
Chapter 10

I tried not to panic as the words left Lucifer’s mouth. But then, laughter bubbled up inside my belly and it made its way through my throat and out of my mouth. I laughed until tears fell from my eyes then, turned around and looked at him.

“You’re kidding right?”My voice was still full of laughter and humor but he remained serious. My smile dropped as I frowned at him.

“You’re serious?”He sighed as his eyes met mine, and nodded. “Holy shit”I started pacing, back and forth, back and forth. He remained silent and watched me.

He can’t be serious. He mustn’t be serious. How can he be serious about this?

Then, I remembered; the letter. I stopped dead on my tracks and moved my hands towards my leather jacket; only to stop mid-air and remember that Aurelius’s black energy burned it. A wave of pain and desperation hit me like a bullet; knocking me down and sucking the air out of my lungs. How could I be so stupid,

I turned around and faced Lucifer, who was already looking at me with a troubled look. I met his eyes and my body managed to relax, but my mind couldn’t. I was going insane.

“Let’s say I agree to be with you”I began, his body tensed with excitement and his eyes twinkled a little. “What would happen to the feline race, race, they’re around a thousand and I am their true Alpha. What would we do? I could not just leave them”He took a step closer to me and wrapped me in his arms.

“I would stay with you and help you control things for some years, then the next years you’ll do the same but in Hell”He suggested, not even bothering to hide the hope in his voice. I wiggled out of his embrace and looked at him.

“You know…”I began casually and avoided his eyes. “I’m-the-mate-of-the-king-of-the-werewolf-race”I rushed out and avoided his eyes. His body tensed and I dared to sneak a glance at him; I wish I hadn’t. His eyes were pitch black, no other color in them. His face was hard and cold. His body tense and his hands balled up in fists. And my mind only managed to form one word.

He walked towards me in a very predatory way; me being his prey. Shit, shit, shit, shit. Okay, let us calm down; there’s no need to stress over a pissed off Lucifer. Note the fucking heavy .

He began to circle me once he reached me, looking at me as if I was a problem he needed to solve. I jumped a little when his strong arms hugged my waist, pulling me towards his very defined, strong and chest. I snuggled closer to his warmth, secretly enjoying how much it warmed me and how much it satisfied me and my beasts.

“Who do you belong to, kitten?”His voice was so rough; hoarse and deep, it sent a shiver through my entire body.

“To no one”I smiled innocently. He growled and tightened his grip on me; a red fog began to appear around us, wrapping itself around our bodies like a soft and warm blanket. I felt my eyes change into my bright red, and felt how my gut clenched with desire and need.

“You to , little one. You’re little kitten”He growled in my ear, sending shivers of pure pleasure through me. I turned around and wrapped my hands around his naked torso; scratching him with my claws as I ran them through his naked back.

“I don’t know you, Lucifer, and I came here to discuss important matters with Nicolas and Dexter”I said as I removed my hands from him and his hands from my waist. He looked at me amusingly and grinned; his big black eyes shining.

“You really are my Queen; this red fog makes drop to their knees and beg for me to take them, to fuck them till oblivion, but you fought it and said no. I’m impressed, little one, you’ll be a wonderful Queen”With that said, the red fog disappeared faster than the blink of an eye, and he wrapped his arms around me, snuggling his nose on my neck.

“And I’m not Lucifer; my name is Agniem. I’m his worst side”He inhaled my scent as I processed everything he just told me. After a while, I had processed everything and came back to reality.


“Like I told Nicolas and Dexter; I’m going undercover”The room full of angels and demons erupted into shouts and madness. After the little ‘talk’with Lucifer, we went to look for Nico and Dexter to speak to them about the situation. We bumped into some girly angels and they lend me a white dress, then when we found Nico and Dexter, they said that they already had the meeting room organized and with everyone in it. So, here we are. We started discussing battle plans, defense plans and they explained to me a little bit more about the dust.

“Silence!”I roared; everyone silenced and looked at me. “If you let me explain what I have to say, then you can talk and shout and do anything you fucking want to do! But if you don’t, then you won’t get the point of the mission!”They remained silent as I fumed. A warm hand came in contact with my waist, pulling me down to his lap and calming me a little.

“Calm down, kitten”Lucifer whispered in my ear, his breath hitting my neck. I shivered and relaxed. I spoke until I was calm enough.

“I will train the enemy, yes, but I will train them with useless stuff; training that they cannot complete and that will leave them exhausted till soreness”I explained.

“ could get sore”He bit my earlobe sensually.

“Agniem…”I placed my arms above his, which were hugging my waist, and gently stroked his hands with mine. He chuckled and sighed in defeat.

“But I will fight and train with you. The training will be simple but necessary. First, I will check your resistance, strength, speed and abilities; then I will divide you on groups, depending on what some of you will need and some won’t, then the training will start. Am I clear?”A road of ‘yes’filled the room and I grinned.

“Their training will start at two o’clock; I suggest you watch, I’m gonna make them sweat blood”I grinned maliciously and stood up from Lucifer’s lap, losing my warmth.

“You’re going already?”Nico pouted. I smiled and nodded as I walked towards him and Dexter.

“I have to, their training starts at two and its already one thirty”He nodded and pecked my cheek; I kissed Dexter on his cheek too and stepped back.

“Agrona”I turned to look at Lucifer, but met his exposed chest. I raised my eyes through it, absorbing every detail; his abs, his muscles, his tanned skin, the neck where I will mark him if I chose to stay with him, and his strong jaw. I met his deep ocean eyes and got lost in them.

“Can I talk to you?”I nodded; he placed a hand on my waist and led me towards the exit and out of the meeting room.

“What is it?”

“How did you enter heaven?”I grinned at him and shrugged.

“You’ll see when I go”I stepped back but his hand gripped mine.

“I’ll be watching, Agrona”He nodded, I smiled and relaxed. “So?”I frowned.

“You’ll have to elaborate”

“Will you be my Queen?”He asked; his hopeful eyes met mine. I placed a blank face as I stared at him and thought of my answer, I saw how the hope slowly turned into nothing in his eyes as the time passed, then, I spoke.

“I don’t know…”I shrugged. “I don’t even know you”I tried to hide the smile that threatened to escape, but failed miserably; the hope came floating back into his eyes and I grinned.

“That’s a maybe, right?”

“That’s a ‘we’ll see’”I winked at him. “You better watch what I’m going to do to these bastards”I laughed. He chuckled and wrapped his arms on my waist; the warmth and the feeling of being complete came back and I nearly sighed in delight. I got on my tip toes and kissed his cheek.

“I really need to go, I’ll see you later”I winked at him as I stepped back; he smiled at me and nodded.

“Wait! How did you enter heaven?”He frowned; I grinned at him as I stepped away.

“Like this…”I locked eyes with him as I imagined the forest the supernatural mansion is. My body vanished in the air in less than a second and appeared in a branch tree in front of the mansion. I smiled as I saw the rays of the sun hit my skin with their glow. I sniffed the air and frowned.