
The Favourability System in the Apocalypse

Genesis was like any other otaku who was ambitious when got transported to another world but his life in other world was also filled with the sorrow and suffering because at got transmigrating in the start to live like a common person under the fear of monsters with his father as family. But when he awakened his gold finger as Favourability, his luck turned even more grim because many other people who target his system turned his life worst than hell. But he activated the 'Outerversal explore' feature of system by some help and start visiting worlds of various terrible novels made by unknown novels. -------------------------------- Will Genesis be able to become to strong to survive and who is that person who is after him. For every gift there will be an additional chapter.

Fantasy_Bringer · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 29- Meeting with Psycho

"Why are you running, you said you just needed food right. I will buy you a lot of it. But how about we do conversation in private." That guy said.

His these words were cold and chilling to bone like some demon is whispering in my ears all the time.

I wanted to run but these kind of people are really extreme and can go to any boundaries to just cater to their own whims. Even monsters in real world was nothing in front of this discomforting feeling.

"Yes, I want the food, and I wasn't running or anything, I just remembered that I just saw a good place for buying the food. I mean, I was gonna recommend you that, just if you want to." I said while ensuring myself over and over again that this excuse is without any loopholes.

"You are such a wise and considerate person, then guide me where this food shop of yours is. We can buy food and can have talk over eating that stuff." He said.

"Yes, follow me." I said, casually walking toward the big shop I remembered.

"Anyway, what kind of food does you like. Tell me this until we arrive at that shop." He said following behind me closely, not that close though.

I was so creeped up that I started walking a little faster but he still kept up with me.

I regained all my will power but now that shop wasn't much far from us which relieved me from all that pressing stress.

I entered the shop and he entered right after me as well. I started fiddling through various food items and checking their quality like a typical Karen trying to find out the quality of products.

He was looking and smiling in my direction like a weird creep.

I collected the high dense food that I could find in that shop, and came to section of paying, and there he paid for the food.

"Now you follow me, Because I know just a place for eating and talking where no one would disturb me." He said.

I was left with no choice, So, I followed him to a dark alley, I knew it could be dangerous but it was dangerous all along. We sat the conspicuous chairs that were of old wood which is being rotten.

I was spooked there for a second really, but my mind is still processing the precious information now about the virus. This virus was reallly a little weird, I mean there are other parasite type viruses which absorb nutrients from human body and replicate themselves but what makes it weird is that virus has been able to completely bypass immune system of all species without making difference.

As I was thinking this, he properly put the eating stuff on table in a good way which was sophisticated. It was looking tempting to me because my hunger is all time high now when seeing the food available like this.

"Come here, let's eat together. I wanna listen to you as to learn your story, I usually do this with other interesting people as well." He said last part with a big grin on his face.

I did as he told me to do so, I picked some food stuff and started eating with slow speed as to seem as ungrateful or a glutton. He also did the same but his gaze didn't changed direction from my side.

I was pretending that it does not bother me at all. I continued eating food, Except for one item, all of the others were tasting really good. That one exception of an item was bland and even a little bitter, I was unable to recognize this dish from any of those that I know of in my mind. I assumed that dish is unique to this world so I didn't think that much. 

I continued eating while feeling like other guy's stare creating a hole in my head while he was looking my way.

I suddenly felt that my body is loosing it's strength and i started seeing blurry and dozing off as a person in dire need of sleep do.

Suddenly, I heard the voice, "You are quite resilient for how you look, this formula had finally worked on you and now you would go unconscious. Let's meet again, if you stay alive until the effect of that formula wear off." 

After which I lost all my sense but I can feel an ominous aura around me while I was Passed out and was in my mind domain.

I was hoping that I survive through this unconscious period because this world can be really helpful if I can use this virus against my enemies in the real world.

{ After Unknown Time }

"So, You did survived that, I wasn't expecting that. Your Body is really something else. Well, i liked the taste of you blood. So, I drained quite a lot blood, which only meant that your vitality is really strong. Even my body have seemed to cooled down somehow. You are my precious experiment." A voice sounded in my ears.

Making the head and tails of the voice with my dizzy state, I recognized that this voice belonged to guy from whom I asked for the food. I guess, that was my biggest mistake in this world to become overconfident in my experience of recognizing people, and even bigger mistake was to trust him even when it was clear that he may still turn good but food incident did provide me wrong otherwise. It was a great setback for me who is overly reliant on his senses and instinctual decisions.

I wanted to run out of there, But I was bound to a chair in some room filled with darkness. It was difficult to make up the location of the place where I am to begin as my knowledge of this world is very limited. Only relief is that I can still see the mind map of where I Should go.

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