
The Father Of Superheroes[Wise Wind]

That night, when a Kryptonian spacecraft with a baby fell onto Mike Kent’s farm, and he decided to adopt that child, his Golden Finger gained through his transmigration was activated. In that moment, he realized that his life was about to change. Superman - Clark Kent, Professor X - Charles Kent, Magneto - Eric Kent... When he became the father of these individuals, the most powerful family was born! ** Not mine all credit goes to the original author 2 chapters per day( For now, atleast) 10.00 AM IST 17.00 PM IST https://www.mtlnovel.com/the-father-of-superheroes/

Dear_Comrade · Movies
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33 Chs

Chapter 16: Shoot him,magic gun

Chapter 16: Shoot him,magic gun


Logan slammed into Victor's chest with his Adamantium claw and pressed him to the ground. Then, when Victor tried to squeeze his head with his claws, Logan's head slammed into Victor's forehead.


With a muffled sound, Victor's head jerked back, and blood spurted out.

Logan roared and kicked him, sending Victor crashing into the glass floor of the laboratory.


In the early morning sun, the shattered crystal fragments scattered looked like colorful fireflies in panic.

When Victor staggered to his feet, Logan rushed at him again, his claws sinking into Victor's chest. The two of them fell from the second floor amid the crystal shards.


Logan pinned Victor to the ground, his expression like that of a bloodthirsty beast. He slowly withdrew his sharp claws, now devoid of blood, and pressed them against Victor's neck.

"Why did you kill her? Why?"

Logan roared like a beast driven by bloodlust.

Victor stared at Logan, his tense body suddenly relaxing, a sinister smile creeping onto his face.

"Ah, that's the look I wanted!

Come on, Jimmy!"

Logan looked at Victor, hesitating.

"Logan, let him go."

Stryker stood on the second floor, looking down at the two of them with condescension, his expression indifferent yet tinged with amusement.

Victor was too valuable to kill just like that. If Logan did kill him, it would be a waste.

Logan raised his head, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"I'm afraid your brain's gone soft."

Victor grinned, then looked past Logan.

A figure emerged slowly.

Logan's eyes narrowed, disbelief flooding his face, his lips trembling.


"What's going on!?"

Logans voice cut through the tension, his tone cold and authoritative.

Carla, who Logan had cherished as a beloved partner.

Logan had always believed Clara's gentle and beautiful demeanor would be his refuge. But now, with Stryker's revelation, he realized he didn't know her at all.

Clara was a mutant known as the Silver Fox, possessing the ability to control others' thoughts through touch and could manipulate their actions.

From their initial encounter to Clara's apparent death, it was all a ruse to manipulate him into willingly accepting the Adamantium injections.

Clara, Victor, Stryker—they had all been in on it together. Logan had been played, like a fool.

As Stryker spoke slowly, Logan felt his anger rise, but as soon as Stryker finished, an eerie calm settled over him.

Turning to look at Clara, who remained silent, Logan spoke indifferently.

"So, I fell in love with you because of your ability?"

Clara thought of her imprisoned sister, her lips pursed and her eyes darkened.

Seeing her expression, a pang of pain shot through Logan's heart, as if it were being sliced by a dull knife.

Logan's mind swirled with chaos, his body swaying involuntarily.

At that moment, Victor seized Logan's arm, his sharp nails digging into Logan's forearm, pinching his bones.


The searing pain jolted Logan back to reality.


Clara couldn't help but scream and take a step forward.

Stryker took a step back, a gun hidden at his waist now aimed vaguely in Clara's direction.

Clara froze. "I've done what you asked. Please, let my sister go!"

A chilling smile spread across Stryker's face. "No, your sister's mutant power is too valuable. I still need to study her thoroughly. Now, focus on the spectacle unfolding before you."

Clara felt like she was plunged into an icy abyss.

"Ha ha!"

Victor rose from the ground, his eyes fixed on Logan's contorted face in pain. He laughed uproariously. "Jimmy, my brother, do you think there's any hope for monsters like us?"

"Victor, don't talk no more!"

Logan screamed in anger, his claws slashing out at Victor.

Victor retaliated with a powerful blow, hurling Logan aside.

Blood flowed, and five deep claw marks marred Logan's arm, tearing the flesh almost to ribbons.

But in an instant, the wounds had healed.

Gritting his teeth, Logan glared at Victor.

"Don't push me!"

Victor grinned, a menacing glint in his eyes, as he landed gracefully on the ground and lunged at Logan like a predatory cat.


"What a pitiful cry. He's your friend, right? Guess he's about to meet his end."

Shadow, shrouded in his protective cloak of darkness, listened intently, a sinister smile playing on his lips as he glanced at Mike.

But Mike remained unmoved. As Shadow launched several thin black tendrils toward him, Mike deftly evaded them. With a graceful motion, he summoned a whip formed by ;Sakura's finely shattered blade, sending it and sweeping toward his opponent.

The black cloak of darkness enveloped Shadow like a shield.

The blade sliced through the darkness, producing a sharp cutting sound.

"Oh, is this your ability? How fascinating. How about joining us?"

The shattered blade fragments returned to Mike, encircling him.

"Are you feeling parched? I have some some hot stuff right here."

Mike's expression remained serious, as if he were pondering something about Shadow.

Shadow's expression darkened. "Hot stuff?"

Mike smirked, pointing a finger. "Take a look. It's still steaming hot."

A wry smile tugged at the corner of Mike's mouth. Another card quietly materialized between his fingers, unnoticed by Shadow.

Suddenly, a flash of light streaked past.

Shadow's face turned grim as his protective cloak began to shrink rapidly.

Shadow froze, blood spilling from his wound as he looked at the blade piercing his chest, disbelief etched on his face.

Then, Mike's low voice reached his ears.

"Shoot him, magic gun!"