
The Four Kings of PRIDE

on April 19th four brothers are born. All four fated to do great things in there futures. There father a king is over joyed at there births, happy to see which one of his sons is going to be his heir for the throne. But in this kingdom there can only be one king.

GavinG · Fantasy
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307 Chs

Night Time Scuffle

Chapter 11 Night Time Scuffle

Huff! Huff! Ragged breathing feels the air. The masked woman is sprinting with all her might to lose Axle on her tail. Axle moving swiftly tagging along behind her. On the next row of houses, Dante is chasing after the masked man and yells out, stop your only making this harder on yourself! The masked man still dashing and turns his head and replies, back damn kid! Still running along, the masked man digs into his pockets and pulls out three little orbs and quickly hurls them at Dante. Frantically ducking out of the trajectory of the orbs. Once the orbs hit the ground a explosion rings out. Boooom!

Big chunks of house debris flies in the air. Smoke fills the air in the night sky. Dante still chasing after the bandit turns quickly to glance at the destruction and yells out, you bastard! With angry eyes, Dante pumps his legs and arms harder to pick up speed. The masks man gazes back and says with a creepy smile; little baby don't like the fireworks! Then the masked man whips his head back looking forward. But then his eyes widen with concern as he almost, runs into a chimney, thus decelerating his movements.

As the masked man slows down for a brief moment this gives Dante a golden opportunity to catch up to him. Suddenly Dante snags the masked man's leg. He falls to the ground on top of the roof. Dante pulls out his sword and points it at the masked man and says to him, Now stay down if you know what's good for you! The masked man breathing a little heavy and says, I can already tell that you kids ain't going to stop chasing us unless we do something about you damn punks. In one quick swift move the masked man kicks Dante's sword, it pops up wildly. Then in that brief moment the masked man sprouts up to his feet and pulls out his sword. Then the masked man proceeds to charge at Dante. Dante is caught off guard for a split second.

Thus he reacts and there swords clang. Sparks jut put from the clash like little fire flies. Then the two swordsmen's start to go at it with a savage flurry of strikes at each other. In mean time on the other side. Axle is steadily still chasing after the masked woman. The masked woman turns back while still fleeing from Axle and says, Damn this kid is relentless! I guess there's no need for me to keep running! Suddenly the masked woman makes an abrupt stop then turns around smoothly. Axle see's this and stops abruptly as well.

Axle standing looking stoic and says, Do you intend to answer some questions now or do you want to make this a physical altercation? The masked woman replies back with a flirty tone and says, And if I do want to get physical, what will you do little boy! Axle looking extremely serious and says, if you chose the physical route, fair warning I won't go easy on you just because your a woman. The masked woman smirks, she takes out a small marble and rubs the marble in between her hands. Creating a bright purple smoke that forms on her hands.

Once the smoke starts to dissipate. The hands of the woman have turned into deadly combat claws. Axle looking at the feat, his expression still stern and callous. Axle then calmly digs into his left pocket and pulls out some combat gloves with shiny blue stones on them. He then proceeds to put them on, once on he then gets into a combative stance and says, I warned you with a malicious gaze. Swoosh goes the wind in the chill night sky, the masked woman then takes a quick first step and torpedo's at Axle.

Axle still standing at the same exact spot looking intensely. Now the woman is in front of Axle, she then thrust her left claw hand at him. Axle effortlessly dodges her first strike; he then counters with a right hook. The masked woman at the last second dodges the blow, she quickly steps back to make some distance from Axle and her. She then goes on to state in her mind, okay this kid is no ordinary brat! That first strike if it were to connect I would be out cold right now! In a quick blink Axle is in front of the masked woman and says, Are you getting cold feet ma am?

End of Chapter 11