
The First Gravity Mage

Follow the story of 14 year old Ryan Lowells that will have to face the world unprepared. He is not overly talented or extremely smart, but he is more intelligent than the average at person. The only help he will have is snippet of memories from a person on earth, as he rank up and get stronger he will be able to receive more memories. He will have to learn how to use an unknown element that no one in his world had before. With no preset spells or martial skills already made with his element, he will be forced to become more creative to find ways use his element and create his own spells. As he struggles to progress his power in a world where power is survival, he will face many challenges. As simple as knowing who your true friends are or just wanting love, to fighting for a chance to keep his world alive. A unknown power will periodically transfer any living being that had entered a dungeon before to another world. With the only objective is to survive and there are more than one world that is suffering from the dungeons. Why did Dungeons appear. What is the reason to give them power. Why did a unique person gave him his memories. Are you truly free in a world where you only left with no choice but to do what someone else want. What will happen when you lose most of what you are fighting for but not everything. Will you continue to fight for what you have left or focus on revenge and disregard what you have left. (I won't ever be locking any chapters, the app price things way to high. I Want to try to build a fan base. First time writing, probably will make mistakes. I can only get better, so feel free to let me know the problems in my writing.)

Dynaxty · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
106 Chs

32 Rank 2 beast

Ryan spent the remainder of the day cultivating with the beast cores he obtained, than went to sleep after awhile.

"Are we there yet."

"We are almost there." Jason mom voice was heard.

Ryan vision fade back in from darkness and the first things he see is houses and buildings going past.

(Where are we going, this the first time I'm going somewhere with the entire family. Haha, I'm saying it as if I'm part of the family too.) Ryan thought to himself feeling slightly sad now.

Minutes pass until Jason voice can be heard again."Dad i need to pee, are we close."

"Can you hold it, we're almost there. See."

The car pulled in a parking lot with a sign hovering over it.

(What is this place.) Ryan thought to himself as the sign with the word zoo, travel pass his line of sight.

The family park the car and walked towards a line near the entrance of a gated place. A person at the gate ask for a ticket. Jason dad hand the tickets to him and walked in.

"Im going to take Jason to the bathroom i be right back. Jason dad said to Jason mom.

Once they got back, they started walking around.

( Oh, this is a place to keep beasts trap to look at. They keep calling them animals tho, must be because they not as hostile as beast.)

Jason walked to the glass of one of the cages, and see a sandy yellow fur beast. It have a small black spots, white belly, and tails with dark rings. Black lines also run from their eyes to the corners of their mouths.

Jason push a button that is on the glass and a monotone lady voice was heard talking.

"The cheetah is a large cat and the fastest land animal.

The cheetah is capable of running at 58 to 65 mph. Its has evolved specialized adaptations for speed, including a light build, long thin legs and a long tail"

(This is Perfect, I may get to learn more about animals here. Even though these beast are not exactly the same as the beast in the real world, but there are similar. I may be able to use the knowledge I learn to help me fight the beast in the forest. At the very least get an idea of how they would attack. Like now if I see something that look similar to a cheetah, it probably will be fast.)

Ryan spent most of the dream at the zoo until he woke back up.

Waking up, Ryan did his normal morning routine. He decide to make a small hideout farther away in a tree for cooking. He didn't want to cook at his main hideout anymore when he thought about the beasts smelling the cooking and coming to check it out.

He assume that beasts didn't get attracted the first time because a burnt smell was coming from the cooking. He knows that that's not normally how cooking should smell.

He spent the whole morning making a place to cook before heading out to hunt. He came across a beast hopping through the tree. He intentionally let the beast notice him and let it follow him.

As the beast was chasing Ryan down, it had temporarily lost sight of Ryan. It continued to jump towards the direction Ryan was traveling in. It jump aiming to land on a branch in front of him and got surprised attack mid air.

Hiding behind a tree Ryan waited untill he can hear the beast get close. he peeks out waiting for the right time and jumped towards the beast as it was in mid air.

Knowing it won't be able to dodge, Ryan put all his strength in the swing. He made the sword and himself 10 time lighter as he swung the sword at the beast.

From the angle he chose to attack from he couldn't Aim for the neck so he just swung at the waist. Nearly splitting it in 2, the beast fell to the forest floor. It was still alive, but lost alot of its movement ability.

Ryan  ran circles around it not risking any chances of the beast hitting him with some weird attack. Once he saw a opportunity to attack he use his element on his sword  and beheaded the beast with one swing.

He put the beast corpse away in his ring and checked his mana. Seeing that he still have more than 80% he left to hunt another beast.

As he searching around for another beast, he notice a beast stalking him. He wasn't that surprised he wasn't being overly sneaky as he made his way through the forest.

He plan on doing the same trap he did last time. Without showing signs that he noticed the beast he continue to run through the forest.

The beast that was trailing him temporarily lost sight of ryan and it stop at the place it last saw him at and looked around.

The beast was abnormaly dark, it could be easily mistaken for a shadow. It looked similar to a very large cat in terms of body shape.

The beast stopping there surprised Ryan that was only like 20 feet away peaking at it. Ryan frowned he didn't expect it to stop there, it became slightly more difficult to preform a sneak attack.

But it was only slightly more difficult so Ryan just decide to attack when the beast look more in the opposite direction of him.

But just as that thought went through his head the beast turned towards his direction and jumped towards him.

Ryan was shocked to be found out so easily but he more shock feeling the pressure from a rank 2 beast.

He knew he can't panic at times like these and He hurriedly jumped backwards to another branch. He took off running again but he can't help noticed this beast look familiar.

The beast speed increase as it realize Ryan was trying to get away. I didn't waste anymore time and made myself 6 times lighter and ran faster.

The beast was alot faster than Ryan once it actually start chasing him instead of stalking.

Ryan jumped lower to the forest floor in hopes to lose it in the bushes, But it was trailing to close to work. Ryan decided he will have to attack back. knowing he might not be able to survive a clean hit from the rank 2 beast he wasn't planning on getting close.

As the beast was still in the trees as Ryan on the ground, Ryan led the beast to a opening where the beast will be forced to leave the tree. 

Just as Ryan made it to the open field, the beast wasted no time and jumped down to chase. It's sped up even faster to attack.

Ryan made himself 11 times lighter while infusing aura in his legs to jump straight up as high as he can.

The beast jump too and try to grab him mid air. Ryan Realize he may of had underestimated the beast speed and jumping ability.

He can see the beast aiming to bite his leg. The beast will definitely grab him out the air if nothing changes at this rate.

Ryan pulled out all the bones and beasts hide from the ring and threw it at the beast. Hoping it will cause something.

To Ryan surprise it did, it made the beast time the biting wrong and miss his leg. Which gave Ryan the opportunity to jump off the beast head and got higher and farther away from it.

This gave him the chance to preform the move he wanted to do in the first place. He had a plan for jumping straight up, he didn't do it for no reason. There only one move he knows that have a good chance of killing it.

He wrapped aura on his sword to make it 11 times lighter and infuse aura in his arms. As the beast was falling back down Ryan raise his sword than threw it straight down at the beast. As the sword left Ryan hands he made it 11 times heavier.

"SWORD OF SUPPRESSION!" Ryan yelled with determination brimming in his voice.

Ryan could barely see the sword traveling through the air, it was like it hit the beast instantly. He couldn't really see it traveled mainly because they wasn't that far apart from each other.

The beast roar in pain when got hit and hit the ground pretty hard.

Ryan came falling down but he made himself lighter to have a soft landing.

Seeing that the beast was still alive Ryan pulled out another sword. He didn't want to give it time to recover and took off at maximum speed towards it. The beast couldn't react fast enough and with a swipe down with his sword that is 11 times heavier, the beast was beheaded.

"I killed My first rank 2 beast." Ryan said with a smile. You can hear the feeling of accomplishment oozing out of each word he said.

Looking down at the beast, Ryan finally remember where he saw it. Its the first rank 2 beast he saw when he made it to the forest. He can still remember the feeling of despair he had cause of it.

"I wonder why this beast always hunting during the day, it would be obviously better to hunt during the night. It even look more like a shadow of a beast right now laying there instead of a beast."