
The Fellowship of Tears

Due to his lack of talent in martial arts, Blink is forced to leave the academy that has nurtured him and gave him the happiest moments of his life. But this cruel twist of fate leads him to a perilous journey that gains him not only strength but, more importantly, a sense of purpose. Along the way, he discovers the beauty of friendship, the joy of belongingness and the absurdities of love. For a warrior whose fate it is to decide the destiny of the world he knows, these are the only things worth giving his life for.

CascadingWaters · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Fanny Intentions

The scar-faced bandit looked at Blink with a ferocious glare in his eyes. He still didn't think much of the young man holding the quarter staff. He did, however, keep his chin close to his collarbone just to be safe. He didn't want to risk another blow to his windpipe.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!" Blink laughed like a maniac. "Pathetic trash. You dare look fierce before me. Let's see how quickly you'll beg me to stop."

The man continued to look at Blink. He even snorted at him in an arrogant display of contempt.

Blink pointed his staff at the knee he had busted. Suddenly, the man had an alarmed expression on his face. He immediately covered the knee with a hand.

However, Blink wasn't going for his knee. He whacked the man in the shin with quick successive strikes.

The man bellowed in pain. He lifted his shin close to his waist and then covered it with his hands. Bad idea. Blink struck at his hands, the blows savage and relentless. The beating produced a few cracking sounds. Some of the once proud cockerel's fingers had been broken.

Blink kept hammering until the hands gave way. He battered the man's shin anew. He grabbed the poor bandit on the ankle then continued to smash his shin and knee.

It had not been two minutes since Blink started torturing the scar-faced man, but the man could not take it anymore. He let go of his dignity and begged for mercy.

This only angered Blink who gave the man's shin a few more blows. More blood-curdling screams.

The man twisted and turned, but could not free his ankle from the young man's grip. Somehow, Blink released him and he immediately rolled and laid on his stomach in order to protect his battered shin and knee.

As soon as the scar-faced bandit presented his butt to him, Blink wasted no time to be the man's daddy.

Blink whipped the man's butt repeatedly. He poured all his frustrations for the past five days into his quarter staff and unleashed them upon the hapless bandit's fanny.

The man did not scream, but he did tense up and grunt everytime the staff made contact with his rump.

This did not please Blink at all. He shifted his target to the man's calves.

When the staff struck the man's calves for the first time, he yowled in unbearable pain.

Meanwhile, Blink had a satisfied grin on his face.

"That's more like it," he said.

He struck the man's calves several more times. The man wanted to roll over, but Blink stepped on his lower back. In his severely weakened state from all the whacking he had taken, the scar-faced bandit could only wail in pain at every strike.

After whipping every part of the bandit's legs to a darkened state, Blink squatted in front of him.

"Didn't you say you were going to enjoy me after beating me half-dead?" Blink recalled. "What exactly did you mean by that?"

Although his fighting spirit had already been thoroughly broken down, the bandit gazed fearfully towards Blink. He tried to speak, but no word came out of his mouth. He could only shake his head while looking pitiful.

" You want me to be merciful?" Blink mocked the scar-faced bandit. "Would you have shown me mercy had I been the one on the dust?

"I don't think so."

With that Blink proceeded to drive his knee on the lower back of the scar-faced bandit. He poked somewhere in the middle of the man's buttocks, probing for something. He poked several times more, but the panicked man under his knee was struggling mightily, thus Blink couldn't accomplish his fanny intention.

Blink tried to pull down the man's pants, but the poor guy struggled mightily and pulled himself free with a roll. With a terrified look, he pushed himself off as far away from his tormentor, his butt sticking closely to the ground.

Once more the quarter staff hammered down and hit the scar-faced bandit's protruding knee. The blow had enough force to knock the wind out of the guy.

Blink stood beside the nearly passed-out torture victim.

"Next time, Blink lectured, "before you open your mouth and make stupid threats...

"Make sure you have the capability to carry out your threats.

"Or, you'll only suffer what you have threatened.

"Now, if you're really set on taking revenge on me, you better train really hard for the next five years. After that, just look for one of the brown-robed guys and tell them you're looking for the one called Blink.

"That would, of course, be me."

When the cautious bandit heard the name, he was somewhat startled although he already had a bad feeling when he noticed how calm and unimpressed the brownie before them looked before they traded blows.

"So, it's you after all," he said.

"Who... ugh, ugh... is he?" the youngest bandit asked the cautious one between coughing fits.

"The top disciple among the brownies. He's the one who routed the Iron Fist Gang about a year ago."

The youngest bandit became even more fearful of the brownie before them.

Blink snorted.

He said, "That bunch of idiots thought too highly of their fists, naming themselves the Iron Fist Gang as if their bare hands could crush stone.

"It was such a simple matter for me to break their fingers.

"They should have called themselves the Brittle Bone Gang.

"Their leader was just like this cockerel here, making threats when his skill is a total shit.

"He was lucky my companion was a little soft, or I'd have wrecked his bung hole with whatever blunt object I could grab."

The youngest bandit shuddered in fear. Raging Fist, the leader of the Iron Fist Gang, was the most feared bandit in all of Ragha. He tried to put more distance between himself and Blink, drawing the latter's attention.


The young bandit paled visibly. In his 18 years of existence, no voice had ever scared the shit out of him. Until now.

"Didn't you say you wanted my sword?" Blink addressed the young bandit.

For a moment the young bandit couldn't find his voice. His eyes started to tear up, and Blink was only staring at him.

Blink drew the sword from his bundle and waved it casually in front of the young bandit.

"You want this sword?" he asked.

"Please, sir, I didn't really mean it."

"Oh, so it's a joke then. I'll tell you what. I'll just joke around with you for a while with my sword."

"Please, sir!" the young man extended his arms, palms forward, in a plea for mercy.

However, Blink was just too riled up to even be bothered. He kicked the guy in the chest, laying the guy down on the ground. Then, he followed up with a kick to the rib. The last kick rolled the young bandit to his stomach.

Blink proceeded to pummel the bandit with the flat side of the blade. He only stopped until the guy no longer had the strength to scream. Though he avoided using the sharp edges of the blade, there were several inadvertent cuts on the guy's back from all the squiggling he did to get away.

"You," Blink addressed the cautious bandit. "Drag these two sleepers to the river and wake them up."

The cautious guy could only promptly comply.

When the two bandits woke up, they felt an overpowering headache they couldn't steadily stand up. They saw the pathetic condition of their two companions and knew right then that they had been tortured.

The cautious one whispered something to his comrades, but Blink heard every word he said.

"Don't piss him off. He really is the top brownie of Ragha Academy. The one that destroyed the Iron Fist Gang."

The two guys were totally awakened by their fellow bandit's revelation. They looked fearfully towards Blink. They expected nothing less than to be tortured half-dead for daring to gang up on a frighteningly famous bandit hunter.

Blink was pleased with the fearful looks of the three bandits.

"The three of you, pick up these two idiots, he commanded." Let's head into town."

The three bandits couldn't believe their luck. They made haste to comply lest the young martial artist suddenly snaps and beat up their shins to a purple pulp with his staff.

Being held carelessly on his limbs by two of his comrades, the scar-faced bandit wailed his complaint.

"Shut up!" Blink immediately told the wailing man off. "If I hear one more complaint from you, I'll beat up your other foot."

And just like that, the scar-faced bandit shut his yap and just endured the pain every time his battered leg got pulled by the one carrying him from behind.

"Sheesh! Why is it the ones who talk big are also the ones who cry over a little pain?"

Oops, I did it again.

I managed to drag a single scene into three chapters, I mean. It's not without purpose though. The earlier chapters are usually intended to establish the protagonist's character.

Anyway, I'd seen a lot of authors drag out a scene. Some even use 21 words when 12 would do.

As for me? I'm not that innocent.

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