

Caught in bed with a man that wasn't her husband, Kathleen Crawford was declared guilty and shamefully banished from the Hudson's family. Although she was set up, and nothing happened between them, but who was ready to believe her story given the circumstance that the one who saw her was the Almighty Shawn David Hudson: her own husband. No longer the weakling and spineless women that left the Hudson family, she returned a few years later with a new but powerful identity. Revenge was her mission: an eye for an eye for those who have set her up. She didn’t mind crushing whoever dares to stand in her path. But in her quest for revenge, will Shawn sweep her off her feet a second time or is Kathleen’s heart too cold to be melted by his irresistible charm?

Beautifiedg1 · Urban
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353 Chs

I’m Sorry Sis

"Madam, is the boss alright?" Johnson asked, a sickening feeling settling down at the pit of his stomach.

"Madam, you are not saying anything." If it were someone else, he would have pushed her aside and found out for himself.

But the person he was dealing with was not only his boss's wife but the heiress to Wyatt corporations. Not only that but she was a renowned doctor respected by all and sundry. No matter how powerful he was, he was only an assistant to a man who might probably be dead by now.

He shuddered instantly and dared not think of that possibility.


"He is alive," was the succinct reply he got.

"He should be able to hold on till we arrive at the hospital," Kathleen informed Johnson and his hanging heart eventually returned to normal.