

old book

Dynaxty · Fantasy
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106 Chs

33 Discovery

Ryan had collected the body and went back to the hideout. He had used a good amount of his mana hunting.

Ryan made it home and decided to cook up the rank 2 beast. Beasts meat is beneficial to eat but any beast rank under rank 6 is not that beneficial. Beast have a quality change when they advance to rank6.

Ryan did better at cooking this time and manage not to burn any of the meat. After eating he thought back on his fights he had to day to see where he can improve.

"There not much I can do better when killing the first beast, other than taking into account where I hide to ambush. I could think more about my positioning to make sure when i strike, it will be a kill strike.

I should keep in mind that only rank1 beast are stupid enough to fall into very simple traps. I had forgotten that beast get smarter as there rank increases. I don't know how that beast located me but I got to remember not all beast are simple.

This not the first time I was chase by a rank 2 beast and they was clueless when I hid. So it must be something special about that beast. It did seem alot more calm and composed than most."

Ryan finish the day cultivating and went to sleep.

It's been a month since Ryan killed his first rank 2 beast. Not much happened during the month all he did was train and fight. He did start exploring farther in the forest but nothing useful came from it yet.

Ryan routine is pretty straightforward. Every morning he train than recover his mana to go hunting. He hunt until he have around 40% mana left and go home. Then he spends the rest of the day cultivating.

The strange dreams Ryan always have every night had helped him feel less lonely but at the same time sad. He always remembering and missing his family because of the dreams too.

Right now Ryan out hunting like usual looking for his next kill. As he moved through the forest he saw his next target. Or should I say he heard his next target because he can hear a beast eating nearby.

Stopping on a tree near the bushes the sound was coming from, Ryan try to get a better look at it. He can tell something moving in the bush but can't tell what it is.

Less than a minute pass until he see the beast that had hop out the bushes with a beast corpse in it jaws. To Ryan surprised it look just like the abnormaly dark shadow beast.

Ryan got curious and followed it from a distance. It didn't take long for the beast to stop near this gap in this cliff. The beast struggled a bit before getting the beast corpse into the gap.

(This must be its home. It's either storing food or feeding it to another beast.) Ryan thought to himself.

Ryan decided to throw something in there to see what comes out. He want to kill these beast mainly because how dangerous they can get if they hunt at night.

Finding a few rocks to throw, Ryan threw alot of rocks every so often but nothing had happened. He decide to just throw a boulder at the entrance to see what happens.

Once the boulder hit the gap, the boulder broke apart and a loud boom was heard. It didn't take long for the beast to come out.

The beast pace around the area of the entrance and nothing else came out. Thinking that it probably the only beast, Ryan came out to fight.

The beast noticing Ryan, made a low growl and ran at him. Ryan realize the beast is not a rank2 so he changed up his plan of attack.

He ran towards the beast and as they got close, Ryan releases his aura in to the surrounding in front of him. Once the beast was close enough to attack Ryan releases his element into his aura.

He made the beast 15 times heavier for 2 seconds. The sudden increase in weight took the beast by surprise and it wasn't able to react fast enough to dodge the swing of Ryan sword.

Ryan swung down with his sword being 10 times heavier and split the beast skull in two.

Over the month in training Ryan realize he might be able to use his aura on beast and gave it a try. There are a few limitations in doing it though.

It doesn't really work on beast that is a higher rank than Ryan. When he did use it on a rank2 beast, the beast notice something but it never got slower.

It costs more mana to apply the aura onto the beast than it do to apply to himself. The farther the beast is from Ryan, more mana it will cost to use his element on them.

Ryan can only spread his aura in a 50 feet radius. So beasts can't be affected outside 50ft.

Ryan dug out the core and left the body there and he checked his mana to make sure he had a decent amount. Just fighting this beast for less than 5 seconds had caused Ryan to use around 30% of his mana.

Ryan made is way to the gap in the cliff. He was curious what could be in there, maybe he will find some natural mana treasure for cultivating.

Ryan climb in, and was on guard just in case he will get attacked.

(Yeah, this not going to work its pure darkness in there.) Ryan thought to himself.

He left to make a fire and came back. He was able to use the fire mana in the air to keep the stick on fire.

After 5 minutes of making his way down this dark and dreary path. He start to hear sounds of dripping water that is coming from somewhere inside. The air is thick with humidity, and it's difficult to breathe. The darkness is so thick that it's impossible to see more than a few feet in front.

There was multiple paths but Ryan followed the trail of blood from the corpse. After a minute of walking it brought him to the first signs of life in the form of a cub.