
Chapter 9

He bursted through the door with so much grace and class, I almost sighed dreamily. His muscular and tall body makes the door look small; he is 6'9 with a killer body. His strong arms were crossed over his defined chest as he leaned in the frame of the door, his masculine features made his ocean-like eyes stand out and his black hair was messy and looked as soft as the best silk.

A moment later I realized that I was gaping at him; I composed myself and looked at him. His eyes roamed my naked body in such hunger my gut filled with desire. His eyes locked with mine and I nearly gasped at the hunger and intensity. He lifted his shirt, revealing his eight-pack to my virgin eyes, I lowered my eyes to it and a throb in my south region made my cheeks turn red.

It's in moments like this I'm grateful I can hide my scent.

He removed his shirt completely and came towards me, his jeans the only thing covering his sweet body. He covered my body from everyone and placed a hand on my waist, pulling me towards him as he gave me his white shirt.

"Put it on, I don't want anyone watching your beautiful body" I blushed and looked away from his eyes; I grabbed his shirt and put it on, exposing more of me. His shirt was two or three sizes bigger than mine, reached mid-thigh and had his manly scent in it. His eyes locked with mine and I blushed harder. His hand remained on my waist as he examined my face, and still remained when he turned and spoke.

"Len informed me of the situation, everything except she's naked and my cousin has a green mix on his cheek" His deep and rough voice sent a shiver through my spine and he grinned at me. What a bastard, he enjoys knows the effect he has on me.

"She's naked because of Aurelius's black energy and the mix is because she managed to scratch him and burn him, Lucifer" I widened my eyes and looked at him, at Lucifer. He's gorgeous.

Wait, Aurelius is his cousin? Oops.

"So you died, came back from death, got burned alive, managed to burn my cousin and you're still here? How? The burning I mean" He looked at me as he talked, as if I was the only person in the room; as if it was only and me. Oh boy, I'm in deep shit.

"My skin heals itself, obviously. I mean; if I got killed then came back from death, what can a simple burn do to me?" I mused. "I'm still dead anyway, or do you hear a heartbeat?" I grinned.

"No I don't. You're not breathing" He frowned and I chuckled at his expression. He's a little slow.

"Comes with the package of being " I shook my head and gave a step towards the door, making his warm hand fall from my waist. I felt his intense eyes on me as I walked towards the door. Aurelius and the two archangels were far enough from the door for me to get to it and get out.

"Can I have the honor of knowing the name of the lady who made one of my best warriors lose the calm, made my cousin lose his control, the lady who is very mysterious indeed and is causing a lot of trouble in heaven?" He grinned; admiration and mischief shining in those ocean eyes of his.

I looked at him. The words he used resembled the ones my father once talked. He would've said exactly what Lucifer said but with more courtesy. He was a great father, great leader and an awesome friend. I remember when he explained to me how to shift in my felines; him and my mother where the only ones who knew about all my forms, no one from my Pride knew. My Pride.

A wave of sadness hit me as I thought about my family, my first one; the real one. The family I grew up with, the family that has my memories buried with them. The family that is dead. Dead by the werewolf race, dead by the hands of Ericsson Underwood, the king of the werewolf race, the ancestor of my 'mate'.

Why'd the fate place me as mate? I'm a feline! I chose my companion, my lover, my other half! Not destiny! It doesn't make sense! The fate has to be wrong because he's not my mate nor he ever will be. I would rather die , than be with him.

A warm hand caressing my cheek brought me back from my thoughts. I locked eyes with Lucifer and saw the troubled look in his eyes; his sharp, masculine features looked even more beautiful and striking when you looked close. I blinked before composing myself; he opened his mouth to speak.

"You shall discover it in no time but right now all you need to know is that I am not the enemy" With that I turned around and reached the door with my unnatural speed. I was outside in less than the blink of an eye. I inhaled the fresh air of heaven and looked around before running at full speed in human form. I ran with Lucifer and Aurelius hot on my heels; well, about five meters away from me as I ran. But they tried their best to catch me.

"Hey! Come back!" Aurelius yelled. I laughed as I ran; enjoying the soft breeze of air heaven allowed me to get, enjoying the soft and bright colors heaven has, allowing the laughter fill me completely. I gave a sharp u-turn and passed Lucifer and Aurelius, they frowned and chased after me; me laughing all the way.

I saw how Aurelius's black energy made some sort of shield to prevent me from running; I grinned as I allowed my claws to elongate. I jumped, and allowed the black energy to wrap itself around me, supporting my weight and engulfing me in soft darkness. I watched how they stopped running when they reached me and grinned maliciously at them as I raised my right claw. They widened their eyes and saw how my claw dug in the black blanket around me, breaking it and allowing me to fall to the ground.

I giggled at their shocked expressions and began running again, less fast than the last time but enjoying a little more the scenery around me. I sniffed the air and grinned as I caught the scent of the demon that killed me along with the scent of Nicolas and Dexter. I ran faster, faster than the first time, desperate for some type of fun, some type of distraction.

I gave a sharp turn, the two boys behind me, and ran towards their scent. I saw them a mile away. Nico and Dexter were holding hands, both giving me their backs and the demon that killed me was facing me but talking with Nico and Dexter. I growled playfully as I reached them, then jumped and shifted mid-air into my saber tooth tiger form, claws extended and growling, and landed on top of the demon that killed me. He landed on the ground with a very loud 'thud' and with me on top of him. My claws dug into his chest as I snarled and growled in his face.

I ignored how Aurelius and Lucifer stopped dead on their tracks and how Nico and Dexter gasped, and focused on scaring the shit out of the demon beneath me. I traced my sharp teeth in the demon's cheek, watching how the color drained from his face and chuckled mentally.

I just scaring the shit out of people!

"Agrona" Nico said sternly. It reminded me of the way a father began to punish a kid for disobeying their rules. I stopped growling and turned to look at him, curious as to why he's stopping me from having fun.

"You're scaring the kid honey" Dexter said gently and Lucifer hissed at him, I ignored him and mentally rolled my eyes as I growled defiantly at Dexter. I turned towards the demon beneath me and sniffed the air. And sure enough, he was scared shitless. I growled in approval and straightened myself but not before growling at him and tracing my long fangs through his cheek once more, this time harder and actually bringing blood to the surface. I walked towards Nico, Dexter, Lucifer and Aurelius and placed myself besides Lucifer. He was a little bit taller than my saber tooth form. I shifted back; silently and in less than a second.

"Was that necessary, Agrona?" Dexter shot right away. I grinned at Dexter as I looked at him.

"He killed me, and I like scaring the living shit out of people" I shrugged as I walked towards demon boy. They looked at me closely as I did so. I looked at demon boy and held my hand for him once I reached him. He looked at me with those dark, frightened eyes of his; I smiled softly and he grabbed my hand. I helped him up and looked at him in the eyes.

"No need to be scared of me. I won't bite you..." I began as I walked away from him and towards Lucifer. "Yet" I laughed at his shocked expression and ran towards Dexter, jumping into his arms. He caught me easily and I gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Don't get too agitated Dexi, I'm just having fun with the kid" I winked as he let me go. He shook his head but didn't comment.

"You're Agrona?" Aurelius asked, not even bothering to hide the shock on his voice. I grinned and nodded then I unconsciously turned my head towards Lucifer. His intense eyes were already observing me, making a shiver run through me. I couldn't describe the emotions his eyes gave me and it really bothered me because they shined.

I released my scent and saw how he closed his eyes and sniffed the air. His eyes were no longer those ocean-like of his when he opened them; they were as red as mine. I growled and felt how my eyes changed to my aroused red. It's a brighter red than my pissed off one. He growled too and closed the distance between us, wrapping his strong arms around my waist and pulling me close to him; I placed my hands on his waist and raised them slowly towards his exposed back. He leaned in close, his lips touching my earlobe and whispered; confident and strong.

"You're mine"

"Agrona?"Dexter's voice brought me back from my trance. I shook my head and let go of Lucifer but as I tried to, he only held tighter.

"Mine"He growled out; he was the reason my beasts were on the edge. I've never had this type of contact with a man and I never planned on it but here he is; putting my beasts on the edge and making me feel things I shouldn't be feeling. I growled and tried to get out of his hold without violence.

"I'm not yours"I said as soon as I could get out of his grip. "My apologies for that, my beasts are on the edge. The situation at hand is bothering them"I nodded and avoided looking at Lucifer by looking at Dexter instead. They nodded and turned to look at Lucifer with knowingly smiles.

"There's no need to apologize, my dear Agrona. You're after all"He nodded, his red eyes slowly changing to his ocean like ones. I snorted in a very unladylike way.

"Hell has done some serious damage to you if you think I'm yours"I meet his eyes. His whole demeanor changed; his eyes became dark and hard, his face hardened and his voice dropped to a very quiet but terrifying one.

"Nicolas, Dexter, Aurelius. Go away, I have to talk with Agrona"His eyes didn't leave mine at any second as the rest of the guys walked away; leaving just the two of us alone.

"I don't belong to anyone. I've been alive for more than two hundred years; don't you think that if I wanted to be someone's I would have someone by my side right now? I have been way to busy with things that really matter to be thinking of boys. So..."I trailed off; I sidestepped him and started to walk away, but his grip on my arm made it impossible. He pulled my arm and I slammed back onto his strong and exposed chest.

"You have no idea, do you Agrona?"I felt his breath on my neck as he spoke; his arms tightened around my waist making it impossible for me to think clearly as I was wrapped in his manly scent.

It was just

"Of what?"Thank the goddess that my voice was strong, scratch that; thank the goddess that I still had the capacity of forming a complete thought with him holding me like this. His touch send little through my body, his intoxicating scent wrapped itself around me and his hands moved in slow circular motions in my waist. It was heaven.

"That you are the one I have been looking for"

Yeah, that explains so much. That explains what I'm feeling, what I'm thinking, what I'm imagining and what I want to do. Sure, that explains everything. I scoffed.

"You really need to explain yourself, Lucifer"He groaned and pulled me close to him; making his arousal clearly noticeable.

"You are , Agrona. You're "