
The Fluffy Adventures of the Reincarnated Vampire (GL)

Hello, everyone it's your favorite cuddly and fluffy vampire princess, Lily! I am here to ask you to give this story of mine a try. Ahh, you need incentive. Well, I have lots of cute brides that all have unique personalities, and I believe you will love this very heartwarming and fluffy story , but don't let it fool you, there are surprises along the way. There are also plenty of funny and embarrassing moments for me as well, such as the time I yelled, "I No Longer Have My "Son," Thank You, Goddess!!!!! So why not give this fluffy vampire girls love harem story a chance. See you soon! What awaits Lily the Fluffy Vampire Princess as her greatest wish became a reality, and she navigates a new world filled with loved, adventure, and surprises?

WeebWrites96 · LGBT+
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48 Chs

Extra Chapter 28.5: For the love of Fluff (A Family’s Day Out)

Hello, everyone! It's your favorite cuddly and fluffy vampire Princess, Lily, here. I wanted to share a heartwarming story with you about a day spent with one of my beloved brides, Klare, and our darling daughter, Freya. 

It all started when Klare had a day off from her maid training at Sue's. I had missed her dearly and asked her to spend the day with me and Freya. "My Darling Klare, you have the day off today, correct?" I asked her. 

"That is correct, why do you ask, my dear?" Klare replied. 

"Oh, no reason, except that you promised to spend time with us when you have the time. We missed you while we were at Sue's, and Freya was especially eager to see you," I said with a smile that didn't quite reach my eyes. 

Klare nervously replied, "I promise I didn't forget. I talked to Lucy and the other brides, and they said we can spend the whole day together today, just you, me, and Freya."