
The Four Kings of PRIDE

on April 19th four brothers are born. All four fated to do great things in there futures. There father a king is over joyed at there births, happy to see which one of his sons is going to be his heir for the throne. But in this kingdom there can only be one king.

GavinG · Fantasy
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284 Chs

Assassination On The King!

Chapter 12 Assassination On The King!

Dark clouds form around Charmons kingdom. It's a beautiful moonlit night. By the kingdom entrance two soldiers are standing watch. The soldier standing on the left with a orange swirly mustache says, nice moonlit night tonight aye! Sure says, the soldier on right, I guess if you like this sort of scenery. While the two men are conversing back and forth. Three ninja like people peer out from the side of the castle. Each three wearing a blue masks and a donning ninja like outfits with some armor on the thigh and chest area.

One of the men in the blue masks with a circle on it says, remember any one that gets in your way kill if you must. Our main objective is to kill the king and only the king. Why just the king? Said by the other blue masks man with a triangle on it. Why not eliminate the queen as well? Because! Said the third ninja with a blue masks with a square on it, that's not what we are getting paid for! That's correct says, the masked ninja with the circle on it. Just the king, now let's move. The three ninja quickly vanish in a puff of smoke.

On the roof of the kingdom four guards are keeping watch. Swoosh a knife fly's through the air. The knife strikes one of the guards in the head. He then falls back and slams to the ground. Another guard hears the loud noise and says, what the hell was that? In a quick moving fashion guard number two runs over to where the other guard was struck. He then stops looking in shock and horror at the sight, he says he- crack!

The guard drops to the ground dead with his neck broken. Behind him was one of the ninjas specifically, the one with a triangle on it. Two more soldiers show up and spot the ninja and they say, hold it right there you bastard! The ninja with the triangle on his mask turns back at them and says hmm. Hey you! We said stop you bastard! Now put your hands up and don't move! Said by one of the guards. The ninja then puts his hands up in the air.

Then suddenly while the two guards are distracted talking to the ninja with the triangle on his mask. The ninja with the square on his head creeps behind them and slashes both of them from behind. Blood fly's up like a little kid splashing in a pool. The two guards hit the ground and the two ninjas vanish. Inside the kingdom in the dinning room. King Bujon is sitting eating dinner with his wife Queen Lien. Suddenly out of no where a knife is thrown at the king. And in a split second the king flings his plate at the knife.

The plate shatters, both the king and queen sprout up out of there seats. The king yells out, show your self you conniving bastard! Up from a dark spot in the ceiling the with a circle on his masks appears and says, It would seem you might not be a easy target after all! King Bujon looking menacing like a lion just staring down the ninja and replies; what is the meaning of this! Who hired you? Dshh the ninja drops down from the ceiling and says, that's non of your concern who my employer is. Just know I'm here to claim your head. King Bujon giving off a lion and tiger mixed aura replies, back with a smirk and says, you may try. But! I didn't become this kingdoms king for nothing!

End of Chapter 12

The Four Kings of Pride will be on break for awhile but do not fret It will be back soon!

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