
The Female MC And Me

Do you like super soldiers clad In power armor? An MC who's not a f*cking virgin and doesn't go the entire book without f*cking the female lead? Then this book Is for you. In a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by chaos and societal breakdown, Dracula, a seasoned and coldhearted supersoldier, crosses paths with Hope, a former delinquent who finds herself In the future, their encounter leads to an unlikely alliance born out of necessity. Dracula, with a troubled past and an unfeeling demeanor, harbors a penchant for violence and an innate ability to survive in this hostile environment. Hope, grappling with her traumatic experiences and unexplored depths, finds herself thrown into a world that demands resilience and adaptability. As the two embark on a perilous journey marked by danger and uncertainty, they navigate a landscape teeming with adversaries and moral dilemmas. Driven by their individual pasts and coping mechanisms, they form an unusual bond amidst the chaos, gradually unearthing emotions and connections neither thought possible in their own realities. Through trials and conflicts, they grapple with their inner demons and gradually unravel the complexities of their relationship, blurring the lines between survival, loyalty, and unexpected affection As they face the challenges of the post-apocalyptic future and the past, they discover that their alliance might be the key to each other's fortune. Update-1 chap per day(1-chap 1300 words give or take 100)

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61 Chs

See You Soon My Empress

The moment I stepped Into the room, I saw Hope seductively lie down on her side while bringing up her leg causing the blanket wrapped around her covering her lower half part slide upwards.

It was s*xy as hell, but I had other priorities now.

"Take out my power armor and the one I scavenged"

I asked as i did I could see Hope start pouting.

"Hmph! I really don't get you Drac here I am offering myself up for you to eat, yet you want me to take out your gear for you?"

Hope complained as she brought out my gear.

"You still want to be fitly rich don't you?"

I asked as I grabbed a plasma torch from my duffle bag with many other tools that I acquired after my victory against the bonebane.

"Well duh, but what's this got to do with you deciding to tinker with your armor right now?"

Hope asked after laying down on her chest as she rested her chin on her folded forearms while looking at me as I started fixing my gear.

"Do you want to get rich In one fell swoop or keep going back and forth only to earn pocket change?"

I asked as I started cannibalizing my battle brother's armor so that I could fix my own.

"Obviously one fell swoop"

Hope answered.

"That's why I'm fixing my armor, I've struck a deal with Abdul as long as I bring the terrorist leaders head to him that's been disturbing his business he will buy all the gold we can bring back off our hands"

I said as I took the cannibalized parts and started Integrating them with my battle-damaged power armor.

As Hope heard this she couldn't help but feel her heart start beating faster, without thinking she jumped off and embraced Drac from behind.


I heard Hope whisper Into my ear as she wrapped her hands around my chest while I felt her boobs press against my scarred muscular back.

"What are you thanking me for, I told you didn't I, you're my woman now so I'll give you the whole f*cking world"

I said while heating up my chest plate whose hole had been stuffed with a piece of armor plating from my battle brother's chest plate that I cut out.

With a handheld plasma torch until the nanocomposite alloy started melting and mixing with each other.

"You know you're quite the sweet talker"

Hope said as she slid her hand under my bath towel and started stroking my junior which Immediately sprung to attention from her delicate and warm touch.

"You do know that you can jerk me off for hours without any result right?"

I asked as I continued to repair my armor.

"That's precisely why I'm doing It"

Hope said with a devilish smirk plastered on her face.

"Youre gonna regret teasing me like this later Hope"

I threatened the crazy woman.

"Bring It on big boy"

Hope giggled completely unfazed by my threats which she would come to regret later once I was done fixing my armor.


"Ah... f*ck... ah... Im... ah... sorry..."

Hopes whose face was pressed against the bed by my hand with her hands locked behind her back firmly in my other hand kept apologizing through her gaps of moans and heavy breathing as I continued to ram her from behind.

"Hmph! I told you you're going to regret It"

I smirked evilly as I rammed my d*ck as far as I could and pumped her womb full of my genetic material.

As I took out my softening trooper, the sterile genetic material courtesy of the surgical augmentation that made me and every other OIST sterile.

Because the higher-ups didn't want to see a bunch of a new breed of humans start to pop up all over the place.

Started gushing out from Hope whose bottom lifelessly collapsed onto the bed.

Well even If I was fertile the chance of Hope getting pregnant was minuscule because my augmented DNR was too different compared to Hopes.

And In the event she did get pregnant the chance of a successful pregnancy was even lower, while even If It was successful there was no telling.

What kind of disabilities would the child be born with?

I thought as I was ready to go for another round only to hear the satellite phone start ringing, It seemed like Hope had just been saved by her grandpa.

I thought evilly as I picked up the phone while admiring Hope's naked body.

"I'm listening"

I said lazily.

"The helicopter Is ready, meet me outside the resort I'll drive you to It"

Eclipse said.

"Got It"

I answered as I ended the call, without waisting time I picked up my repaired nanocomposite suit with an exoskeleton attached to it and started putting It on.

Once I secured my necks and chests locks, I started putting on my regular clothes, once I was done I walked to the still-panting Hope trying to catch her breath, and squatted down.

"I'll be back In less than 24 hours, don't leave the room unless In the company of your gramps K?"

I asked while brushing off her white hair sticking to her sweat-covered forehead.

"You can go and die for all I care!"

The pissed-off Hope because of my revenge declared.

"Sorry to break It to you but unless It's a nuke you're not getting rid of me for the rest of your life"

I barked back.


Hope snorted as she turned away her head.

"And here I was thinking of equipping you with some cybernetic Implants and nanites to make your body tougher"

I said In a wronged tone as I stood up only to feel my hand being grabbed by Hope whose eyes were sparkling at the prospect of It.

"You're not lying?"

Hope asked eyeing me suspiciously.

"When did I ever lie to you?"

I asked as I gently grabbed her chin and raised It up only for Hope to press her lips against mine and invade my mouth with her pierced tongue.

"You know that you're the worst scumbag that ever existed right?"

Hope said after parting our lips while pouting which was cute as f*ck.

"And that's precisely the reason why you like me"

I said as I easily picked up the titanium transport crates which contained my power armor and weaponry.

"See you soon my empress"

I said with a lewd grin plastered on my face as I exited our suit and closed the doors with my foot.

After that, I immediately beelined straight towards the resort's parking lot, where I saw the waiting Eclipse In beach clothes as he continued to smoke his cigarette while leaning Into his black expensive car.

"I guess that's your gear"

Eclipse muttered as he looked at the titanium alloy crates that I stuffed inside his car's trunk and back seat.

He really wanted to know what kind of gear an overgrown guy like Drac used but In the end, he kept his curiosity In check.

"The best the money can buy"

I said while smirking as I got into the co-driver's seat.

"Tch! What a show off"

Eclipse complained under his breath as he Ignited the car's engine which came to life with a furious roar.

"Here are the coordinates"

Eclipse said as he passed me a slip of paper while driving his rapidly accelerating car.

"What's the estimated amount on the hostiles?"

I asked while scanning the coordinates while my AI sliced Into a random civilian GPS satellite.

"At least a company, up to a brigade"

Eclipse answered as he performed a sudden right turn causing the car's tiles to screech from friction.

"And what about their military assets, are they only Infantry based or do they have heavy hitters such as armored cars, APCs, IFVs or MBTs?"

I asked as I opened the window, stuck a cigarette between my lips, and lit It up.

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