
The Forgotten Memories : SHIO KAIBA

Everyone is afraid of something. Some people are afraid of spiders, some were afraid of heights, some were afraid of being left alone and many more. It was called a "Phobia". This feeling takes form in different ways, caused by different set of reasons, and has their own different solutions, but despite having a lot of causes, phobias can be cured by doing one particular solution... and it is... "TO FIND THE ORIGIN OF YOUR PHOBIA AND REPEATEDLY EXPOSE YOURSELF TO IT SAFELY." But take note that not every phobia can be cured easily, because it is connected to you more than any other. Maybe it is because of a grudge, a negative experience, or a trauma. It is normal to be afraid, but letting it control yourself is not normal. Just like Shio Kaiba, the subject of this story. She's a person who is afraid of many things, she does everything she can to avoid the things that she is afraid of in order to make herself reliable. However, something happened that forced her to face her fear, she was forced to go into a place where all of a person's fears will exist in a more traumatizing way. This place doesn't have any records that can explain why it is like that. It also doesn't have any files of people living in it. Which leads to the question.... Will this place help her to face her fear and cure her phobia? or will this place make her case worse than before? -----------------------------------------------‐----------------------- Disclaimer: All of the Characters, Story, Places, and Events is part of the Original Idea of the Author while writing the book. Any similarities found in this story to other stories or real-life situation is just a mere coincidence.

SSKV_R3D · Urban
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14 Chs

A Day Before The Storm

Howard tries to shoot her but nothing happens, the bullet only went through her body, she was like a figure made in a smoke and fog.

"You can't do that old man. You can't hurt me" She said while making her first step on the roof

"HEY! THEY ARE MINE! DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY TOYS!" Dal-gu shouted while he tries to destroy the tree that separates him to them.

"you know dal-gu, you are no fun at all... I want to play, this isn't a killers game, this is a survival game..." The girl said in a calm tone while staring at Shio and her group

"Fuck your game bitch! I'm here to pleasure myself and ONLY MY SELF!" Dal-gu said while he hits the tree with a sharp metallic scrap he got from the tree

"You don't want to play my game?" The girl asked as she looks fiercely at Dal-gu

"Do you think I want to play your game? FUCK YOU!" Dal-gu said as he furiously hits the wood

"Okay..." She replied

The girl immediately looked at shio and she snapped her finger.

"What did you do?" Sam asked

"Penalty...Violation.. uhmmmm, Disqualification--- YEAH, it's called disqualification of a player" The Girl calm said in a cheerful tone

Suddenly a scream was heard from a distance.

The four of them immediately look toward where the scream was coming from, they saw Dal-gu getting bitten by the Dogs.

Shio immediately covered Karen's eyes while the three of them was terrified while looking at Dal-gu.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH! NOOOO! AAHHHH---" Dal gu shouted as the dogs ripped his clothes off.

The dogs didn't hesitate on killing dal-gu, They bite him furiously while pulling him in different directions, Both of his hands were torn off, one of the dogs took off his arms and two of the other two dogs took off a leg. After suffering major pain and indescribable injuries, Dal-gu died with his eyes wide open. The dogs continue on removing different parts of his body and eating it in front of Shio's group.

While Howard and Sam try to keep themselves together, Shio can't stop herself to vomit so she gave Karen to Sam and she immediate vomits behind them.

"Now, where are we?" The girl said in a calm tone

"The game..." Howard answered

"oh yeah, So let's keep this simple, In order for you to leave this building, you have to find The Key, why do you have to find the key? It is because the doors at the bottom floor are locked, and yes those are your only way out of here. You can break any of the glass, why? Because I made it unbreakable, only I can break it... You can't also go out through the vents, Because once you go inside the vent, you'll burn to death." The girl said in a calm tone

"How... Where is the key?" Sam said while staring furiously at the girl

"Well, you'll have to find it. Don't worry, the key is located in this building, you don't need to go out just to find it, and another I'll leave a different set of clues for you to use in order to help you find the key"

The girl turns around and slowly flew away, a note was left on the place where she was standing


The dogs left the roof while dragging the Dal-gu's body.

Shio fell to her knees and cries, Karen and Sam went to shio to comfort her while Howard went to get the note that the girl left.

"I am bad but I'm Evil, you may rest for today my players, I left four backpacks with some personal supplies, food supplies and clothing's behind the entry door. You will start playing when Sam's Wristwatch reaches 12 am."

This is what is written on the note that the girl left, Howard immediately went to the door and checked if she is telling the truth. As he opens the door he immediately saw four backpacks, He took it and he immediately locked the door.

"The girl said we may rest for now, once the clock on this kids watch reaches 12 am, that is the time the girls game will start." Howard said as he sat down and gave them the bags

"It's 10 am currently..." Sam said in a calm tone

"So, we have 14 hours left before the scavenger hunt starts, let's rest for now" Howard said while he searches his bag. "I have two tents here, some food and water, how about the three of you" he continued

"I got some batteries, Four flashlights, and two bottles of water" Karen said

"I got food, and clothing's here." Shio said

"I got a bottle of water, a lot of food, one kitchen torch" Sam said

"Okay, You guys stay here, I'll get some wood for us to stay, We don't need set up the tents now because the weather is fine so setting it up is just a waste of energy." Howard said as he stands up and went to get some wood

"Are you okay?" Sam asked with a calm tone

"yeah... I'm good now" Shio answered

"you did great okay? you don't have to worry about anything, everything will be fine.." Sam said a comforting tone

"I'll just organize the bags okay?" Karen said

"Yeah, thank you" Sam replied

"So, is this part of his history. Cause if it was then I don't know how I am able to survive back then" Shio said in a worried tone

"you're stronger than you think, just trust yourself, always think that you can surpass these challenges." Sam said in a comforting tone

"I'm trying Sam, I'm trying my best. But I don't if it is enough. I really don't." She answered

"here..." Sam said as he gave shio the lamp

Shio was surprised at seeing the lamp from Sam

"oh...I'm sorry Sam. I forgot about that" Shio said as she takes the lamp

"attach it to your backpack so that you won't lose it. Once you face the shadows, The light from that lamp will protect us" Sam said in a comforting tone

Shio nods and she immediately attaches the lamp in her backpack.

"I'm sorry Sam, I'm such a burden If I'm not here I think you are already at the exit." She while being very disappointed

"Don't say that Sooner or later you will realize how important you are, you are the only key that we need in order for us to get out of here, maybe not in this building but in this world." Sam answered

"maybe..." Shio said in a calm tone "It's morning here, our parents must be very worried" She continued as she realize the amount of time they spend inside that world

"When you are inside here, your time in the real world will stop. Even though you spend years in here, your time in the real world will not move even a second." he replied

"Well, that's a relief" Shio said

"Yeah, it was." Sam replied

Howard went back carrying a lot of wood.

"It's time to eat, let me cook our food" Howard said in a cheerful tone

"I'm done organizing the backpacks!" Karen said as she sits down near ship

"Good! now let me cook the food for us" Shio said

"Are you sure you can do that?" Howard asked in a taunty tone

"I can, old man..." Shio answered while getting all the food

"Well, let's see how good your cooking is, Hey big boy, let's take the back and change our clothes first, let the girls have their time..." Howard said in a cheerful tone

"No, I'll change later.." Sam replied

Howard pulled Sam towards him

"I said let the girls have their time..." Howard said as he forces Sam to leave the two alone

The two girls laughed as they see Sam resisting Howard's grip. After a few minutes, Shio and Karen were left alone. Shio continues to prepare the fire and cook while Karen watches her

"I really don't know what is happening right now, But if I'm with I know that I will be fine." Karen said while looking at Shio

"So don't look so down, I know that you can get us out of here... you don't need to explain everything, because no matter what happens, we will be there for one another, okay?" She continued

Shio looked at her and she smiled

"I will always be there for you Karen... Always.." Shio said in a normal tone, she immediately hugs Karen tightly

"Hey! everything's okay?" Howard said as they approach from a distance

"Yeah...you look good on those pants" Shio said

"Yeah, these jeans are pretty tight but it's fine, The shirt is pretty big for me though that's why I kept the jacket." Howard replied

"where's Sam?" Shio asked

"here! It took a while sorry..." Sam said

"nice jacket Sam" Karen said

"yeah, pretty dope. This brown pants also does the job, pretty comfortable, I'll wear this every day if it wasn't from an evil girl" Sam said

"you can change your clothes there, let us do the cooking..." Howard said

"Okay! come on sis..." Karen said as she pulls shio

"Okay... don't burn the hotdogs okay?" Shio replied

"yeah, I got this..." Sam answered with a confident tone

Shio and Karen went behind the door and change their clothing while Sam and Howard cooks the food

"You're burning the dog!" Howard shouted

"I'm not burning the hotdog, it's a brown hotdog.." Sam replied

"These dogs used to be red... when did they become brown?" Howard asked in confusion

"Stop calling then dogs, even in the late 90's they already have brown coloured hotdogs, what do you mean when did they become brown?" Sam answered

"oh, I guess I'm not used in seeing these dogs in a brown colour." Howard said

"I said don't call it dogs!" Sam replied in a frustrated tone

Shio and Karen went outside after they finished changing their clothes. Both of them are wearing a matching black jacket and pants and a white t-shirt with a pink lining...

"I'm not wearing the jacket.." Shio said while putting the jacket in her bag

"are there really brown colour dogs in the late '90s," Howard said

"yeah! It's yummy..." Karen replied

"Hotdogs... not dogs.." Sam said in a low tone

"Nah, just let me call it what I want, the important is the taste of this food" Howard said as he took a big bite of the hotdog...

Everyone was surprised because he ate it all even though it's not fully cooked...

"that's not good..." Howard said in a disappointing tone

"Because you ate it too early.." Sam said in a tired tone

"here take another.. just don't eat it instantly okay?" Karen said as she gave Howard another piece of hotdog

"yeah.. thank you little girl" Howard said as he put the hotdog on the stick and cooks it

Sam didn't say anything but he took a deep breath, maybe a way for him to shows his embarrassment.

The time passes by so quickly, after finishing the food the four of them was able to take a quick nap. It was a very calm day, the sun is hiding behind the clouds while it shines enough light to brighten up the day, The wind blows a very calm and cold wind, and for some reason, birds can be heard from the forest. Because of that, they didn't realize that they fell asleep.

it was 8:00 in the evening when Shio woke up...

It was a very cold night and she can't see anything except the light that was coming from the fire that they made. She immediately turns her lamp on and woke up the rest.

"What the fuck happened here... it's too fucking dark!" Howard said as he gets his light and turn it on

"The moon was blocked by the clouds, the light in the school is down too" Sam said as he turns his light

"maybe it's because of this tree. it must have hit the main power source for this building, I can see some light in the theatre building..." Howard said as he shines his light towards the forest "nothing strange in the forest though, I can't hear any dogs too.." He continued

"uhmm, my clock is messing up" Sam said as he noticed the time in his watch is moving very fast

"What..." Howard said as he looks at Sam's watch

All of the hands are getting closer to 12, The wind starts to blow furiously and the clouds moved quickly... until suddenly everything went back to normal...

"what is happening.." Shio said

A paper flew towards them. Howard was able to catch it, He noticed something on the paper so he decided to disassemble it...

"I'm bored, let's start this game."

He said as he reads the words that were written on the paper. Sam looks at his watch and it was already 12 pm. Everyone was terrified by the way how the girl manipulated the time, they can confirm that the girl can kill them anytime she wanted, she just wants to play with her foods first.

While covered in silence, the door in from slowly opened itself, as it opens completely, they saw no one behind it. Everyone pointed their light towards the door while standing still, they immediately realize that the peaceful day is over and now is the time for themselves to play the little girl's game.
