
The Fluffy Adventures of the Reincarnated Vampire (GL)

Hello, everyone it's your favorite cuddly and fluffy vampire princess, Lily! I am here to ask you to give this story of mine a try. Ahh, you need incentive. Well, I have lots of cute brides that all have unique personalities, and I believe you will love this very heartwarming and fluffy story , but don't let it fool you, there are surprises along the way. There are also plenty of funny and embarrassing moments for me as well, such as the time I yelled, "I No Longer Have My "Son," Thank You, Goddess!!!!! So why not give this fluffy vampire girls love harem story a chance. See you soon! What awaits Lily the Fluffy Vampire Princess as her greatest wish became a reality, and she navigates a new world filled with loved, adventure, and surprises?

WeebWrites96 · LGBT+
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48 Chs

Chapter 10: The Queen’s Compromise

Queen Daisy P.O.V.

As I sat in my chambers, contemplating the fact that my little girl had finally become an adult, I couldn't believe how fast time had flown by. I turned to my wife, Queen Charlotte, who was standing by my side.

"Don't forget she's my little girl too, Daisy. I know how you feel, but remember, no matter how old she becomes, she will always be our beloved daughter, and no matter what, she will always be our baby," Queen Charlotte said.

I nodded in agreement. "I know, but it's hard to let go. She's been sick for so long, and now she wants to go on an adventure. It's just scary," I said.

"I understand how you feel, Daisy, but she's an adult now. We can't stop her. Let's make a compromise that will motivate her to train and master her powers these next three months. We'll tell her we'll let her go on an adventure if she can prove she's strong enough and in control of her vampire abilities at the end of those three months," Queen Charlotte suggested.

I thought for a moment before nodding. "Okay, that sounds like a good plan. But I want to set some rules in place when the time comes," I said.

Queen Charlotte chuckled. "I knew you would want to protect our daughter. You've always been such an overprotective mother," she teased.

I rolled my eyes. "I could say the same about you, my darling wife, who spent the last few years personally training Yami and Lucy," I retorted.

Queen Charlotte smiled. "That's not being overprotective. It's called being thorough," she said.

I laughed. "Whatever you say, my love. I wouldn't trade our daughter for anything, and I don't think I want another child. Is that okay?" I asked.

Queen Charlotte nodded. "Of course. I feel the same way. I love you, Daisy," she said.

"I love you too, Charlotte," I replied before giving my wife a long kiss and hug.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. A maid entered, announcing that Lily had returned home with her friends.

"Bring them in. We need to talk to them before the birthday ball starts," I said.

The maid left and returned a few minutes later with Lily and her friends.

"Good afternoon, your Majesties," Lucy and Yami greeted us.

"Good afternoon, girls. Remember, you're our daughters-in-law now, so there's no need to be formal with us in private," Queen Charlotte said.

"Fufufu, my, my. You girls are too cute. So where is my darling daughter?" I asked as I walked towards Mana, who was holding Lily in her arms. I gently took my daughter from her, and my heart ached seeing how tired and weak she looked. Her excitement for her birthday ball and her nightmares must have taken a toll on her. But I knew she needed to wake up and get ready, and we needed to discuss our plans for her surprise present.

"Lily, honey, it's time to wake up," I said softly, hoping not to startle her.

"Time to wake up, my darling daughter," Queen Charlotte added, giving Lily a gentle kiss on the cheek.

Lily stirred and gave us both a warm hug. I held her tightly, not wanting to let her go.

"Hahaha, you sweet and silly girl. It's the afternoon, and it's almost time for your birthday ball, which your mommy and I planned. Are you excited to dance with your lovely wives?" Queen Charlotte asked with a smile.

"Really? It's already that time? I am really excited. I can't wait to put on my dress, and I'm super excited to see you, mommy, Lucy, Yami, and Mana in your dresses. I am a little nervous about dancing, but I still want to," Lily said, her voice filled with excitement.

"My sweetheart, you don't have to be nervous about dancing. I am sure your wonderful wives will help you, and all that matters is that you have fun. However, you have to promise me that if you start to feel tired or weak, you won't push yourself, and you will tell one of us so you can rest," I said, hoping she understood the importance of taking care of herself.

"Okies! I promise, mommy," Lily agreed, her eyes filled with determination.

"Good girl. Now, do you want to hear about your present before you go and get ready?" I asked, wanting to make her day even more special.

"Yes! Yes! What's the present, Momma, Mommy?" Lily asked eagerly.

As I listened to Lily's excitement, I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness. My daughter had endured so much, the doctors state due to her trauma her mind won't ever fully mature, even with her powers. But I was grateful for her wives, who loved and protected her no matter what. I knew I needed to ensure she stayed safe on her adventure.

"Lily, your mama and I have decided to allow you to go on an adventure soon. However, you will have to meet a few conditions and rules and promise to follow them, okay?" I said, trying to sound firm but gentle.

"What are the conditions, Mommy?" Lily asked, her eyes shining with excitement.

I took a deep breath before continuing. "The first condition is that you will train for the next three months, starting tomorrow, with Lucy, Yami, and Mana to strengthen your body and master your powers so that you can control your vampire abilities."

"I promise to work hard to master my powers and get stronger," Lily said, determination in her voice.

"Good girl. Make sure you do so. The second condition is that after you master your powers, you will come to me and your mama and show us that you can control your vampire abilities. If you can do so, you and your wives will graduate early from the academy. We will also allow Mana to leave the Headmaster position," I explained.

"Okies, I promise I will control my powers by then," Lily agreed, her eyes filled with determination.

"We will see, sweetheart," I said to Lily, holding her close. "But first, you must promise to follow the rules."

Lily nodded eagerly, listening carefully as I explained. "First, you are not allowed to go anywhere without one of your wives with you. You are the first princess of this Kingdom, so you have to be extra careful. Second, you must register at the adventurer guild here in the capital so we can get updates about your adventures. Third, you must avoid the Harold Kingdom; it is a terrible and racist human male-run kingdom. If you wish to visit a dominant human country, go to the Garrison Empire. It is an open-minded country run by a human woman. Lastly, you must come straight to us or send a familiar to us immediately if you run into an emergency. Do you promise to follow these rules?"

"Yes, I promise. Thank you, I love you, Mommy!" Lily replied, giving me a big hug and kiss.

As I held my daughter, my wife Charlotte spoke up. "Hey, now what about Mama? I had to convince your Mommy to let you go on an adventure," she said with a smile.

Lily turned to her other mother and gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Ehehehe, sorry. Thank you, I love Mama," she said before running off with the other girls to get ready for the ball.

As my daughter left, I turned to Charlotte with a frown. "You threw me under the bus to make yourself look good in front of our darling daughter, didn't you?" I asked, my tone filled with playful anger.

Charlotte looked scared but also a little excited. "Yes, I did. I'm sorry, my love," she said softly.

I couldn't help but grin at the thought of punishing my wife later. "You will be thoroughly punished later tonight, my wonderful wife," I said, my voice taking on a playful, sadistic tone.

Charlotte looked scared but also eager. "Yes, ma'am," she replied obediently.

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