
The Favourability System in the Apocalypse

Genesis was like any other otaku who was ambitious when got transported to another world but his life in other world was also filled with the sorrow and suffering because at got transmigrating in the start to live like a common person under the fear of monsters with his father as family. But when he awakened his gold finger as Favourability, his luck turned even more grim because many other people who target his system turned his life worst than hell. But he activated the 'Outerversal explore' feature of system by some help and start visiting worlds of various terrible novels made by unknown novels. -------------------------------- Will Genesis be able to become to strong to survive and who is that person who is after him. For every gift there will be an additional chapter.

Fantasy_Bringer · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 28- Mysterious origin of disease

[ Dong! Chat room would be established in 1 minutes but host is again informed to not reveal anything about his origin or system unless world itself don't made a soul connection with you. ]

'I agree' I said quickly knowing that it is of much importance to always this secret to myself and never reveal it. Although I wanted to know about what system mean when it said soul connection.

Then countdown of soul connection appeared on the system panel.

[ Dong! 60 sec, 47 sec, 33 sec, 29 sec, 15 sec, 2 sec, 0 sec… ]

[ Dong! Chat room with host of will of this world have been established ]

Instead of a sudden mental that I was expecting, it appeared as a literal chat room on the system panel. So, it means that if I wanted to talk or have a conversation with will of this world then I would have to type on the system panel.

But I could not just wave my hands in air in front of other people or they would think of me as even more crazy, even same is in case of this living trees.

So, I moved toward the other direction where there was no such trees or other intelligent life forms. I got more deeper and deeper in the forest, and trees there were really normal even though presence of many small creature like insects and bug can be felt by me. But, I did not think much of them anyway because their intelligence is not enough to understand such things.

Then I looked at the new chat panel that appeared, it was symbolized by the icon of a cute female loli face.

I was dumbfounded at this view, because how can a will of world be a little loli, but my shock was not important at this point than knowing more about the the virus and its background.

I take the initiative to start a conversation and send a humble tone message.

Host- Hey high existence it is my honour for meeting with you.

Will of world- Are you the descendant of the nature Binded human? But that should not be the case. Anyway, I saw you were looking for the virus. That is not something or anyone deal with because it stole the vital energy of all living organisms and multiply itself.

Host- How will I knew that it can effect me if I don't try. I want you to help me find the location of where virus is starting from before it can spread itself to everywhere in the world resulting in all living forms dying.

Will of world- This may shock you, but believe me that even I don't know how this virus came to be in existence, this is not created by humans in some lab or anything and it wasn't also created by some incidental coincidence. I can not back track the origin of this virus. It feed on the life energy of everything to multiple itself with so much speed that once it start spreading out, there would be no stopping it. For now, it's trapped on island, but if someone from that island came from there then it would spread everywhere. If you really want to try it at the risk of your life then I would guide you to the island just listen to my instructions and follow them.

Host- I am ready for this task. Just guide me and I would try my best to deal with this.

World- Okay I will guide you through mind instructions.

[ Dong! Chat room between host and will of this world has ended. ]

[ Dong! Host will receive map in his mind with instructions of World will. ]

That voice of world will in my head have disappeared and in its place have appeared a map in which a arrow is rotating in all direction and with some time it stopped in one direction.

'Well, world will may have been just thinking in that time when arrow was rotating. It is may be loading kind of sign.' I thought to myself.

Then I started moving in arrow pointed direction. I was really tiring and as I had to move through city, I wore the robe back again which had slipped from my head revealing my head in forest.

I was feeling hungry right now so I thought of buying of some food on some shop, but when I checked for money in my pocket of pants and short, there wasn't even a single penny.

I didn't know as how long would I have to travel and from what kind of places, so I would be best to eat food until stomach is filled and I would be for best if I can also bring some food for along the way journey.

I looked for some people who may have the kindest faces. I was confident in my experience of recognizing people so I wanted to ask someone for food.

A sudden a young man around 23 passed right passed me, he looked like a person who would help anyone if someone asked for it. His face had a warm smile.

I ran in that person's directions and said stopping him, "Sir, over there, please can you listen to me and help me with something."

That person turned around hearing my voice and then pointed toward his own self trying to confirm that I was talking to him or someone else. He then looked to his other side and back to find other I may have talked to.

I nodded, and said "Yes, I was talking to you, please, can you help me with something."

That person stopped for some time from reacting and then responded with even more bigger smile saying, "Oh! I would love to. But do tell what it is about."

I was happy that my perception was not wrong.

"I need food sir, because I was travelling all day and does not have money for this time to buy something." I said.

That guy face made a quick 180 degree turn because his look was like complete psycho now and not some warm guy.

I wanted to run right then but he gripped my shoulder when I had turned around to run.

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