
The Fear That Comes With Loving You

Lins388602 · Urban
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6 Chs

The shinning of Stella Airos's


I have always had a beautiful life with amazing family and friends.

My mother is Bella Airos and Father is Jack Summers, yes your to judgemental my life is good with happily in love parents.Well you have thinked wrong my parents are married but my mother choose to keep her maiden name for me, I never knew why or understood what she meant until I were older.

When I was 12 years old, I had to ask my mother about the subject that had my wondering for a couple of month's now. My mother sat me down and told me it's to insure that I've an family to go back to.If Stella Lindsay Airos ever wanted to go back to my mother's country and hometown some day.She said this is one way, she could make sure their will always a way for me to go to my family if i want to visit them and had placed a nest egg for me.Like all loving mothers did before her, for their children they love.

I can't imagine a life without my mother and to me she is the coolest.My father is calm cool dad that always spoke little but seemed to always could say the right things when we needed it.They met for the first time when my mother came to study in at the University of Boston State. Their lives forever changed since they met at a coffee shop of campus. Mom said dad was awfully shy, and she had to make the first move ... she had found he cute and he was sitting alone so were she. So my mother came sat infront of in the opposite chair to him.

Mother : Hi

Father : Hello

Mother : I saw your father blush for the first moments and he started away from me to much saying few words, but their were something about him and still is. He wasn't like the other guy's I knew he just had a differential different feeling about him like I have known him for years. Those speechless lips said nothing but he thought to much in his brain as your father Overthinked about just saying another word to me. A TOTAL NERD ... but I seemed to like your father instantly. Don't tell your father. Mother and I share a honesty giggle with another, ( I promise mom).

I have gotten so use to those sweet short, honest conversations I didn't want any other's anymore.Then their is me a girl that can be to much like every girl out there hiding themself just for the right one, that one that just can make you feel love. Like those dream guy's in romance movies.Oh my gosh their is dought Jennefer Lopez is our leader when it comes to that love, so to every guy out there catch tips of the romance movies if you don't know how to treat a women right! So I thought until I met him in the next couple of month's.Me, mom and dad always could watch romance movies together and laugh, cry that what we all did especially the Tainic. That movie makes you wonder could I give me all to someone without overthinking every detail and just get lost in a other soul. I could watch that movie a 100 times and I could never grow tired of Jack and her share their love something I felt I needed in my love. I wasn't desperate or anything just making my side clear and all.

My mom and dad always had that special relationship, my mother would just scream "Jack is to sexy" and father would give her the stink-eye and mother seemed to always laugh like she's had done it on purpose just to make dad jealous. Stella could always just sit and be amused with laughter with how silly her parents were. Even after 20 years of marriag, something just like that I wanted for me some day and I was a romantisist. My little brother was like my father shy, cute adorable yes so am I. He were 5 and I adored him to much, my mother loves saying do you love him more then me? Yes I do Mom ... me and mother always laughed at those silly jokes. We're so alike I sometimes loved it and dislike because my father would say we both stubborn ( no ice cream for you ) mom and I would say at the same time huh!

Sweet times I loved and I had a very sweet tooth.