
The Fellowship of Tears

Due to his lack of talent in martial arts, Blink is forced to leave the academy that has nurtured him and gave him the happiest moments of his life. But this cruel twist of fate leads him to a perilous journey that gains him not only strength but, more importantly, a sense of purpose. Along the way, he discovers the beauty of friendship, the joy of belongingness and the absurdities of love. For a warrior whose fate it is to decide the destiny of the world he knows, these are the only things worth giving his life for.

CascadingWaters · Fantasy
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65 Chs


"Namgan, I have something to report."

"Fine, I'm willing to learn martial arts from you!"

There was a very uncomfortable lull that followed Jogr's declaration.

Seeing Blink's initial reaction, Jogr realized he had been too hasty. Thinking about it some more, he knew he definitely made a mistake. Judging from his brother-in-law's character, he could not understand why he felt that Blink was about to sell him out.

Blink recovered rather quickly. He looked at his older sister then back towards Jogr.

"That's a very good decision, Namgun," said Blink.

"I think so too," Magra agreed. "You could have actually done so earlier. I had always felt that a village chief should at least be a competent martial artist."

"That's true, Namgan. Considering how our village could only grow with the presence of a martial arts training center, martial arts skills can go a long way towards keeping things in order."

"Right. When does he start his training?"

"Right away, Namgan. I've got only a few days before I have to leave."

Just like that, Jogr's martial arts training was decided without him having any say in it.

However, this matter was completely shelved to the back of everyone's mind upon Blink's mention of leaving. Jogr was reminded of Blink's revelation that his mission was going to keep him away for not less than five years.

For about a minute there was a palpable atmosphere of awkwardness that was only broken by the hissing of the coffee that was brewing in a pot over the furnace. Dark brown water was spilling out of an edge of the pot, its lid getting lifted up by the bubbles that were trying to burst out.

Magra immediately lifted the cover and stirred the pot a little then let the brew boil a little more.

In no time, Magra served coffee to the early morning coffee club of two.

In spite of what happened earlier, Jogr's mood eventually improved after sipping the warm soothing brew from his cup. He looked over towards Blink and sighed at the sight of his brother-in-law closing his eyes and relishing the aroma of the coffee first before blowing on it and having his first sip. Jogr thought how he'd feel out of sorts not having this youth, who had considered him as his brother, drink coffee with him. Just the thought made it feel like his coffee lost some of its taste.

Ten years ago the two of them hit it off right away. Jogr had always thought that his being an orphan touched a chord in Blink's heart. It was well known all over Kasgar how Blink was brought into Magra's family by an armored stranger who claimed that the then three-year old Blink had lost his entire family in a massacre. Although only eighteen at the time, Jogr had been complimented by village elders for demonstrating wisdom beyond his age. But even he had been stunned many times over by then six-year old Blink's keen insight and almost unerring judgment.

The two of them were brothers long before Magra accepted Jogr in her heart. Blink had always regarded Jogr as an amazing guy. As for Jogr, he had always felt in his heart that Blink was born for greatness.

While Jogr was lost in his reminiscence, Magra cleared her throat and reminded Blink that there was something he wanted to tell her earlier.

"What were you about to report to me earlier?" she asked Blink.

For a moment, Jogr's heart nearly dropped to his stomach.

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot," Blink apologized. "How are your banana and mango orchards?"

"The banana plantation produces more than enough for the village's needs while the mangoes can be harvested in two weeks," Magra replied. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, Namgan, it's like this. I talked to the mayor of Calandra after the battle with the bandits and learned from him that they're experiencing a shortage of mango and banana at their market. It appears the yield from villages south of them, which had always sustained the town's supply of banana had some kind of infestation that drastically reduced their yield. As for mangoes, they badly need a new supply line."

"That's what you and the mayor talked about when he dragged you away from the horde of the instant warriors of Calandra?" Jogr could not help inquiring.

"Among a few other less important things, yes."

"That's a great piece of news," Magra noted. "It appears we'll need to make arrangements for a few men to gather the fruits to be sold to Calandra."

'So that's what he actually wanted to report to Magra,' Jogr sighed in his heart. He wanted to smack his forehead with his palm but stopped himself knowing his wife might sense something was off with him. He already threw everyone off with his sudden declaration about learning martial arts from Blink, so he knew he had to tread carefully.

Controlling the urge to sigh once more, Jogr truly regretted looking at the girl's appetizing curves during that lunch with Blink at Calandra. He could only imagine the ensuing scene were Magra to learn that he had been ogling a young girl. The trouble with his wife was not that she easily got jealous. It's that she got jealous but wouldn't admit to it but then gave him the cold treatment for days.

Jogr shuddered upon recalling those uncomfortably silent moments of their marriage. He had firmly resolved to best avoid scenarios that might trigger Magra's jealousy.

After calming down, Jogr tried to think of ways to get out of his commitment to undergo martial arts training. While it's true that he had always aspired to become a martial artist, he felt that it was awkward to learn at his age. Besides, his instructor would also be twelve years younger than him.

Jogr decided to play the considerate card. He cleared his throat first. At the same time he wondered why other people also had to clear their throat first when they were about to say something important as if clearing their throat first would help convince the other party.

"Ah, Nimgun…Well…It's like this…" Jogr felt disappointed that he was stammering at such a moment when he needed to show a calm demeanor.

"You were going to say something, Namgun?" Blink looked Jogr's way with his ever smiling chinky eyes.

Jogr had a notion that Blink was amusing himself at his expense. He immediately shook the notion off his head. He knew his brother-in-law better than that.

"Regarding martial arts training…Er...Uhmm...If you feel in the least bit that training another student could be rather bothersome...Well, you know... You don't have to stress yourself too much on my behalf."

"It's practically no added burden, Namgun. I will be training you together with Hubr and Zugr."

Magra had to stifle a laugh that blurted out of her mouth. She guiltily covered her mouth and cast her eyes down on the table, not daring to look her husband in the eyes. However the quick rise and fall of her shoulders betrayed the fact that she was having fun at the expense of her husband.

Jogr wanted to play the considerate card. Right then he wanted to trash Blink for being inconsiderate. 'What did he mean lumping me with the kids?'

"It would inspire Hubr to work harder seeing his father trying his best, too," Blink declared positively.

Jogr caught Magra looking at him sideways, a wicked smile stuck on her lips. He glared ferociously at her.

Magra returned a 'What did I do?' expression on her face, which she emphasized with her two hands raised to her side, palms facing upward.

Blink cleared his throat at the non-verbal exchange between the couple and decided to excuse himself to give them more privacy.

"I forgot that I needed to do something right now," he said as he got up and out of the kitchen.

"Wait, Nimgun!"

Blink stuck his head out through the door and smiled at them both.

"It's fine, Namgun. It's my honor to be your Teacher."

I admit that I had been writing chapters on the fly with only a general plot in mind. Because of slow internet speed, I somehow managed to publish the first two chapters by mistake. The plan was to finish the first 30 to 40 chapters first before publishing. That would have given me enough time to map out a time line of events while also researching materials pertaining to martial and magic combat, battle tactics et cetera.

Presently, I am reading a lot of martial arts and magic-related novels.

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