

Story written by AnnieBeck Title: THE FIFTH ELEMENT A thousand years ago, there was an ancient world that was ruled by gods and goddesses. But when it was time to go back into the heavens, these mighty beings bestowed some of their powers to four trusted mortals that served them. The four mortal men and women each received a different elemental power in order to keep the balance on this world. Azuu got the power of the fire element. Myra got the power of the water element. Zed got the power of the Air element. And Suri got the power of earth element. After the beings had disappeared into the sky, the four mortals lived in peace and harmony with each other and their families separately. As time went by, other people from far and nearby villages came to witness the power that was granted to these mere mortals like them. They were in awe. Some were envious while some were frightened. It was rare to see these kind of powers emit from a mortal. After several years of peace and harmony.... These special mortals gave birth to children of their own who also possessed these gifts. They knew that the mighty beings had given them gifts that would last for generations and they were thankful. When the children of these mortals grew up to adolescence, their parents each, started a lesson for them, teaching them ways they can control their abilities and become a great elemental.. As these children progressed in age, the son of the fire lord and the daughter of the lady of the water tribe fell for each other deeply. These two children grew up to love each other, however when their parents noticed what was going on between the two children, they had to put a stop to it , for they feared the outcome might be terrible and might befall on them all. They told each of them horrible stories of what might happen if they end up marrying each other but these two were headstrong and they continued with their love story. After some years... they children grew up into powerful adults and decided to marry each other. But this marriage was the beginning of Chaos. ** The newly married couple welcomed their first child, but this child had both fire and water elemental power. This brought about division among each of the elemental clan. The mortals couldn't allow anyone to posses more than one elemental power as it might bring inbalance to the world, so they had to sentence the innocent new born to death. The fire Lord told his son that the water tribe was responsible for the demise of the new born child in order to keep the children away from each other. The water tribe leader also told her daughter that the fire tribe was responsible for the demise of the new born child. This lie caused the hatred that spread around the fire clan and the water tribe.

Anniebeck · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter Seven


Chapter 7...⛰️


'Is this a joke?' I thought to myself.

"You want me to trust you? You gotta be kidding me. You people kidnapped me! And you brought me to this godforsaken place! I'm sorry If I'm a little hesitant on the trust part." I said angrily.

"Just calm down child..and let us explain to you everything you want to know." the man said calmly to me.

"And please would you people just stop with the 'child' thing, I am not your child and neither am I a child." I said to him.

"Noted. My apologies." he replied and smiled.

"Why do you even need me here? What do you want with me?" I asked him after I calmed myself a bit.

"You are a special child, Cassie. You're not just here for our benefits but you're also here to fulfill your destiny."

"My destiny. And what could this destiny of mine be huh?" I said unfazed.

"I can't tell you what it is. That is something you must find out on your own." he said to me.

"Sure. Honestly I would love to find out what it is, just let me go back home and I promise I'll keep searching for this destiny of mine even while at home." I said to him.

"You belong here child. You'll see." the man said calmly and left the room.

I sat back down on the bed and stared into the wall. I kept thinking about this destiny I'm meant to fulfill.

What did he mean by 'I belong here'.

I finally gave up sitting and just laid on the bed, thinking.

After some time, I heard a knock on the door and I sat up immediately.

The door opened up, and the other lady with the dirty blonde hair that was in my house as well came in with a young girl that looked oddly like her.

The girl was wearing one of those uniforms I saw earlier. She was wearing the green one.

"Cassie you're awake. Mr Winchester told me he had spoken to you earlier. So I Decided to come pick you up." the woman said to me.

"Mr Winchester? " I asked in confusion.

"Bald man, yay high tall. Talks extremely calmly." she described him for me.

"Oh. I didn't know that was his name." I said.

"Now you know. I think I should probably introduce myself as well. I'm Mrs Stone. You'll be seeing more of me in your merging classes." the lady said to me.

"Merging classes? So this is an actual school?" I asked to confirm.

"Yes. It is a school. Your school now. And my daughter here, Madeline, will get you settled in."

I looked over to the girl standing besides her. And she smiled at me.

"Hi! It's a pleasure to finally meet you Cassie. I've heard so much about you. I hope we can be great friends." the girl said to me excitedly.

She seems cheerful.

"Right." I replied.

"When am I gonna go home? I mean, how long am I going to stay here?" I asked the lady.

"Cassie, the only way you're going to be happy here is if you forget about going home for the main time. Focus on why you're here." she said to me.

"Exactly the question I've been asking you people. Why am I here?" I asked her.

"To fulfill your destiny." she said to me and I groaned out loud.

"Seriously you guys are So annoying. You keep saying the same thing like you all rehearsed for it." I said to her.

"You know what, why don't you let Madeline show you to your dorm. Get yourself cleaned up. And have something warm to eat. Maybe after then, I'll chip you in for a little secret about why you're here. what do you say?" the lady said and asked me.

The eating sounded like a good idea because I was starving.

"Fine. I'll do what you said. But you have to tell me what I want to know afterwards." I said to her.

She smiled and nodded at her daughter.

"Okay Cassie. Let's go see your room." Madeline said to me and i nodded.

She led the way as I followed her out of the room.

We climbed down the stairs slowly while she told me about the school.

"So Cassie, I heard you had no idea about your gifts and about this place in general." she said to me.

"Yeah. What is this place? Can you tell me about this school?" I asked her looking to find some information.

"This is a place for the gifted. Everyone here and in the school has elemental powers." she said to me.

"Elemental powers? What does that mean?" I asked her.

"Well, some people can control and manipulate water, some do air, some earth and then some fire." she said to me.

I thought back and remembered how a heavy load of water pushed me to wall and also how the bald man pushed that chair off without even touching it.

"Wow. So what is your element?" I asked her.

"Come I'll show you." she said and ran towards the bare ground once we were outside of the building.

I ran after her.

She knelt down and touched the ground for some seconds. When she removed her hands, a little green plant grew out of the spot she touched. The plant grew and grew and grew and grew till it was taller than us both.

I looked up at the plant that is now a tree towering over us in shock and awe.

"You gotta be kidding me. How is this even possible! This shouldn't be real. This isn't real. Is this real?" I asked all at once, my eyes still up at the tree.

"Oh it is real. If this surprised you, then wait till you see what everyone else here can do." Madeline said feeling proud of herself.

I couldn't believe my eyes. Scientifically and logically, this is impossible.⛰️

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