
The Final Countdo3n

SURVIVAL. RESISTANCE. AWAKENING. Yet another boring fiction about the end of Humanity? Really? On the contrary, I would request you to come with Noah, as he embarks on a new adventure. A thrilling roller-coaster ride as he unravels mysteries, gathers news companions and experiences tons of battles. The ultimate goal is to awaken the true potential of humankind and prepare for the upcoming catastrophe. Wait.. what? Humanity ends in 2100? You gotta read to know that for sure.

Az3RoS · Action
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46 Chs


"Why me?" shouted Noah as he panicked and sat up.

After a few gasping breaths, he realized it was just a dream. But what a wild dream he thought.

What happened?

Why is it starting like this?

What dream was it?

So many questions right. Let's get a better understanding of the situation Noah is in.

Year 2077.

Humanity has advanced by leaps and bounds…

For several years, devastating wars and repeated pandemics had plagued and haunted normal livelihood. The population continued to reduce as it became "Survival of the Fittest".

All advanced nations held several meetings without any outcome to the issue. Finally, on the verge of extinction, they decided to work together and solve this problem for the future of Humanity. After several months of analysis and experimentation, the scientists broke through with tremendous achievements.

Thus, Humanity survived and ushered into a new age of prosperity.

Well... this should have been the ideal scenario.... BUT

REALITY was far from what we expected...

Pandemics broke the balance of everything. Medicine prices kept on rising due to scarcity of resources. As Nations failed to reach any unanimous decision, the situation began to degrade. Certain hidden organizations took absolute advantage of the situation from the shadows and started monopolizing almost everything.

Criminal Activities loomed large as administrations began to crumble. Words like morality and righteousness were lost to the sands of time. People cared only for one thing - SURVIVAL.

The survival instincts are encoded at the genetic level for all organisms. In the face of adversity, it got triggered for Humanity. These instincts kicked in and gave new abilities based on urge, necessity and constitution. Apart from strength, agility, intelligence and other abilities, they received enhanced immunity and vitality.

Scientists started calling it EQ - Evolution Quotient. They were overwhelmed with research and analysis. As more and more people started awakening their inner potential, thus ushered in the dawn of Homo Optimus.

Corporations rose from the ashes of previous administrations and started utilizing these new beings with high potential. However, not all evolved were recruited. Only the best were given an opportunity to uplift their livelihood by working for the Corporations. These led to the creation of various Tournaments and Leagues organized by Guilds affiliated with the Corporations.

By the year 2077, one could say, though differently still, Humanity evolved.…

But that also brought unexpected guests to its doorstep within a few years. With the evolution of once believed to be primitive species, several advanced species or as we like to call them Aliens started to contact the Corporations. These species or rather Aliens had different cultures, technologies and mindsets. However, one thing was common among most Aliens.

They had lost their home planet to inter-dimensional invasions. The exact cause was not made public, only that they came in peace and wanted to co-exist and help in human advancement.

Unquestionably, that sounded exactly as articulated by generations of comic, manga, anime and movie artists. "We come in peace..."

But I knew it was only a matter of time.

The trials of humanity continues…

Year 2099.

The past 22 years saw great advancements in technological developments. The Corporations with the help of these FreNations, a term coined for the Alien Nations on friendly terms, were soaring high. However, not all Aliens were on friendly terms with Humanity, but this proEarth Alliance of Corporations and FreNations kept them in check.

Our planet resources were almost finished, but with the use of newly acquired technologies, the Corporations were able to tube into other dimensions via portals. This dimensional knowledge was one of the things our new benefactors shared with us. The evolved humans who meanwhile were called EVO formed parties as Hunters and Scavengers to mine and explore these dimensions. So, this became the most ideal source of income for evolved humans and their families.

However, the EQ was not triggered in everyone as expected. The non-EVO or rather DREGS became the outcasts of society and were limited to the Ghettos outside Inner City. Their daily life was tougher than fish out of water. Getting a porter job in the Scavenger missions was the highest income job for them.

...and the gap increased between EVO and DREGS.

But the one question that got stuck in our mind...Why would an advanced species help a primitive one? They have all the resources to settle on any planet. They can move through dimensions as well. Then why?

Well, the answer came soon enough. It was the end of the 21st century and celebrations were in place all around the globe. Suddenly a transmission was played by some random hacker group. It was a declaration of war by the Primus Corp over all other Corps following intrusion and security breach. Within moments it was clear that the Corps had a secret spy war going on.

This full declaration of war meant the largest war in human history because EVOs will play an important role in this upcoming war.

The war continued for several weeks with numerous EVOs being stationed at different fronts. The Corps were at a stalemate when the FreNations took control of it. Their cybernetic troops and artillery soon broke the deadlock and ravaged through the battlefields.

It was then that people started noticing their hidden strength and found the need for questioning their agendas. But it was too late, they had already taken control of the weakened Corps and started to demonstrate their authority.

It was apparent they came to rule. The advancement of humanity with EQ was the only thing they were waiting for before launching their invasion. After 17 weeks, the war ended with a treaty. The death count was surmountable. Humanity was at the mercy of its so-called benefactors.

One war stopped and another began...

The trials of humanity continues...


Year 2100

The final century of civilization on Earth. Humanity was to gear up for space travel, intergalactic relocation as described in several sci-fi novels. Everyone thought that at least before the war.

The Corp War left its mark of destruction across regions, it would take years to rebuild again. The FreNations or our new Rulers started building their own structures and production factories at places. Naturally, it was off-limits to everyone but the daily workers. Humanity was confined, restricted and deprived of a bright future. In other words, Humanity took a toll.

The war took away a lot. People lost their families, their neighbors and mostly they lost hope. The leftover guilds came together to build Memorials in places to honor the fallen heroes. A lot of good people had fallen, some who could be at the helm of our ship of Hope. They were the ones to inspire new generations through their valor and achievements.

I lost a few good friends as well.

Nevertheless, this is not the time to lament. So, I decided to gather a few fellow scientists and engineers. We researched various ways for months to fix our condition. But then they came.

Around the middle of October, a huge wormhole appeared in space. It was clearly visible with naked eyes. For days, nothing emerged out of it. But we could feel the fear from the preparation of war by all FreNations. It was Lagrange Point L2 where the war would start. The Lunar base and several other Space stations joined the fight.

The FreNation's worst fear had come back to haunt them. It was the KaphDez.

The formless beings who devour life sources and destroy planets.

There was panic and mass hysteria all around. But we knew we had to do something before the final hour of humanity. The prototype was made ready in a haste. We were ready to transmit.

Not someone but something. Our thoughts, our knowledge and our research….to the PAST.

This was the project we have been working on. To transmit data over radio waves to a point in time to a specific person. Well, there were lots of constraints while choosing the person like the Genetic tree, lower EQ factor and many more. Let's not delve into the details. We had shortlisted some candidates for a single chance of operating the machine. The high energy fluctuation will immediately alert the KaphDez.

Time is of the essence.


Oh no, they have already infiltrated the facility. Most of my colleagues are either dead or trying to hold them, for giving me enough time to operate the prototype. I will not be able to repay them in this life. But I will use this opportunity to perform the last act of humanity.

I am Dr. S… Well, it does not matter anymore. The only thing that matters is the future of Humanity. You were not our best candidate but for your lower EQ in the genetic family tree, the only person I can entrust this knowledge with. I impart you with detailed information of specific events and their timelines, along with additional data on various other aspects that have led us to this day. Make use of this information wisely and prevent the destruction of humanity. If possible, say sorry to Maria for me.

You are the last hope for all of us. THE LAST HOPE FOR HUMANITY.