
The Fifth Hokage

The First Hokage and the Second Hokage are brothers. The Second Hokage and the Third Hokage are masters and disciples. The Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage have a half-master-disciple relationship. Inferring from this, the Fifth Hokage...Natsuhiko: Yes, it's me! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please Note that this fanfic is translated from the original which can be found here https://book.qidian.com/info/1028867086/. If the original author want this taken down just comment in the comment section. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just translating this fanfic which has around 300+ chapters to just earn some coffee changes. Please do support in patreon.com/Nemesis956 where you can find 5 advance chapters for this fanfic.

Nemesis_2466 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Have you ever killed your own teamate?

This is the situation in ANBU. Although you are here to 'stay on duty', you don't know when the mission will be released.

I don't even know what my mission is specifically, and the confidentiality can be said to be very strict.

However, except for Kakashi, the rest of their team are all 'old men' who have been in ANBU for a long time. They are all very accustomed to the current ANBU model.

The training room, which was originally full of people, suddenly became empty, and the lounge in the front hall had already gathered all the ANBU in this station.

Everyone had been arranged according to each team and stood silently. The quality of the ANBU was fully demonstrated at this moment.

"Everyone is here?"

The captain glanced at everyone present, and then said indifferently.

"There is a mission that you need to set off immediately, and the target is the border stronghold in the northwest.

The captain is responsible for receiving the specific mission location. Your goal is to intercept and kill all ninjas that attack the stronghold from outside!

Remember is everything, got it? "

"Yes, Captain!"

All the ANBU immediately replied loudly, Natsuhiko did the same.

In fact, ANBU was not unfamiliar with such tasks.

Especially after Konoha and Iwagakure signed a peace treaty, such attacks began to become more frequent in just a few months.

Natsuhiko himself has done it several times. Although he is not as good at eradicating spies, he is at least not unfamiliar.

After receiving certain instructions, Natsuhiko planned to set off, but just as he took Kakashi and others to get the equipment distributed by the ANBU, the captain came to him.

"Captain." Natsuhiko said immediately and respectfully, with a very correct attitude.

"Nightingale, you and White Fang will still carry out this operation alone."

The captain's voice was still indifferent. He glanced at Shinichi and Yaya, and then spoke slowly.

"As for Gray Cat and Heron, you go to Class 5 and Class 9 of the second brigade.

You serve as captain and are responsible for reorganizing the team, do you understand? "

"Yes, Captain." Natsuhiko and others immediately replied.

Grey Cat and Heron are the codenames of Shinichi and Yaya, while the Second Battalion is another team of ANBU.

The Anbu Department is divided into many small departments, such as the Intelligence Department, the Torture Department, and the Operations Department and the Preparation Department.

Each department needs to cooperate with each other. There are also several teams underneath, and the number of people is never large.

Needless to say, the reserve department is the reserve personnel department of the entire ANBU. It is also the place where new recruits need to report when they first join the ANBU.

There will be a period of training there until you are qualified before you can participate in the mission.

Natsuhiko only stayed there for a month because of the war, so he graduated early.

The operations department has the second largest number of people in the entire Anbu, because the Operations Department is the most important department in the entire Anbu.

There are three brigades in the operations department, and each brigade has more than ten squads. These ninjas total a total of forty or fifty people.

And almost every one of these forty or fifty people is an elite. Even if their overall strength does not reach the level of a jounin, they are definitely capable of being a jounin in some aspects, or even surpassing a jounin!

"Congratulations, both new captains." After the captain turned around and left, Natsuki immediately smiled at Shinichi and Masaya and said, "I didn't expect that I also brought out two captains."

"Captain, don't say that." Shinichi shook his head in embarrassment, and then he sighed helplessly: "It seems that both teams over there have been destroyed."

"Yes, captain." Yaya also had a headache: "This time, we have worked hard."

Assigning a new captain and rebuilding a team means that the former team has completely disappeared.

Natsuhiko didn't know exactly what trouble the Second Brigade encountered, but the outcome was obvious to all.

With a slight sigh, Natsuhiko didn't want to think too much about this matter, and Yaya and Shinichi were obviously also having headaches with these problems.

However, they all still had missions, so they didn't continue chatting anymore and soon separated.

After receiving the equipment, Natsuhiko and Kakashi quickly left the village. Sometimes he also wondered if he was a bit clumsy.

One moment they were talking about 'I don't know how long we can be together', but the next moment they separated directly.

However, Natsuhiko didn't pay too much attention to these things. For him, changing teammates was not a big deal.

Over the years in Anbu, his teammates have changed a lot.

In addition to those who died due to missions, there were also some who quit ANBU because they needed experienced manpower on the front line.

And just like today, other teams need to be transferred away.

He has never killed his teammates. At most, he had to choose to give up some teammates in order to complete the mission.

It's also very interesting to say that he was not punished for his actions, but because he 'handled the problem promptly and decisively', he became the small captain today.

Shinichi and Yaya had not been in his team for a long time, only a few months.

However, because of Xia Yan's gentle personality, good strength, and calm judgment when performing tasks, the two people had unusual trust in him.

Among all Natsuhiko's teammates, they are the one who likes him the most.

"Captain, this time the team is split..."

When the two of them walked out of the Leaf Village, Kakashi couldn't help but asked.

Natsuhiko turned to look at him, but unfortunately because of the mask, he couldn't see what the expression on Kakashi's face was.

Of course, even without a mask, it would be difficult to tell the difference if this guy wears a mask all day long.

But his question made Natsuhiko raise his eyebrows involuntarily. It was obvious that his tentative conversation a few days ago had some effect.

However, this time, Natsuhiko could tell that this was not the captain's deliberate targeting of Kakashi.

Some things are too much, and it's not uncommon for ANBU teams to be wiped out.

He didn't think that the captain would deliberately deceive them with such a thing. After all, although the ANBU teams were full of competition, the relationship between them was still okay.

It will be clear if you ask casually, not to mention that there is a Fourth Hokage behind Kakashi. Even if the Fouth Hokage cannot control the ANBU, it is still easy to make a captain suffer.

"If the team needs it, we just obey." Natsuhiko said with a smile: "Actually, this kind of thing is not uncommon in ANBU. I don't know how many teammates I have changed. Just get used to it."

"That's why the captain said before, 'I don't know how long we can be together', right?" Kakashi turned his head and glanced at Natsuhiko. He hesitated and suddenly asked: "Captain, can I ask you something. ?"

"You can ask."

"Have you ever...killed your teammates with your own hands?"