
The Fourth Number

In a world where humans are kept in captivity for unknown reasons, we follow the story of 004, a golden-eyed boy who has just awoken in this bizarre place. Tormented by a strange voice in his head and an unrelenting desire for answers, 004 searches for any information he can find about his captors and their plans for him. As he delves deeper into the twisted secrets of his captors, 004 discovers that he is not alone in this strange, cold world. He encounters a mysterious girl with black hair and unremarkable eyes who claims to have no memory of her past. Together, they navigate the treacherous landscape of their captivity and try to piece together the truth about their captors and their own existence.

Edictus · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


I squeezed my face from the pain that shot through my legs every time I took a step. I had to get away from that body, and I didn't need to have a psychotic brain smasher in my head to know that.


I dragged my feet across the quiet hallway, my ragged breath gracing the halls with sound. I didn't know how I was just accepting all of this, almost as if I was used to things like this happening around me.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if I found out I was actually a gun-slinging hunter that ate monsters for breakfast.

My eyes wandered the walls, the various dents on the cold metal spoke of battles long finished. There was a 'Sector 4-A' painted on the wall, in red.

I guess whoever painted it wanted it to be very clear.

The next door in the hallway had a toilet sign hung on it. I wheezed and opened the door, running to the tap that surprisingly worked.

I quenched the thirst I had since I woke up here, not caring that I was drinking water from a toilet in that kind of place. I scooped some water on my face, hoping to get any bits of minced meat that was still on it. I lifted my head and met with a mirror that had an unfamiliar face on it.

I mean, even if you lost your memory, you would remember your face, right?

I stared back at the boy in the mirror, looking at the bright amber-colored eyes staring back at me, the water dripping from the long black hair onto my bronze skin. I had no facial hair, making my sharp jawline more apparent, although I still had soft features, making me look like a teenager. My small high bridged nose fit well in between my slanted eyes, which widened in surprise when I looked at my reflection.

<We look younger than I expected.>


I looked really good. Especially with those eyes.

<Stop sucking your own dick.>

I stared at my face for a few more moments, trying to commit it to memory. I sighed and turned my head, staring at the door. I knew that the moment that I stepped out that door, I wouldn't be safe anymore.

I was right back where I started.

The toilet was clean and free of dust. Not to mention the lack of red colored handprints on the walls. This place was being cleaned by someone.

This isn't a fluke. I was here for a reason.

<They could have at least cleaned the room we were sleeping in.>

"Who even are you?!" I snapped at the voice, my mouth twisting as I stared at myself in the mirror.

"Your reflection." He replied, with my voice.

I stared back into my reflection as it stared back at me, the tension seeming to grow in the empty bathroom.

I took one last look at myself and turned to the door, hesitant as my hand hung on the handle.

"What even are those things? Huh?"

"I could just stay here and be safe." My grip started to tighten on the handle, my body shaking as I muttered to myself in a bathroom in the middle of nowhere.

Nothing could happen to me.

<You stay here and you die. Do you think they won't come for us? You only woke up because they wanted to see what a Trevisi could do.>

"A Trevisi?" I replied, furrowing my brows.

<Go out there and kill some of those retarded weaklings. Maybe they'll find us useful.>

"Who is the 'they' you keep talking about? The ones that brought me here?

<If I tell you who they are, Is there anything you can do about it?>

I suddenly stopped, at a loss of what to say. I turned at the door, my gaze listless as I whispered.

"What do I do, then?"

There was no response.

I groaned and slid on the wall on the back, my bosom hitting the ground as I leaned against the door.

"Fuck. I'm a mess."

I stood up and held the cold handle tightly. It didn't bend, despite all the energy I was putting into it.

I guess everything here is monster-proof.

<Maybe you're just that weak.>

"Here goes nothing."

I pushed the door open, trying to be as quiet as possible as I slipped myself into the crack of the door, looking around as though I was trying to cross a road.

I left out a breath as I scanned my surroundings, expecting a pair of red colored eyes to pop up.

There was nothing.

"I guess I was tense for nothing." I said as I shot off into the hallways, my gown flowing in the wind.

Everything became silent again, until a shadow ran past, and several other shadows followed right behind.


The sound of the wind rushing resounded around a hallway somewhere in the building as a girl with glowing sapphire eyes ran through the halls, her eyes darting around as she nimbly moved through the halls, clearly avoiding some areas.

"Which upper number just woke up?" She mumbled to herself, as she looked up and looked at the words painted on the wall.

'Sector 4-C'

'I should hurry. I'm close.'