
Politics (II): The Prophecy Of A Destiny, Divination Of Fate


War was an easy venture, it was the hardest thing to do, and more so if you also had important responsibilities. But Ellen would never let anybody pervert her birthright, her throne should be hers and hers alone. But her sister and half brother began to covet what she had trained her whole life for. One of them had succeeded in taking it away from her, and now the other is knocking on her door with murder in his mind.

Ellen wanted to keep a strong face, after all she had soldier's who had followed her here for their belief of the legitimacy of her claim to the throne. And to even make matters worse, she was the priestess, the only one through connection to the dark mother Gerona. But these days things has not been going as planned, as of this moment she was trapped and unable to do anything but wait for her own demise and conquering by the hands of her brother.

A filthy male.

Gerona has been silent, Ellen would never admit, but she missed the voice and presence of her dark mother. In this desolate place on the edge of her empire, she has not been able to see clearly the will of her Goddess. But this was about to change, she hoped that with this ritual, her Dark mother would tell and show her a way to defeat the usurpers.

Ellen shook in fright as a loud boom reverberated through the fortress, the sound was so loud that it shook her straight down to her very bones. She knew without a trace of doubt, that it was only a matter of time before the gate into the fortress came tumbling down, and the slaughtering and defiling of her maidens, become the day's main course. She needed a miracle, and she needed one now.

She looked ahead of her and stretched her hands wide with a resolute gaze, her attendants; young virgin demonesses that would never feel the passion of a man's touch for the whole of their long lives, and live only to serve and defend in the service of their priestess, began to take of her clothes. They were gentle in the way it was done, softly pulling them off and dropping them in a circle around her feet.

Her grey and smooth skin seemed to give off a faint luster under the dim light of the bathhouse she was currently in. the bath was emptied of water, and in its place was milk from a newly birthed land wyrms. It's hard enough as it is, to get, due to the protection of the mother over her cub. But the dark elves have been raising and taming them for centuries, most especially the priestesses who used their blood and milk for ritual rites, solicitation and blessings.

The milk of a baby land Wyrm is pure and untainted from the ordinances of Hell once it is born. But such purity only lasts for the first ten minutes of it's birth, which was why their milk and blood are harvested almost immediately after they are born.

Ellen stepped into the bath that filled to the brim with milk, she loved the feeling it had on her skin, but above all else she could feel the thrum and him of power within it's essence. She could not help but let out a happy sigh as the feeling of peace seeped into her bones and core. It was as if her would was being nourished.

Then her attendants surrounded the bath, each with a huge flask in their hand. As soon as they were in position, Ellen moved till she was standing in the center of the bath and the milk came up to her chest. Then she crossed her arms together and began to sing.

Her voice was magical and unreal. It was like hearing a whisper that comes and goes with the advent of the wind, touching and caressing your soul with soothing soft melodies that made you reflect and appreciate the profoundness of life. But that melody could just as easily steal your soul, it would trap you in a world of unknown torment, and blissful agony. You would suffer, but you will still yearn to hear her sing.

After she started singing, it was like a signal for her attendants, as they started pouring what was contained in their flasks. It was blood!, and this blood unlike the milk did not have an aura of purity and innocence. It was dark, very dark. And it was saturated down to its very essence by malevolence, hatred and unwillingness. This blood came from the bodies of captured and tortured Demons. They are pushed to the brink of despair for this very reason. The hatred, the malevolence in their blood made for one of the most powerful ingredients in many rituals and alchemic experiments.

The blood flowed in rivulets from the flask and came to settle on the milk, instead of mixing with it as expected, the blood started to move within the milk, like it had a mind of it own. It crawled towards Ellen, and began to creep up her body, spreading every which way until her entire head and what was exposed of her chest and neck, even to her bright silver hair was covered in blood. And then the blood glowed...…then she screamed.

[Visions of blood, suffering and bones suffused her sights, they came with an electric shock that was rode by the vision of a man, a man who was not her brother. His white hair and black sword reaped lives, demon lives, celestial lives, mortal lives, he took hers too. He judged her swift and true, dealing with her according to the actions of her past and the weight of her conscience. Then he took her, he took her pride, he took her honor, and then he took her body. But in return he made her an empress, but not of the dark elves, he made her an empress of Zion.

And then he burned the world, just as he burned the sky, just as he burned the Earth. And behold a multitude of races knelt before him, they bowed in reverence at his power and equality. Of his darkness, and of his light. And beside him were two women with power just as great as his, and below them were servants to their self, servants with the statuses of kings, or queens, of Gods. And among them she was there, as was her sister as was her people.

Fire burned through her spine as a vision of death came, holding tightly on to it was a vision of life. The trees and flower in bloom, and the sweet, sweet sound of a new born child. Then she felt loss, emptiness, betrayal, death. And the finally a tunnel, and at the end was the same Man, different, more majestic, innocent and safe. His name was given, his destiny was written, his being was forged, his fate was controlled. All by the works of his own hands. His name was Nathaniel, and he was her destiny as much as she was his.]


The sound of the bath room door being opened in a hurry shook Ellen out of her trance. She was filled with fury at the insolence of the demon with a death wish, this was a crucial moment for her, but thankfully she had seen all her visions, though most of it were unclear she understood basically what was being shown to her. To be honest Ellen was the least talented of priestess in the dark elf history when it came to Divination. But what she was truly good at her, was interpreting those divinations.

And the a swear in front of her was simple though it shook her to very core. New Gods were about to be born, and she was to be the wife and supporter of one of them. She was to loose everything that made her the dark elf priestess and princess she was today. She was to loose her chastity, her honor, her pride, and most importantly her heart.

"Your majesty!, a strange but small army has appeared behind the enemies forces! They're winning your highness, they're winning!"

Gods he was loud, but that could not be his entire fault, after all he was an imp. And those mischievous demons had a mouth too big for their small size. Ellen walked out of the bath completely dried, the milk and blood that had previously occupied the bath had disappeared into thin air. Her body was smooth without any trace of either the blood or the milk, it was an amazing sight, but to everyone around her it was quite normal.

"Pip? The people attacking, are they friend or foe.?" Ellen asked as her attendants helped dress her up.

"Arghh, I didn't check. But there should be friends right?, after all they're helping us." The two feet imp muttered softly. His purple tail swayed left and right in agitation at the punishment he knew was coming was his careless delivering of news.

"Slap!" There it was, same old Ellen. Slap anything that makes you angry.

"You bloody fool. They might be the enemy's reinforcement."

Then she turned with a flourish and made her way out of the bathroom, leaving behind a dejected imp who felt wronged by his master. If they were reinforcements, then why did they attack their allies. As far as Pip was concerned, Ellen was just looking for a reason to slap him.


"Ahh! I coming your most gracious sunflower."

Then he awkwardly flew after her, his tiny wings barely managing to keep his pudgy body afloat. As soon as he went out of the bathroom and Into the hall, there was another resounding slap. It seems Ellen also did not like to be kept waiting.

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