
Mad Dash

Karl stumbled back to the scene of his battle and grabbed the head of the Royal Rank Frost Giant. He had told the General that he would mount the head on his wall, after all.

Somewhere in Karl's muddled mind, he knew that made no sense, and that there was something wrong with his thinking, but he dragged the head all the way back to the wagon before Tessa sat him down in the snow, and shone a flashlight in his eyes.

"Can you hear me? How many fingers am I holding up?" She asked.

Everything was a bit blurry, and it took him a few seconds to focus, as her image kept swaying in front of him, but Karl confidently held up two fingers in the V for victory.

"Definitely a concussion, plus whatever other internal injuries aren't healed. Lotus, what is up with the sling?" Tessa asked, far too loudly, as it was causing him intense pain in his head.