
The Flawless Scholar

Rokit6 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

1. Morning

I hate mornings. Even more than that I hate release mornings.

*Ven, you have an incoming call from Perry Pennytine*

"Perry, why are you..answer call"

"Hello!? Venice? Did you get it yet?"

I always seem to forget how much energy this kid has in the morning. I on the other hand am not a morning person, if it were up to me days wouldn't start until 2 pm.

"What are you on about now?"

"What am I on about? Don't tell me you forgot, today's the day Fireheart realeses. The biggest MMORG to reales like EVER. Don't tell me... did you forget to pre-order it?"

"Come on Perry, you were with me when I did."

"Was I?"

"Yes, you were. You practically forced me get it"

"Hmmm...I don't recall, anyhow hurry up and start your morning routine so we can get playing. It takes ages."


That damn Perry, so free sprited. He always seemed to go with the flow, until I get myself into trouble. It is then he reminds me how smart and reliable he is.


Only your allowed to wake me up like this. That's how it's always been, ever since these damn Eva's took over.

*You called?*

"I did not, your dismissed"

Who let them read our thoughts anyway. Thanks to them all the adults left us to our own devices. Initially I was thrilled like everyone else, However children always seem to struggle with order, and without order chaos always...

*Incoming Call from Perry Pennytine*

"Answer call.. Hello"

"My bad for calling you so early Ven, how about I make it up to you by giving you some of my early loot? You know what make that all of my early loot. That's fair right?"

"Sure Perry"

"I won't call you anymore I promise, but you gotta wake up, you have 30 minutes"

"30 minutes?!"


*Ven would you like to start your morning routine?*


But seriously this guy...That 100% could've waited till 2.