

A knock at the door caught Tessa's attention, and she opened the door to let a group of clerics in.

"Monarch, We have an urgent issue. There has been a line breach." The first cleric in the door exclaimed, only to pause in confusion as a server with a large cake on a cart pushed past him into the room, completely ignoring his panic.

"Continue, sir. There has been a line breach where? I take it that you need an Elite of my Rank, or you wouldn't be here in such a tizzy."

[Tizzy, that's a fun word. I like it.] Cara noted.

The cleric nodded rapidly, then a black robed figure appeared at his left.

"Overlord Niall." Karl greeted him.

More boots were stomping down the hallway, and Dana gave Karl a 'WTF is going on' sort of look.

Overlords Tabitha and Ahmad both burst into the room, skidding to a stop so they didn't bowl over the slower reacting clerics.