

Story written by AnnieBeck Title: THE FIFTH ELEMENT A thousand years ago, there was an ancient world that was ruled by gods and goddesses. But when it was time to go back into the heavens, these mighty beings bestowed some of their powers to four trusted mortals that served them. The four mortal men and women each received a different elemental power in order to keep the balance on this world. Azuu got the power of the fire element. Myra got the power of the water element. Zed got the power of the Air element. And Suri got the power of earth element. After the beings had disappeared into the sky, the four mortals lived in peace and harmony with each other and their families separately. As time went by, other people from far and nearby villages came to witness the power that was granted to these mere mortals like them. They were in awe. Some were envious while some were frightened. It was rare to see these kind of powers emit from a mortal. After several years of peace and harmony.... These special mortals gave birth to children of their own who also possessed these gifts. They knew that the mighty beings had given them gifts that would last for generations and they were thankful. When the children of these mortals grew up to adolescence, their parents each, started a lesson for them, teaching them ways they can control their abilities and become a great elemental.. As these children progressed in age, the son of the fire lord and the daughter of the lady of the water tribe fell for each other deeply. These two children grew up to love each other, however when their parents noticed what was going on between the two children, they had to put a stop to it , for they feared the outcome might be terrible and might befall on them all. They told each of them horrible stories of what might happen if they end up marrying each other but these two were headstrong and they continued with their love story. After some years... they children grew up into powerful adults and decided to marry each other. But this marriage was the beginning of Chaos. ** The newly married couple welcomed their first child, but this child had both fire and water elemental power. This brought about division among each of the elemental clan. The mortals couldn't allow anyone to posses more than one elemental power as it might bring inbalance to the world, so they had to sentence the innocent new born to death. The fire Lord told his son that the water tribe was responsible for the demise of the new born child in order to keep the children away from each other. The water tribe leader also told her daughter that the fire tribe was responsible for the demise of the new born child. This lie caused the hatred that spread around the fire clan and the water tribe.

Anniebeck · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Chapter Six


Chapter 6🌪️

I woke up to a faraway loud sound of metal hitting on something solid.

My head was hurting a bit. I must have hit my head somewhere hard.

I quickly looked around my surroundings and everything seemed new and foreign.

'What is this place?' I thought to myself.

I stood up from where I was supposedly laid after blacking out.

I started recalling what happened before I blacked out. I saw a wave of water in form of a round shape hit me with full force.

It all happened so fast.

That was the most scary thing I have ever seen.

But then again, my mom did tell me these people had gifts.

I slowly inspected the room I was in. It looked like a hospital private room but old school.

I went over the window to see what was beyond and to my surprise I saw bunch of youngsters probably my age, older and even younger roaming around the premises.

But there was something about them. They were all on uniforms. Some wore Red, while some wore blue, I also saw a glimpse of grey and green.

I wonder if this is some sort of school or something.

I kept staring and assessing them but I mistakenly made eye contact with someone who looked up at the window where I was standing but this person wasn't on a school uniform.

I quickly moved away from the window to hide in a corner.

After some seconds, I peeped outside the window to check if the strange man was gone or not. And fortunately, he wasn't there anymore.

I continued watching the youngsters roam about until I heard a footstep coming towards the room I was in.

I panicked.

I didn't know what to expect after what happened earlier in my house.

I looked around for any weapon I could get my hands on, but there was none.

I looked over to the chair that was sitting at a corner and decided to use it as a weapon.

I mean if I'm able to hit someone with this chair, it could probably give that person a concussion.

I stood firm with the not so heavy chair raised up in the air, waiting to attack anyone that comes through the door.

I saw the door knob move and I positioned my chair for attack.

Immediately the door flew open, I swinged the chair with force at the person that came in without caring to know who it was.

When I swinged the chair, something strange happened. It felt like the chair was being pushed back with a force in the air. Next thing I knew, the chair flew from my hands and crashed on the wall.

I was shocked at what I just witnessed.

How is this even possible.

I looked over to the person that was standing in front of me, and surprisingly, it was the bald man that was in my house with those other women.

"I see your survival skill is activated." the bald man said to me while looking at the chair that was now broken because of the crash.

I kept mute while staring at him with no emotion showing on my face.

"I know you must be confused about where you are. " the man said calmly.

"Did you people kidnap me? What are you people going to do with me?" I asked him coldly.

"Child. All your questions will be answered in due time. And all will be clear to you. I ensure you that. All I need you to do, is to trust me and everything will be just fine." the man said to me in the calmest way possible.

I frowned even more.


Is this a joke?' I thought to myself.