
The Fourth Number

In a world where humans are kept in captivity for unknown reasons, we follow the story of 004, a golden-eyed boy who has just awoken in this bizarre place. Tormented by a strange voice in his head and an unrelenting desire for answers, 004 searches for any information he can find about his captors and their plans for him. As he delves deeper into the twisted secrets of his captors, 004 discovers that he is not alone in this strange, cold world. He encounters a mysterious girl with black hair and unremarkable eyes who claims to have no memory of her past. Together, they navigate the treacherous landscape of their captivity and try to piece together the truth about their captors and their own existence.

Edictus · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

The Buzz

When people get to a point in their lives, They usually ask themselves, 'How did I end up like this?', but I really don't know what decisions I made before to get to this, A red-eyed silhouette staring me down in the middle of an abandoned-looking hallway in the middle of God-knows-where? Must have led an exciting life then.

The red-eyed monster glared at me, like it was trying to commit my face to its memory and then, nothing. I still held my breath in case it wanted to lung at me from the shadows but it was gone.

It left just as quietly as it came. "At least try to make small talk." I muttered under my breath, my deep raspy voice sounding strange, like it wasn't my own voice.

The lights I didn't know existed suddenly flickered on, making me wince as my eyes adjusted to the light.

I suddenly felt watched, I mean those lights were for me, right?

The hallway's dirty white walls were stained with different colors and marks here and there, with some scratches and deep marks all around the walls. The marks were everywhere, but they started to fade as I moved away from the room I woke up in.

I took in a deep breath, realizing that whatever happened here, it happened right in front of my room. I would be dead without even knowing what killed me if they decided to carry the fight to the room I was in.

I shook away that train of thought as I walked forward, taking in everything, considering that I couldn't remember anything about how I ended up here in the first place.

I walked a bit, took a few turns, checking behind me every ten seconds, in case the red eyed guy got hungry. I paused after I heard some shuffling in the hallway I was about to turn into. I slowly put my back on the wall and took a peek. A voice suddenly whispered in my ear. Or so I thought.

'Go th$!Ere &nd cr//sh your enemie$!'

I got startled and recoiled from the wall, my head turning to see the psychopath that whispered in my ear in the middle of somewhere like this.

There was no one there. I stood there, confused as I looked around carefully. Just as I let out a breath of relief and I was about to question my sanity, I heard a shriek followed by a guttural sound that made my back cold with sweat.

I turned my head to see what made that ungodly sound, I saw a man with long disheveled hair and red eyes that glowed in the dark at the far end of the hallway that had splotches of blood all over the walls and small bits of wet meat all over the ground.

'The red eyes again.'

It kept looking at me and let out a sound that seemed to be a laugh. 'This isn't a human anymore.'


It then exploded at a speed that definitely wasn't normal for a human. I screamed and turned around, running away at the fastest pace I could muster out of my weak body. I could feel the man closing the distance rapidly, despair setting in as my whole body went cold.

Then the strange serenity came to me again, it felt like someone poured a cold bucket of water on my head. Whatever that felt like.

I began to pick up speed and soon started gaining distance from the thing behind me. The wind rushed against my ear as I ran through the halls, my heels screeching every time I took a turn.

'Was I always this fast?'

'Of course not.'

I looked behind me and it was still hot in pursuit, its long tongue out of its mouth, dripping with saliva.

I ran across the hallways, my feet moving as fast as they could to get away from the thing chasing me. I panted, the sound of bare feet slapping against tiles echoing off the walls. The grunts never stopped, it just kept screeching, the hunger evident in its bright red eyes.

"Turn left."

"Turn right."

"Duck." I faltered from the unexpected suggestion, then my body moved against my will and planted itself on the ground. I was about to get up when I suddenly felt intense heat on my back. My eyes opened in horror as I saw a white beam blasting above me and burning a hole into the wall in front of me.

I scampered to my feet and shot my body towards the next turn, pushing myself off the ground and shooting for the next turn. Then my body just froze.

"I'm sick of running. What a useless guy 'I' am." The voice in my head spoke clearly for once.

"Watch closely. I don't want to repeat this." My body left my control and I couldn't feel my arms anymore. I couldn't feel anything anymore. The only thing that remained was my sight which was gradually getting tinted by a yellow hue.

"This is such a bother, but I suppose I should do this." A chuckle that didn't come from me escaped my lips as 'I' turned around, looking at the thing coming after my tasty-smelling body.

"That's not how you describe your own body." 'I' chuckled.

'I' lunged forward, meeting the red-eyed fucker and grabbing it by its head.

"So weak." 'I' muttered as my hand swung its head towards the wall. Its blood-soaked bits painted the white wall, adding a new large stain to its collection. It was unrecognizable from the normal-looking face that it was just moments ago. The blood splattered everywhere, staining my hospital gown with small chunks of flesh.


My head turned towards the ceiling and the laugh 'he' seemed to be suppressing came out of my mouth.

"This isn't bad, this isn't bad at all. Those bastards should be satisfied with this, no?"

Guess I wasn't sane after all.

I wobbled as the pain hit me out of nowhere, regaining control of my limbs. I groaned as I leaned against the wall, trying to vomit the non-existent food in my stomach.

I stared at my blood-stained hand, wondering where that strength came from. Where that thing that took my body came from.

"That isn't normal." I muttered to myself, still panting from the chase that had abruptly ended. The hallways were now dead silent, the flickering lights making the scene even eerier.

I winced as I stared at the headless body on the ground, imagining how I would turn out if I was on the receiving end. Probably the same.