

Meet Lillian, a warewolf without a wolf. Being bullied by the pack was a normal thing for her, she was quite used to it. However, Lillian's pack was destroyed by a group of armed men with a specific goal in mind. After the whole ordeal, she was forcefully taken by the armed men and was forced to become a mercenary. Training to become one of the best and to attain the highest rank in the group, Lillian faced numerous challenges but she was troubled by the unknown mystery of the laboratory. There were several laboratories in each faction of the group, but none of them were allowed to enter. Why? What were they hiding? Other warewolf packs were cleared and Lilian feels like it's linked to that laboratory. Just who is the master mind behind the clearing of packs and what is their motive? Why were they killing the Alpha, the Luna and even their offsprings? Why did they clear the entire pack? She believes it's linked to the laboratory but in which way? What does the laboratory has to do with the clearing of warewolf packs? Disturbed by the recurring dreams, Lilian decided to uncover the purpose of the laboratory. Maybe the moon goddess was trying to tell her something. Maybe she could find the mystery behind her parents mysterious death. Then, this journey is worth it.

Inkwhisperer001 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


"However, the Alpha managed to dodge the attack. The festival turned into a disaster as people ran helter-skelter, desperately trying to save their lives. My heart twisted in pain at the sight of people crying over the loss of their loved ones, a profound sense of sorrow enveloping the scene.

"Everyone, retreat!" I heard the Alpha yell as he ran with some kids in his arms. It was a surprise attack, one he wasn't prepared for.

"Everyone, please save yourselves," he pleaded again as he rushed to rescue an old lady who narrowly avoided being shot.

He was saving the pack, but his own family wasn't saved. The Luna fell to the sword as she bravely attempted to defend her people.

And his daughter? She perished at the hands of the wicked humans.

"Get in, everyone, run to the safe house!"

Suddenly, the Alpha grabbed his chest and roared in agony. He seemed to be in excruciating pain.

"Where's my mate?" he cried out as he frantically searched for her. He couldn't feel the mate bond. He tried to tap into it, but it was gone.

Amidst the chaos, the Alpha ran wild, consumed by the desperate search for his mate.

Reaching her, he found her lying in a pool of her own blood. Her eyes were closed, and a knife was lodged in her stomach. The knife was obviously coated with wolf's bane, a cruel and calculated attack meant to weaken her.

These human groups came prepared, their malice palpable.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhghhhh," the Alpha bellowed in anguish as his eyes clouded with pain. He resembled a wounded beast, driven to the brink of madness by his grief and rage.


Another deafening sound reverberated through the air, causing my ears to ring. It was then that I realized the gravity of the situation and fled for my life as the humans launched a relentless assault, sparing no wolf in their path.

Suddenly, I witnessed the Alpha charging towards the enemy with his beta by his side, a fierce determination burning in his eyes.

"For my pack!" he roared, his voice laced with dark resolve. In that moment, it was clear that the Alpha had forsaken reason, consumed by a burning desire for vengeance against those who had taken his Luna, his beloved mate.

He fought with a fluidity that showcased his skill as an alpha, his beta matching his ferocity blow for blow, leaving broken bodies in their wake.

As I watched from the sidelines, memories of the black car flashed through my mind. If I wasn't a dimwit, I would have been able to prevent this war.

Coincidentally, I spotted the man with the menacing scar on his face, mercilessly gunning down innocent victims as if it were second nature to him. If only I had been more sensitive, perhaps I could have prevented this tragedy.

These men showed no mercy, their brutality sparing not even the youngest among us( innocent children)

The Alpha fought tirelessly, his every move fueled by the burning need to avenge his mate. Suddenly, his eyes widened in shock as he felt a searing pain emanating from his back.

He had been stabbed.

As he struggled to recover from the first blow, he was struck again, a silver-coated knife piercing his chest with lethal precision.

Witnessing our Alpha in agony, I was overcome with a profound sense of grief. I rushed forward, my heart heavy with sorrow as I watched him take his final breath. His beta attempted to come to his aid, but he too fell victim to the enemy's ruthless onslaught, his skull shattered by a sniper's bullet.

The Alpha was stabbed multiple times before he gave up. His eyes wide open as he died while saving his people.

Witnessing this scene, my heart trembled as I thought I was going to die too. I ran relentlessly, without looking back. I had to survive. I've not even seen my wolf!

While I was running, I stopped slightly at the sight of people gruesomely murdered. The town that was once merry was now in chaos. They've wiped almost the whole community! Just how many are they?

As I ran through the dense woods, I heard footsteps coming from behind.

"Chase her!"

"Don't let her escape!" A voice commanded, sending a surge of adrenaline through my veins.

I ran with all my might, every fiber of my being focused on survival. Even as my knees were weak, I refused to stop. The injuries on my body throbbed with each step and tears welled up in my eyes from both physical and emotional pain.

"Why's this happening to me?" I cried out in frustration.

"Can't I just be a happy warewolf?

Unfortunately, I got caught.

"You're quite the fast one," a man remarked, his grip on my chin rough and unforgiving.

"Don't you look familiar?" he muttered, forcing me to meet his gaze. Unable to bear his scrutiny, I averted my eyes, consumed by fear. I wasn't ready to die. There was still so much life ahead of me!

"Haha! It's the werewolf that overheard us!" the scarred man exclaimed, as he recalled where he saw me.

Forcing me to my knees, he continued his tirade, "You idiot, you've brought death upon your own kind!" His words were accompanied by a brutal strike, causing fresh blood to spill from my wounds.

I bit down hard on my lip, stifling the urge to scream. I had endured enough pain for one day.

I was tired of everything life was throwing at me. Maybe the Moon Goddess is calling me home to rest. "Kill me if you must!" I growled as I glared at him. Refusing to cower in the face of my captors.

"Hahaha," he laughed along with his fellow companions.

"She's a strong one," he remarked, his gaze intense enough to pierce through me. If looks could kill, I would have perished on the spot.

"Let's keep her," he mumbled to his companions. "She would make a good trainee," he added, as he forcefully ushered me into their car.

Exposed and vulnerable, I felt their eyes devouring me hungrily. A sense of dread crept over me as I worried about the possibility of assault.

But then, what use was life? I had lost my home, my purpose shattered. Life seemed utterly meaningless, with nothing left to look forward to.