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I dought he couldn't beat anyone that had bounties above a million. If so you’re underestimating how strong yoruichi was as a normal human and overestimateing how weak people with a couple million are. Not to say their weak, but their isn't one I think is on yoruichis level. Not to mention if he is operating on one peice logic he should be a monster. Hell DanDan's bounty was 7.8 million. Higuma the guy that took luffy where shanks lost his arm was 8 million. Alvida 5 million, if He's terrified of these characters and he's mastered sun breathing I fear for the scaling of this fic and this character. but let's see he this goes.
do you have no other way to write that, you use "Intresting" waaaaaaay to much.
man, why is every so author using chat gpt now.
She just poisoned you moments ago and you're fuc**** dumb enough to drink something else she offered...
With what permits, has he had the trucks inspected, fitted, how are the machines still working, and how much is he selling items for. what's the menu, how does someone who barely ever cooked not think to hire a chef. So many things have been skipped. I don't know what to think, but if I read he forgives his family and wants his girlfriend back, I'm out.
Why would he want to help someone that's been nothing but Rude, distrusting basically down right racist to him. Really after helping his people he's still being like that.
Is this really all he does, he doesn't seem as badass as everyone tells me Jack reacher is. Not when he's in shootouts or anything. Besides the two times the historian was useless, and he's been hardly using Charlie puth to make himself money, or used his knowledge to potentially do anything with his knowledge of earth. Honestly besides his interactions with The captain which I like everthing else about it is boring.
thanks for the chapter
lu zhe: I fell a disturbance in the force. - Pocket hunting Dimension