
The Four Kings of PRIDE

on April 19th four brothers are born. All four fated to do great things in there futures. There father a king is over joyed at there births, happy to see which one of his sons is going to be his heir for the throne. But in this kingdom there can only be one king.

GavinG · Fantasy
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283 Chs

Destroy The Source!

Chapter 225 Destroy The Source!

Mountain Pass: Bandits Lair:

Axle Charmons:

Sneaking around no more as we have completed our objective of rescuing the children, now punching and kicking bandits solidly as me and Dante move about through the enemies' lair, ending lives.

Cutting down a man on his left, dodging one on his right as he evades the bandits attempt at slashing him, with his reaction time spot on as he immediately thrust his katana in the bandit's throat with swiftness.

Pulling out just the same with smoothness, Dante says as he gazes over at me, do you think we'll be able to find Muha pretty soon?

Grabbing one last bandit on the path we've taken in this cave, clenching his right shoulder and striking him in his throat with my elbow, I kill the man without question as his body drops, responding back to Dante, I state with a maybe tone, probably. I bet as we keep moving forward, we shall surely run into the little devil.


Hearing the sound of a dastardly laugh I know too well, darting our eyes in the direction of where it came from, focusing our gaze as we see a person standing on top of what seems to be a large person laying on the ground.

The laughter from the one on top of the body stays continuous, not even questioning that that's our crazy brother, Dante says with his expression not even remotely surprised, looks like we won't need to search anymore. Come on let's go join the fool. 

Dashing over to where Muha has been spotted at, front and center now as we gaze at our over-the-top brother, done laughing like a villain, turning his head over to our direction as he is still atop of the corpse he definitely killed, Muha says in a humorous manner, for goodness' sake what took you numb nuts so long! I got bored of waiting for you guys. So, I decided to kill my boredom.

Speaking right after Muha, Dante says, clearly, we can see that. But our task is incomplete w-.

Interrupting Dante as he jumps off the dead man's belly, Muha says, I know you saved the kiddies. I saw Damian bolting out of here with the rugrats. So basically, were just slaughtering hoodlums now? 

Answering back after being interrupted, Dante says, that's correct. We are cutting down any bandits we see, and we are going to head to the source of this place to really tarnish them.

Smiling wickedly at hearing the words that came from Dante's lips, Muha says with mischievousness in his voice, were going for the big man of these trashes, how fun! I call dibs!

End of Chapter 225