's eyes widening as he grabbed her by the head, his hand barely covering her face as he slammed her against the wall, a loud clang ringing out his voice ragged as he screamed.


His grip on her face remained tight, Eliare's face bruised and bloody as she continued to laugh, her eyes as bright as ever.

"Ah, For God's sake, 'Four'. I can't help it. You cannot be angry at a helpless woman." She said, her words muffled as she smiled against his hand. 

"BE QUIET!" He screamed again, repeatedly slapping her head against the wall, the slams resonating with the shaking floors. 

"Why do you fight, Four?" Two's airy voice filled his ears, his grip on Eliare's face tight as ever as he paused, the anger in his eyes receding, the lights flickering as their shadows danced.

'Four' shook his head, a bitter smile appearing on his face as he spoke.

"I am not the one you call 'Four'."

Two cocked her head, her eyes filled with confusion as she stared at Four's back, her black hair flowing on her shoulders.

"Who are you?"

"…That's not important." Four spoke solemnly, his shoulders drooped as he let go of Eliare's head, her back hitting the floor as she gasped for air. He paused, his eyes scanning the woman collapsed at his feet before turning to Two's glassy eyes, his golden eyes glowing softly.

"You can consider me an...alter…of sorts."

Two still had a confused expression as her eyes darted around his frame, Four letting out a soft chuckle as his face contorted slightly in discomfort.

"What do you want?"

Four smiled, staring at Eliare as she laid on the ground, placing a foot on her stomach as she stared at him, her ruby eyes shining through her blood-painted face.

Eliare stared at his foot, a hint of confusion and recognition flashing through her eyes before Four spoke, her eyes turning to his face.

"I want the silver-bloods dead. Every single one of them." He whispered, a small smile on his face as Eliare stared at him stunned, before a stifled laughter burst out of her lips, tears forming in her eyes.

"DELUSIONAL! THE SILVER BLOODS?! HAH!" She stood up, pushing his foot off her body as she continued to laugh loudly, her brows crinkled in pain.

"Is this why you gold-bloods are called Icarus' children?" She laughed, her hand on her stomach as her stained cloak rustled around, Two's eyes never leaving her face.

He frowned, the smile leaving his face as he spoke slowly, "I'd rather my wings melt from the heights I reach than have them rot from the chains that bind them."

"Getting philosophical, aren't we?" She continued to smile, her body vibrating along with the floors shaking under her boots.

 He paused, his eyes scanning her face as he spoke, a little smile on his face, "I will help you find your family."

Eliare slowly stopped laughing, her hand wiping off the grime off her golden skin as she looked at Four, her eyes filled with doubt.


"You just need to help 'me' leave this prison." He smiled, Eliare's confusion increasing while Four turned around, walking to nowhere in particular.

"Why did you refuse my offer if you wanted to leave?" She spoke, Two's curiosity piqued as she turned to him, her brown eyes sparkling as though she was waiting for his answer.

"Red-bloods annoy me." Four said with a candid tone, Two's eyes began to shine with something peculiar as the floor continued to shake.

Eliare smiled before suddenly shooting out with a fist towards his face, Four's eyes widening as he sidestepped, planting a knee into her stomach.

"Ugh!" She grunted, rolling over as she grinned, her eyes shining brightly.

Four furrowed his brows with his hand outstretched, Two's eyes darting around in silent amusement.

"Don't make me regret this, Tarien."

Eliare stared at him, wiping the blood off the corner of her mouth before muttering lightly, "You won't."

"Good." Four showed a small smile before his knees gave out, crumbling onto the ground as a stifled scream escaped his mouth.

The scream suddenly became louder, Eliare taking a few steps backward as Two stared intently, her face filled with morbid curiosity. 

He suddenly opened his eyes, gasping for air as he whipped his head around, his golden eyes landing on Eliare's shocked face. His eyes widened even further as he scampered backward on his ass, his face filled with confusion.

"Who are you?"

Eliare's ruby eyes dimmed, Two cocking her head slowly while Four backed up slowly, eyeing the renator carefully.

"Interesting." She muttered, her eyes darting to Two before walking towards the teenager still crouched on the floor, nudging him with her leg slowly.

"Dotara. We must leave. Now."

He looked at her warily, opening his mouth after seeing Two's subtle nod.

"Why...exactly do we need to leave?"

Eliare grinned, her teeth notably white, nodding her head towards the pile of mush at the end of the hallway.

"You can stay if you want, if you're feeling like a battle royale."

Four furrowed his brows, a question forming on his otherwise impassive face.

"What's a battle royale?" 

Hi everyone! Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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