
The Fellowship of Tears

Due to his lack of talent in martial arts, Blink is forced to leave the academy that has nurtured him and gave him the happiest moments of his life. But this cruel twist of fate leads him to a perilous journey that gains him not only strength but, more importantly, a sense of purpose. Along the way, he discovers the beauty of friendship, the joy of belongingness and the absurdities of love. For a warrior whose fate it is to decide the destiny of the world he knows, these are the only things worth giving his life for.

CascadingWaters · Fantasy
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65 Chs

The Beloved Daughter

19th of Adun, year 991

Bellena, Kingdom of Tarask

Lorwil, the innkeeper, had a lot of questions for Blink at breakfast time. What was even more perplexing was that every time Blink answered his question, he'd say something along a similar track regarding his daughter, Carmilla.

"I gathered from one of my servants that you must be a martial arts practitioner," Lorwil declared. "Is that right?"

"That's right," Blink answered without enthusiasm. He was organizing his thoughts on what he needed to do for the rest of the day when the innkeeper disturbed his contemplation. If any of his academy brothers were to have done the same, Blink would have glared at them with a strong killing intent.

"My Carmilla is also very interested in martial arts. Unfortunately, the only place to get martial arts training around here is by joining the local adventurers' guild. There's no way I'm letting my precious flower be mixed in with that bunch of felons who earn their keep as sell-swords and bounty hunters."

Blink kept trying to ignore the innkeeper whenever it wasn't considered rude for him to do so. But instead of getting the hint that the young guest of the inn wasn't interested in talking to him, the innkeeper persisted in trying to interest Blink in his daughter.

"On what business have you come to Bellena anyway? Perhaps my Carmilla can show you around. Get you familiarized with the town?"

Blink stared unemotionally at the older man for a long time until the latter felt uncomfortable. "If I tell you, I might have to silence you," he said flatly.

After that Lorwil tried to find an excuse to leave Blink alone. However, Blink didn't want to let him go just yet. Lorwil swallowed hard but stayed in his seat.

"Where can I find the adventurers' guild?" Blink asked.


"Would you really want to know?" Blink tapped the table with his fingers like someone trying his best to be patient.

Lorwil swallowed another lump of saliva. "It's on the third alley to the right up the street north of here."

"Third alley to the right up north, got it," Blink repeated the direction. He looked up the ceiling then held out his hand, palm towards the innkeeper to indicate that he had one more thing to ask. "Are you not going to have your daughter show me around town?"

"Sir? I…I…I…" Lorwil furrowed his brows. His lips trembled. He struggled really hard to say something.

Blink tried but couldn't suppress a wicked smile. He quickly straightened himself as he ran the fingers of his right hand over an imaginary beard.

"My Carmilla has a really busy schedule today. I'm sorry, sir."

"Didn't you just offer to have her show me around town?" Blink couldn't help himself. He just had to have his fun.

"Sir, I know I did. But…but…it suddenly crossed my mind that she has a lot of work to do today. I only just remembered it now." Lorwil looked sideways and then at his feet as he explained.

"That's too bad. I really do want to get to know her better."

Blink went too far this time. The innkeeper suddenly turned pale. Cold sweat trickled down his forehead. He looked like he was about to cry.

"Sir, there are a lot of girls in Bellena who are much prettier than my Carmilla. But my daughter is the only light of my life. If I ever offended you, sir, I'm truly sorry. Let me receive whatever punishment you feel I deserve. Just spare my daughter from a father's foolishness, I beg you."

A tear rolled down the old man's face as he neared the end of his little speech. Blink realized he should have known when to stop. Blink wanted to apologize but knew he would only be making things worse. Even after a minute had passed, the innkeeper's lips still quivered as the moistness in his eyelids threatened to pour out.

Blink took a deep breath.

"Alright, I promise I'll stay away from your daughter," Blink said.

– [I must remember to never tease fathers when it comes to their daughters.] –

Blink's promise didn't necessarily soothe Lorwil's feelings. He was still scowling. But it at least stopped the quivering of his lips.

The innkeeper left Blink's table right after. Blink could finally enjoy his breakfast while pondering on his next step. He still couldn't understand why he had to come to Bellena instead of heading straight for Taraskonia.

– [Why don't I head to Taraskonia right now?] –

As soon as the thought left his mind, the buzzing sound inside his head issued a sharp head-splitting noise.

– [That thing is really inside my head? It wasn't just the desert heat?] –

Since Blink couldn't understand why he had to be at Bellena, he asked the thing inside his head. All he got, however, was a series of buzzes that he couldn't make heads nor tails of.

– [This is unacceptable. Just terrible. You should at least do a better effort to help me understand you instead of just bossing me around by giving me a headache.] –

With a running argument happening inside his head, Blink's expression changed every few seconds. Anyone who saw him would be sure to think there was something wrong with his head.

Lorwil was looking at him disapprovingly. He shook his head several times while tapping his head but was very careful not to be caught by Blink doing so.

In order to simplify matters as well as to avoid all that buzzing, Blink decided to ask questions that needed only to be answered with either a yes or a no.

– [Are you the teardrop gem inside my head?] –


– [At least that's confirmed. Do you want me to do something here in Bellena?] –


– [Would it take a long time to do it?] –


– [Would it take only a few days?] –


– [Two or three days?] –


– [Could you point me to the direction where I'd need to go?] –


– [Let's do this after I have eaten my breakfast then. I slept the whole day yesterday and haven't eaten anything until now.] –

The "fiery teardrop gem" didn't respond.

After paying for his breakfast, Blink was about to head out when the innkeeper's daughter barged in. She was wearing what Blink guessed was a traditional attire for Tarask women. Her overall appearance drew an approving gaze from Blink but made worry lines appear on her father's forehead.

"Mister Blink, you're finally awake? We all worried you might never get up," Carmilla said. She gave Blink a slight bow and a shy smile.

At the side Lorwil breathed hard and looked sick of worry.

"Thank you for letting me in yesterday," Blink replied to Carmilla. "You don't need to be too concerned on my account. I just needed a really long sleep with a bed under me."

"Are you headed out?" Carmilla asked.


"Would you like me to accompany you? Show your way around town?"

Blink glanced sideways at Lorwil. He did it very quickly, but he saw that the innkeeper was furiously waving both hands sideways at her daughter.

"There's no need," Blink replied. "Your father just told me that you'll be very busy today."

"Not really. What's there to do around here that couldn't be done in an hour?"

Once again Blink glanced at Lorwil who was palming his forehead furiously. He was smiling when he returned his gaze to Carmilla.

"Thank you for the offer, but I think I can manage myself."

Carmilla sighed but managed to say, "Be careful on your way then."

Blink surreptitiously glanced at the innkeeper. He was clutching his chest and puffing out air in relief.

Thanks for reading. Please give this chapter a rating. And some power stones if you can spare a few.

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