
Niall Needs To Know

Overlord Niall took out a notepad and placed it between them.

"Now we can move on to the reason I actually called you in here. I interviewed the failed assassin, and it appears that you have made the growing threat list of at least one foreign nation. The toxin from the spell scroll should have been potent enough to kill a Royal Rank Elite if it had landed.

If he hadn't missed, we would have had only seconds to prevent your death." Niall explained.

"He didn't actually miss. Thor keeps Eternal Lightning, his defensive barrier skill, active on the whole group at all times. He doesn't like any of us being in danger. So, the attack hit a Monarch Rank barrier skill and simply fell to the ground. 

I thought it was a poisoned needle, and tried to collect it, but it vanished after a few seconds." 

"Do you have any idea what group might be after your life?" Niall asked.