
The Four Kings of PRIDE

on April 19th four brothers are born. All four fated to do great things in there futures. There father a king is over joyed at there births, happy to see which one of his sons is going to be his heir for the throne. But in this kingdom there can only be one king.

GavinG · Fantasy
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307 Chs


Chapter 226 Youths?

Mountain Pass: Bandits Lair: Head Bandit's quarters

Barging in like there's a fire as a lanky bandit opens a door wide to a room, with panic stricken on his face as he calls out to a short man with a build like a rugby player, thick with muscle as the short man is stationed near a table.

Walking up with worry as he sees the short light brown skinned man standing up with his back turned to him, as he counts a good hefty sum a Rils on a long table, the lanky bandit states, leader Vacu! We have a problem!

Stopping the motion of his right hand as he was about to stack another Ril on an already made tower of them, with his hair puffy like a chia pet, only turning his face to the left side to glance back at the concerned bandit, staring at him with his black and yellow eye, opening his mouth, a surprisingly deep baritone comes out of Vacu's throat and says, what seems to be the issue? That's got you so shaken like a whore.

Not even trying to set up a scene for him to go off of, making hand gestures with his face still in disbelief on what's going on outside of his leader's quarters, the lanky bandit blurts out, were being slaughtered Vacu sir!!

Shifting his whole body as he now faces his subordinate, commenting back with both eyebrows arching up, Vacu says, slaughtered you say, by whom?

Fast with a reply, the lanky bandit says, youth's sir! We're being dispatched by teens!

With his face stern at hearing that, Vacu says, did you say teens?

Nodding as he can feel his leader's demeanor shift to a more agitated vibe, as he sweats like mad, not getting a verbal reply back but understanding from the gestures and brief info that he's telling the truth, Vacu just remains silent for a moment.

Wearing the same type of attire as the rest of his legion of bandits with their baggy black pants and boots from head to toe, except for Vacu as he adorns something a little different on his upper as he is fitted with a dark green and white thick leather armor on.

Having a Sword holstered by his right side, gripping the hilt of it as he pulls out his Indian made sword called a Rajput, speaking once more with his face still serious, Vacu states, take me to these children so I may end them for coming in and disturbing my money counting.

End of Chapter 226