
(6)Entering the Ruler's World(4)

Chapter 529: Entering the Ruler's World(4)

"Dirty beast, after what you did with John, your fate is going to be very difficult," One of the Dark Elves that hadn't faced a severe injury gloatingly told the Dragon.

The group of seven people was the third-ranked hunting group of Kajiya, the Dark Elven city.

Even though the group members came together, not all of them were friends. John was the weakest of the group, but with the courtesy of his father, George, he had gotten a spot in it.


"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" George angrily asked. He had just gotten the news that his only son, John, had died in a battle.

Kajiya was the capital city in the Kingdom of Dark Elves. It wasn't one of the Kingdoms, but the only one. Fourteen thousand years ago, Louise, a Dark Elf, had conquered the entirety of the world and unified it into a single Kingdom of the Dark Elves.